Grocery Store No.514

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Sun Li, youd better shut up, or get out of my house!

What, are you angry? She has given you a green hat1 and you still think about her. If it werent for the fact that she couldnt hide it anymore and proposed to break up with you, you wouldnt be the receiver2 now, am I wrong?

Seeing that the two of them were quarreling again, Jiang Chengyan hurriedly stopped them and said, right now were doing official duties. You should answer our question if you dont want to be detained for obstructing our official duties. Dont talk with others, understand?

Sun Li snorted coldly and closed her mouth in a slur.

Seeing that both of them had been stopped, Jiang Chengyan continued to ask, Shen Xin proposed to break up with you. So, do you know who the child in her wombs belongs to?

Gao Ming shook his head with a bitter smile and said, I dont know. I asked, but she didnt want to say it.

Jiang Chengyan saw that Sun Li was hesitant to speak, and said, Sun Li, what do you want to say?

Sun Li glanced at Gao Ming, lowered her eyes, and said, I have nothing to say.

What? Gao Ming suddenly stood up from the sofa, agitated, Shen Xin died? How did she die, who did it? This is impossible. I saw her a few days ago, are you guys mistaken?

We found a body on the 10th, and now it has been identified that the deceased is Shen Xin.

How is that possible? Gao Ming staggered down on the sofa, rubbed his head hard with both hands, and asked, How did she die?

Sorry, I cant disclose the information about the case. Jiang Chengyan looked at Sun Li and asked again, Sun Li, its a matter of human life, youd better say what you know.

Sun Li glanced at Gao Ming, with a struggling look on her face. She was silent for a while before opening her mouth, Forget it. Shes dead now and I have nothing to hide. Gao Ming and I were classmates. I liked him when I was in college, but at that time I was too timid to confess my love, so I was preempted by that Shen Xin woman. Seeing them show their love every day, I feel very uncomfortable, and I plan to give up after a long time. Once I went to a bar with my best friend to play, and when we came back, we passed a hotel. I saw Shen Xin and another man walking in. I left my friend to follow them. They hugged each other and they went into a room. I took a photo as evidence. The next day I sent the photos to Gao Ming, but he scolded me. I got angry and  I didnt want to care about this shit.

Gao Ming asked blankly, when did you send the picture? Why I dont know about it?

You dont know? How is it possible? Sun Li turned on the phone to find the chat record then handed it to Gao Ming, Ive saved all the chat records. I originally planned to settle the account with you, but I had to defend my graduation and forgot about it.

Gao Ming took the phone and looked at it and said, April 22nd? I didnt send this. I dont even remember such a thing.

Jiang Chengyan reached out and took the phone, clicked on the photo, and asked, Did you see this mans face?

Sun Li shook her head, He was wearing a mask, I cant see what he looks like. But looking at the clothes he is wearing, he should be quite rich, and he also wears a JSDD limited edition watch on his wrist. The watch is a couples model, and a piece alone is nearly two million. I have seen it in the high-luxury counter.

Jiang Chengyan looked at the photo again and found that the man did wear a watch on his wrist, but Shen Xin didnt.

Youre not mistaken, right? Is this watch really a limited edition?

Sun Li answered certainly, I am absolutely right, I have liked watches since I was a child. My family background is average, so I can only afford ordinary watches. But I often go to the counter to see that watch. That watch is very special. The dial is dark blue, inlaid with bits of broken diamonds on it, like the stars shining in the night sky, its very beautiful.

Jiang Chengyan nodded and continued to ask, In your memory, what else impressed you the most about that man besides that watch?

The most impressive Sun Li frowned slightly and thought for a while before continuing, By the way, that man has a smell of medicine. Although it is very light, I was born with a sensitive nose, so I can smell it.

Medicine? Traditional Chinese medicine? If we can say that people can be contaminated by the smell of medicine, Jiang Chengyans first thought is traditional Chinese medicine.

It should be, but Im not sure, thats all I remember. But there is a date, you can go to the hotel to check the records, maybe there will be clues.

Jiang Chengyan looked at Gao Ming and asked, Gao Ming, where did you go after the maternity check-up on the 1st?

Gao Ming thought about it and said, I took her to the maternity check-up that day, and we made an appointment to have dinner together, but she suddenly received a call and insisted to leave. She was pregnant, and I didnt dare to stop her, so I just followed and then went home. About an hour later, I didnt feel at ease, so I called her but she didnt answer. She sent me a message back saying that she was fine and told me not to worry. Then we didnt contact each other again.

Show me the text message.

Gao Ming took out his phone, open the text message, and let Jiang Chengyan look at it.

2:15 pm on the 1st. Jiang Chengyan handed the phone to Chen Miao after reading it. Chen Miao took a photo and kept it as evidence.

Miss sun, please send me your photos. I want to keep them for future use.

Sun Li nodded and sent the photo on her phone to Chen Miao.

Gao Ming, where are you on the 3rd of this month from 0:00 to 3:00 in the morning?

On 3rd? Im an anchor, and I broadcast live from 10:00 to 12:00 every night. The 3rd is no exception. After the live broadcast, I usually have a late-night snack and then go to bed.

After the live broadcast on the 2nd, you have been at home. Do you have a witness?

Gao Ming frowned and asked, do you suspect I killed Shen Xin?

Im just doing my routine. Not only you, but anyone who has been in contact with Shen Xin will get the same questions.

Gao Ming frowned slightly and said, I order takeout every night after the live broadcast, and that day should be no exception. I will find the order record at that time for you.

Gao Ming turned on his phone and searched for it, then handed it to Jiang Chengyan and said, I placed an order at 12:30, and they usually arrive within half an hour. If you find this deliveryman, he should be able to be my witness.

Jiang Chengyan looked at the order record, took a screenshot and sent it to his mobile phone, do you really know nothing about that man?

Gao Ming was stunned and then said, Shen Xin was very tight-lipped about that man, and she never reveals a word. To be honest, I have also secretly followed her, but after following her a few times without finding anything, I gave up.

Okay, thank you for cooperating with us. Because of the case, we may come to visit you again and I hope you will not leave the city in the short term.

Gao Ming nodded and asked, Officer, how did Shen Xin die? Did she die in pain?

Sorry, its not convenient for me to disclose the case.

What about her child?

Jiang Chengyan stood up and said, thats it for todays visit. Sorry to bother you, goodbye.

Officer, you must catch the murderer and avenge Shen Xin.

Dont worry, we will do our best to find out the truth.

The two did not stay any longer and left Gao Mings house.

Captain, where are we going next?

Implement Gao Mings confession.

Captain, Su Ke said that the murderer is probably a surgeon with professional skills. This Gao Ming is an internet celebrity. He shouldnt be the murderer.

You also said that its possible but not certain. We must carefully verify and exclude the possibility of the suspects crime. This is a necessary process for our investigation. Jiang Chengyan looked at Chen Miao and asked, Chen Miao, youre a little bit weird today, did something happen?

Chen Miao was stunned and then said with a wry smile, Captain, Im sorry. I shouldnt bring my personal emotions to work.

What happened? Say it, lets all find a way together.

Chen Miao hesitated a little, then sighed, Its nothing, its just that something disturbing happened at home. Captain, dont worry. Ill take care of it.

Jiang Chengyan patted Chen Miaos shoulder and said, We are not only colleagues but also brothers who are born and die3. If you need help, just say it.

Chen Miao nodded emotionally, Captain, I know that. If I really need help, I wont hesitate.

The two went to the real estate office to retrieve the surveillance videos. Jiang Chengyan took out his mobile phone and found the screenshot. He silently wrote down the number of the delivery man and dialed it. The line was busy when he called it. Jiang Chengyan waited for half a minute and called again, and finally, it was connected.


Hey, you are Zhang Cheng, the delivery guy from MT.

Yes, who are you?

Im a police officer, where are you now? I have something I want to verify with you.

Police? Im just a delivery guy. I havent done anything illegal. Why would the police want me? Im delivering takeaways now. If Im late, customers will give me bad reviews, and my bonus this month will be gone.

Where are you and where are you going to deliver next, well come to you and make sure we dont delay you.

Its so easy to talk,  you are not a liar, are you? Let me tell you, Im just a food delivery man. I cant even support myself, I dont have the money for your trick.

We are indeed the police, and we will show you the documents when we meet You can choose whether to let us come to find you or go to the police station by yourself.

Thenthen you all come to me, my next order will go to Guangmei Community.

Okay, well call you when we arrive.

After hanging up the phone, the two of them did not delay anymore and went directly to Guangmei Community. After waiting at the door for about five minutes, they saw a delivery guys motorcycle driving over from a distance.

Jiang Chengyan stepped forward two steps to stop the motorcycle and asked directly, are you, Zhang Cheng?

Yes, Im Zhang Cheng. Are you the police?

Jiang Chengyan took out his ID and handed it to Zhang Cheng for him to take a look at, its authentic.

Comrade police, please wait for me to finish delivering this order. You want to ask questions, right?

Yes, go ahead. Well wait for you here.

Zhang Cheng rode a motorcycle into the community, while Jiang Chengyan and Chen Miao waited at the gate. About five minutes later, Zhang Cheng came out of the community and went straight to the two of them. He asked nervously, Comrade police, what are you looking for me for?

Jiang Chengyan turned on his phone, found the screenshot of the order, and asked, Did you send this order?


  1. Green hat is an expression that Chinese use when a woman cheats on her husband or boyfriend.
  2. Receiver: refers to someone who is willing to take on something that is not desirable by other people
  3. : to go through fire and water / brave/willing to risk life and limb
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