Gospel of Blood

Chapter 274: Extraordinary Military Formation

Chapter 274: Extraordinary Military Formation

Charlotte and Count Gaston sat back down at the negotiation table in the tavern.

However, this time, the extraordinary awakeners ambushing from Tulip County were completely wiped out, and Count Gaston and his son were securely bound with anti-magic chains.

Charlotte, seated leisurely on a round wooden chair with her legs crossed, faced away from the large hole Sebastian had blasted into the tavern wall. She held a parchment detailing the information obtained from interrogating Count Gaston.

As for the Gaston father and son duo, they were not only fully restrained but also had their mouths stuffed with two pairs of white gloves by Sebastian, staring at Charlotte in terror.

With the blood divine power aiding the interrogation, questioning the Gaston father and son was not difficult; in fact, it was quite easy. A single mental shock and they revealed everything.

As Charlotte had suspected, Count Gaston’s actions were indeed self-initiated. To ensure success, he even mobilized an army to ambush outside the town, aiming to control her to gain favor with the Third Prince. The Third Prince had already planned a “pincer attack from the north and south” strategy.

Unfortunately for Gaston, he ran into Charlotte’s trap and was captured.

After a while, Sebastian reappeared beside Charlotte, bowing respectfully and reporting.

“Master, I checked. They brought the Tulip County’s garrison. Judging by the flags, it seems to be the main force, all stationed about five kilometers north of the town in the woods. They haven’t noticed the situation in the town yet.”

Charlotte paused slightly at Sebastain’s words.

“The main force?”

Sebastian glanced at the bound Gaston father and son and nodded.

“Yes, the main force of the Tulip County garrison. I estimated there are at least 1,500 well-equipped soldiers, all wearing enchanted armor, capable of forming the most basic magic formation.”

Magic formation?

After being in this world for so long, Charlotte had encountered a new term.

Sebastian, noticing her subtle expression change, respectfully explained.

“Master, a magic formation is known as the most powerful extraordinary military formation in warfare. Some sophisticated formations can even contest Blazing Suns and give Legendaries a headache.”

“Since the spread of extraordinary power in civilization, extraordinary military formations have become the key to dominating wars. Every nation’s standing army is capable of forming such formations.”

“The basis of an extraordinary military formation is the magic or source power of extraordinary soldiers, with enchanted armor as the core. With 500 soldiers forming a formation, they can create an anti-magic field that greatly suppresses the power of enemy extraordinaries. It’s a nightmare for mid to low-rank extraordinaries.”

“When activated, soldiers in a magic formation can each fight ten enemies. As a formation, they are invincible in conventional warfare. The most famous is the Nicholas Magic Formation, created by the Legendary human mage Nicholas.”

“King Louis V managed to win critical battles in the Star-Moon War with fewer troops by arming a formation with elven armor provided by Luna Island, forming the Nicholas Magic Formation using the ‘Nicholas Legacy.'”

Charlotte: …

For a moment, an image flashed in Charlotte’s mind of a plump black cat lazily reclining, picking his paws, nibbling on a small fish, and smugly declaring, “Yes, that’s me!”

She clicked her tongue, wondering how much more that black cat had hidden from her and how many skills he possessed.

Perhaps next time she summoned him, she could try to extract more information. But that was for later. For now, she had to deal with the immediate problem.

With that in mind, Charlotte sized up Count Gaston with interest.

“I heard that the former Duke of Borde, as the Chief Advisor of the Crescent Kingdom, introduced the extraordinary equipment of the Crescent Guard into his standing army, making them comparable to the kingdom’s regular army. And the garrison of Tulip County is the elite of the Borde Duchy.”

“Count Gaston, did you mobilize the entire county’s army specifically to target Sebastian?”

Sebastian froze for a moment at Charlotte’s words, then quickly understood, his expression turning grim.

As a seasoned Silver Moon extraordinary, the extraordinaries that ambushed him from Tulip County were no threat to him. Even if transported away, he could quickly return given his speed. But if he returned only to face an extraordinary military formation, it would be a different story.

If Gaston captured Charlotte, Sebastian, as her strongest follower, would surely chase after them. After exhausting himself rushing back over a hundred kilometers, facing a magic formation would be risky.

If Gaston handled it well, he might capture both Charlotte and Sebastian.

Of course, Gaston misjudged Charlotte’s power.

“Master, I found many disguises in their camp. They seem to want to frame the attack on you as the work of the Blood Demon Cult. Should we use this to our advantage and launch a surprise attack before they form their formation, framing it as the Blood Demon Cult’s work?”

Sebastian suggested.

Charlotte looked at the two bound nobles and smiled slightly.

“A surprise attack? No, you don’t need to make it complicated.”

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