Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 70 - 70: Qin Lang’s Sauce

Chapter 70: Chapter 70: Qin Lang’s Sauce

Translator: 549690339

“Wow! This is your house!”

Qi Xiaoyu, who entered Qin Lang’s house, widened her eyes, looking around like a curious baby.

Zhao Chen was also doing the same on the side.

However, there was a trace of exploration in his gaze, as if he was trying to learn more about his rival through Qin Lang’s home situation.

“My house is not big, feel free to sit anywhere,” Qin Lang smiled.

“Okay, but Weiwei should be arriving soon,” Qi Xiaoyu chatted cheerfully.

Not long after she finished her words, the doorbell of Qin Lang’s house rang.

Standing outside was Du Weiwei, who came straight here after getting Qin Lang’s address.

Search ( newn0el. ) on google

“Excuse my intrusion,” Du Weiwei showed a polite smile, handed a bag in her hand to Qin Lang who opened the door, “Congratulations on winning first place in the fun competition.”

You’re too kind.” Qin Lang looked and found a craft ornament. He did not refuse and accepted it, “come in first.”

“Weiwei, I was just talking about you!” Qi Xiaoyu leaned in cheerfully and took Du Weiwei’s arm, turned to look at Qin Lang, “Qin Lang, before you start cooking, can we take a look at your kitchen?”

Upon hearing this, Du Weiwei’s eyes lit up, and she looked at Qin Lang expectantly.

She was also curious about the environment in which this peer of hers, whose cooking skills far surpassed her own, had practiced.

“I also want to see!” Zhao Chen, who was studying Qin Lang’s curtains, immediately dropped them and rushed over when he heard this.

Every aspect of a Spirit Chef relates to cooking, and so does strength.

Therefore, understanding Qin Lang’s kitchen is called knowing oneself and the enemy!

“Alright.” Qin Lang nodded briskly.

There was nothing in his kitchen that he couldn’t show to others.

The four of them entered Qin Lang’s kitchen together. Seeing the kitchen that, while not large, was well kept, the three of them were surprised once again.

“The layout of your kitchen is somewhat similar to mine.” Qi Xiaoyu looked around and spoke cheerfully.

Zhao Chen next to her didn’t speak, but he leaned in and took a closer look, like a spy stealing information.

Meanwhile, Du Weiwei looked around and her gaze quickly focused on the bottles and cans placed in a cooler corner away from the window, in the corner of the table.

What are these?

In Qin Lang’s kitchen, these were the only things she couldn’t identify.

So Du Weiwei curiously leaned in, squatted down, and picked up a can carefully. She looked at the light brown sauce inside that she couldn’t identify the ingredients of, and finally her gaze fell on the label on the bottle.


“Oh, those are some seasoning sauces I made myself.” Noticing Du Weiwei’s actions, Qin Lang explained with a smile, “Adding some homemade sauce when cooking can make the dishes taste better.”

He had no choice but to do so.

This world did not have the same sauces as his previous life, but sometimes he needed to use them when cooking.

So he had to concoct them himself.

Fortunately, Qin Lang had a little knowledge in this aspect.

At least most of the common sauces, he could concoct himself.

“Homemade sauces?” Upon hearing this, Du Weiwei’s eyes widened in surprise.

She had never thought about such a thing.

She barely used the sauces sold on the market, let alone making them herself.

But thinking about Qin Lang’s cooking skills, Du Weiwei felt this seemed like a reasonable thing.

Perhaps his culinary skills were so good that regular sauces you’d find in the market wouldn’t meet his standards. Did he need to make his own, then?

Compared to Du Weiwei’s speculation, Qi Xiaoyu was more straightforward.

“Can I try some?” Her attention was already on the Mushroom Beef Sauce in Du Weiwei’s hand.

“No problem.” Qin Lang smiled as he took a spoon from the nearby tableware cabinet and gave it to Du Weiwei, Qi Xiaoyu, and the approaching Zhao Chen. He then picked out several other sauces for them, “There are a few other sauces here, you can try them too.”

His face held a look of anticipation.

He wondered what the people of the Food Spirit World would think of

Earth-based sauces.

The first thing the three tasted was the Mushroom Beef Sauce from Du Weiwei’s hand.

After she took a spoonful of it to taste, Du Weiwei was the first to show a look of astonishment.

The delightful flavor of the beef and the unique mushroom flavor were perfectly blended in the sauce. There seemed to be a lot of oil on the sauce’s surface, but upon tasting it, it wasn’t greasy at all.

She could even imagine how incredible the flavor would be if this Mushroom Beef Sauce was used in cooking or as a condiment for meals.

Who knew that the taste of gourmet food could be enhanced by improving the condiments!

Without a doubt, this was like opening the door to a new world for Du Weiwei.

“Let me try this one!” After tasting the Mushroom Beef Sauce, Qi Xiaoyu’s eyes practically glowed, and she quickly looked at another opened jar.

“Chopped Chili Sauce?” Qi Xiaoyu looked at the label on the jar, then scooped up some of the vibrantly red, visually pleasing chopped chili and put it in her mouth.

The next moment, her adorable little nose crinkled.

The sour and spicy flavor of the chopped chili was too much of a shock for Qi Xiaoyu, who had never tasted it before.

She grimaced in discomfort, but moments later, her face relaxed.

This sour and spicy flavor, as if by magic, instantly whetted her appetite.

When Qi Xiaoyu carefully tasted it again, she found herself unable to stop and wanted another bite.

“What does this Chopped Chili Sauce taste like?” Zhao Chen, who was next to her, curiously extended his spoon towards the sauce.

Moments later, Zhao Chen displayed the same expression as Qi Xiaoyu.

Roasted Chili Sauce, Sweet Wheat Paste, Minced Garlic Chili Sauce…

The group of three savored the unique flavors of the sauces and became somewhat lost in the experience.

Finally, their gaze fell on the only sauce Qin Lang had not let them taste.

The last row of sauces in the farthest corner of the table piqued their interest significantly.

They all turned to Qin Lang with an air of curiosity.

“It’s not that 1 don’t want you to taste it, but this sauce was prepared quite late, so it may need about a week to fully develop its flavor.” Seeing their expressions, Qin Lang explained with a helpless shake of his head.

He took out a bottle and showed it to them.

“Doubanjiang?” Qi Xiaoyu read out the label curiously, “What does this sauce taste like?”

“It’s a salty and spicy sauce,” Qin Lang gave a brief introduction, “The sauces you just tasted have different uses – some are good for cold dishes, some are suitable as dips, and some are used as flavour enhancers.”

“As for the Doubanjiang, it is the soul of seasoning in many dishes.” Qin Lang put the Doubanjiang back in place, chuckled, “Alright, I’m going to start cooking now.”

“Just wait and enjoy the food.”

End of chapter bonus content:

[How to Make Doubanjiang]

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