Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 118 - 118: Voting

Chapter 118: Chapter 118: Voting

Translator: 549690339

“Mom, let’s vote for Brother Qin Lang!”

Nearby, Su Zhi tugged at Song Hui’s skirt.

As a family member accompanying Song Hui, Su Zhi didn’t have the right to vote.

Looking down at her daughter standing beside her, Song Hui’s face broke into a gentle smile.

This was not a cooking competition, and she was not sitting in the judges’ seats as a Food Recommender, bound to maintain neutrality. Instead, she was simply a guest invited to the Gourmet Tasting Banquet.

So, for this one time, she could afford to bend the rules a little with her vote.

She gently tousled her daughter’s hair and handed over the paper and pen to Su Zhi. “You can write down the name and cast this vote.”


Su Zhi’s eyes sparkled as a radiant smile graced her face.

She quickly wrote down Qin Lang’s name on the paper and excitedly jogged towards the ballot box.

Her excitement came not only from casting her vote for her favorite Qin Lang, but also from experiencing the profound sense of duty associated with her first vote as a Food Recommender.

Gazing at Su Zhi’s retreating figure headed towards the ballot box, Song Hui folded her arms and a joyous smile spread across her face.

Interacting with her daughter like this was truly something special.

A short while later, ail the guests were done voting.

The counting of the votes was up next.

An assistant brought out a whiteboard. Every time a vote was announced, a tally was made alongside the corresponding Spirit Chef’s name.

“Ye Qing, one vote!”

“Lei Ke, one vote!”

“Qin Lang, one vote!”

“Qin Lang, one vote!”


A few minutes later, with the extraction of the last ballot, the counting of votes ended.

All eyes focused on the whiteboard.

The person with the highest number of votes was…

Qin Lang!

He had received a whopping 42 votes.

Next to him was Lei Ke with 36 votes, followed by the other Spirit Chefs.


We won!

With a cheer, Dan Bao rushed into Qin Lang’s arms.


An entire cow!

Spicy’s eyes were fully lit, and the thought of savouring so much meat made it drooling with anticipation!

Holding the little duo, Qin Lang broke into a smile.

It seemed like for the foreseeable future they wouldn’t need to worry about running out of meat.

“Eighteen-Second Beef is an excellent dish.”

Looking at Qin Lang in front of him, Lei Ke articulated earnestly.

“Once again, you have won.”

“But 1 won’t stop here. We will definitely face off again.”

“I, too, am looking forward to our next match.” Qin Lang agreed with a nod, and then asked, “So, you are leaving Dongxia City next?”

“Yes.” Lei Ke nodded calmly. “With the conclusion of the Dongxia City Cooking Competition and Beef Tasting Banquet at Zhen Niu Pavilion, my visit to Dongxia City comes to an end.”

Then, his tone shifted.

“However, 1 didn’t accomplish everything I set out for during this trip, so I might return here in the future to make up for what I’ve missed.”

Qin Lang nodded in understanding.

The regret he was referring to was getting the Distant Light Badge. After all, Qin Lang had overheard bits of Lei Ke’s conversation with Mr. Li Yuantu when the badges were being presented.

“I left Danju City after became the champion of the city’s cooking contest. It has been half a year now,” Lei Ke initiated the conversation,” Your Twice-Cooked Pork made me homesick.”

A look of longing came over the face of the young man. “Next, I’ll probably go home for a visit, and then continue my challenge.”

“For the Provincial-level Cooking Competition in five months’ time?” Qin Lang had a hunch.

“Precisely.” Anticipation gleamed in Lei Ke’s eyes. “A new city champion is born every three months. And there are twelve cities in Tianhua State alone. Therefore, on a larger scale, the honor of being a city champion is not as high as one might think.”

“It’s just a starting point.”

“Each and every Spirit Chef on the path of cooking starts as a city champion, and gradually climbs to higher honors.”

Qin Lang nodded in agreement.

From his interactions with the Spirit Chefs from other cities and his understanding of the Food Spirit World during this period, Qin Lang knew that very few city champions would stay in their city for long. For higher-level competitions and stronger culinary skills, they would embark on their own journey.

To other cities in their own state, to other states, or even…

Leaving Samiya region to embrace new challenges in other areas.

The same applies to the training path.

“In the remaining five months, 1 am confident I can receive the remaining four Second-Level Food Recommender Badges.” Lei Ke spoke calmly.

His words had no trace of arrogance.

This was his conclusion, borne out of a comprehensive understanding of his own abilities.

“So, I’ll definitely participate in the next Provincial-level Cooking Competition.”

Lei Ke looked at Qin Lang. “What about you?”

“Unless something unforeseen happens, our next face-off will be then,” Qin Lang responded confidently.

“I am looking forward to it!” Receiving Qin Lang’s straightforward answer spurred a spirited gleam in Lei Ke’s eyes.

“So am I.”

“In that case, I’ll be on my way.” Lei Ke laughed, and after taking a few steps away, he waved at Qin Lang, “See you at the Bai Lu Mountain Arena in five months!”

Bai Lu Mountain Arena, located in Bai Lu Mountain City of Tianhua State, is the highest mountain in Tianhua State, Bai Lu Mountain.

Located at the peak of Bai Lu Mountain, Bai Lu Mountain Arena is not only the venue for Bai Lu Mountain City’s city-level competitions but also the venue for the provincial competitions of Tianhua State.

“See you at Bai Lu Mountain Arena.” Qin Lang waved back.

Watching Lei Ke exit, Qin Lang turned to Dan Bao and Spicy, who were also filled with anticipation for the provincial competition due to his conversation with Lei Ke.

“The banquet has ended. It’s time to go home.”

After saying this, he glanced at Zhen Niu Pavilion in the distance.

As the most outstanding guest in the Beef Tasting Banquet cooking demonstration, Qin Lang was given the cow promised by Fu Hang.

However, this didn’t mean he had to lead the cow home himself.

Fu Hang gave him two options.

The first was to take it home himself and manage its storage.

The second was to let Fu Hang assist with the butchering and freezing; he could collect the meat from Zhen Niu Pavilion when needed or contact Fu Hang for delivery if he was out of town.

The first method was more suitable for Spirit Chefs who had storage facilities, so without hesitation, Qin Lang chose the second option.

The cow was butchered and divided into different parts under his watchful eye, then stored in a dedicated area of the cold storage. He only took five pounds of beef brisket for the time being, delivered directly to his home by Zhen Niu Pavilion.

The rest could be dealt with later.

Dan Bao and Spicy bobbed their heads in agreement, both their faces alight with eager anticipation.

By the time they would reach home, the five pounds of beef brisket should be there.

One could only wonder what kind of delicious food Qin Lang would conjure up using beef brisket tonight?

“Tonight we’ll have Red Braised Beef Brisket.”

Hearing the new dish’s name, the little ones’ anticipation grew even greater.

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