Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 200 Convincing

(From MC's perspective)

Time goes by,

So, I haven't seen anyone crossing the dividing edge to venture inside the inner area. As time goes on, I became slightly irritated. I thought about using these guys in my plan.

But here they are wasting time gathering information. Slowly, I waited further eventually I saw the sunrise. Then a couple of minutes later, I decided to contemplate whether to do something or not.

Three of them not going to get back unless they gather some information. When I was feeling bad about it.


I got a notification reminder from my communication watch. "7a.m," I mumbled under my breath.

This is a reminder that I had set at midnight. Now, messages were sent automatically to parents. Hereafter they won't fret after seeing my disappearance.

At this time, I felt something good was happening. The next moment, I heard some disturbance from the bushes behind me.

Hearing that, I became alert and walked out of the vegetation where I was hiding immediately. I quickly found an open space to stand in.

A good idea comes to mind.

If it's a monster then I'll start to run leading the monster towards the inner. And other three will believe that I'm running away in fear. I guess after seeing that three of them will stop their current mission.

Especially, Bob Stokes. He wanted to check out the purple misty area. He doesn't want to see me in danger until he checks out the area.

When the good plan finally formed in my mind, I smiled inwardly. Then I squinted my eyes to see what was coming out of the bushes.

Suddenly, the first-order boar monster jumped out of the bushes. After looking at the monster's size, I know this is not half order monster.

Right now, I have an urge to probe the monster's details. But if I do that it will take a couple of seconds of mine just to go through the stats.

So I decided to lead the monster to the inner area. Then I started to run and at the same time, there was a dreadful look on my face to fool others.

Seeing me running, the brown-coloured boar began to chase me. Then I deliberately slowed down my speed to justify my trash wizard image.

On the other hand, hearing a sudden commotion. Bob, Peter and Garry immediately take notice of the situation.

"This?" Peter startled. He hadn't expected such a situation to occur. But the next second, a huge smile blossomed on his face. He wanted to see Kevin(Vincent) dead. So that he can collect his valuables.

Now the boar monster is doing its job. He is fine with it. Then he will later check his corpse.

But Bob was mad. He already thought about doing a half-hearted mission. Because his mind was full of those magical purple flowers.

After reading that book back at his home, he developed a strong idea of seeing this flower at least once.

Right now, seeing Kevin(Vincent) being chased by a wild boar monster. Bob decided to help and save him from the monster. At the same time, he made up his mind to stop this mission.

He then turned around and signalled at the other two members to follow him. After doing that, he started to chase the boar monster from behind.

Seeing his unexpected actions, Garry muttered, "What's wrong with him?" He then spotted Peter who has the same puzzling expression on his face as him

Then he saw Bob is getting farther away, he decided to chase him as well. Soon after, Peter joined him then both followed behind Bob.

While running Peter asked, "Do you believe about that purple flower?" Besides, Garry who is running at the same speed heard peter's words.

A quick glint flashes into Garry's eyes.

He then answered in a solemn tone, "Actually, I did some research."

"We have old information in our guild recorded by veteran hunters. The information says some of the veteran hunters have seen strange flowers back in their days, " Garry added further.

Hearing that, Peter was shocked inside.

He asked back, "Is it true?"

Shaking his head, Garry replied, "I don't know?"

"The old guys themselves were not sure about this. Later the information was passed down as rumours," he added further.

"Wow, too think there was such rumour back in the days," Peter said to himself.

Then Peter thought of something important.

He asked, "Did you tell bob about this?" After saying that he slowed down his speed. So both can speak freely.

Garry shook his head and replied, "No, I haven't told him about this. Besides, this is just a rumour. And I don't think Kevin has seen it either."

A look of understanding appeared on Peter's face. He said, "So, that's why you didn't want to waste time in killing Kevin."

To that, Garry revealed a wide grin on his face.

Seeing that, Peter said with a laugh, "Ha...Ha...Ha...., Let's speed up a little bit."

On the other hand, Bob Stokes already caught up with the boar monster. After reaching the monster, he immediately went for a kill.

Perceiving a grave threat from behind the boar monster tries to flee. But Bob was quick enough to act. He used his Hercules strength to crush the monster.

Then he proceeds to remove the thumb size crystal gem from the monster. After storing it inside the storage bracelet, he searched for Kevin( Vincent)

"Where is he?" He muttered to himself as he looks around the surroundings in search of Kevin. By the time, Peter and Garry caught up to him.

Seeing that, Bob gave a cold snort, "Harumph" He knows these two cowards deliberately came late.

Then without minding it, he immediately asked, "Did anyone of seeing you him?"

Hearing that, Peter and Garry looked into each other's eyes.

They thought that Bob was already caught up with Kevin(Vincent.) Then both of them began to search.

On the other hand, a little farther distance from the three of them.

I watched their movements closely. When Bob was busy handling the monster. I took that opportunity to rush forward.

I'm going to act like I'm exhausted. Soon, three of them found my traces and walked toward me.

Seeing me, collapsed on the ground. Bob stepped forward to help me. After getting up from the ground, I thanked him.

Then I said, "Bob, I think we should leave now. Because you won't be able to handle all the enemies."

"In case you are outnumbered, then it will be hard to even escape alive," I added in a solemn tone.

This sucks! But I have to continue this acting for now.

Hearing my words, three of them became silent for a moment. I guess they shouldn't have expected concern from me.


Bob let out a deep sigh before saying, "Okay, we will leave the wilderness after searching that purple mist area"

I smiled inwardly. But Peter and Garry were not happy with Bob's arrangement. It can be seen from their ugly faces.

Then I led three of them towards the specific peak. Which is close to the wide plains. And I'm going to follow the same route where I encounter that snake monster last time.

I hope today there won't be any 2nd order monster.


Little Star Gate High School,

Time Passed,

Class A1,

The classes started as per schedule on time. But one person was rather dull and was not interested in listening to the lecture. He is none other than Lucas Brad.

Earlier, he had sent multiple messages to Vincent. But in return, he received no reply from him. "What happened to him?" Lucas thought to himself.

He knows about Vincent's background. Vincent's parents were healers and his elder brother was already in the academy. It also goes by name something called Violet Heart.

So apart from coming to school, Vincent has no other work. Lucas was wondering whether Vincent decided to sleep all day in his room.

If it's a normal day, he won't mind Vincent's absence. But today he feels something bad. Lucas doesn't know how to point it out exactly. But he strongly feels like Vincent he should have taken a day off.

On the other hand, numerous gazes fell on Vincent's empty seat. Starting from Liam Baker to Frank Lambert. Every adversary of Vincent was wondering, where is this guy?

Especially, Liam Baker. Last time, he completely lost the fade. After witnessing Mathew Hunk's thrashing none of them dared to step up to challenge Vincent.

Liam was more disappointed with Easton Brown. This guy had eaten his resources but he didn't help him at all. Liam felt bad for pouring numerous resources on him.

The only thing he held his hope on power type wizards. He felt Vincent won't be able to succeed against power-type wizards. That's why he didn't tear his face with Easton Brown yet.

Liam hoped to test Vincent's limit. But seeing that guy is absent today. His interest got plummeted instantly. But his eyes caught the glimpse of Lucas Brad.

Again, he started to think of a bad plan.

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