Gospel of Blood

Chapter 265: A Talented Monarch

Chapter 265: A Talented Monarch

After learning the reason for Viscount Remisio’s refusal to send troops, Charlotte terminated the remote communication.

In fact, she couldn’t communicate for much longer anyway.

The communication crystal she used was a fake, created by her using the blood divine power and divine blessings, based on a crystal she had seized from Agnes. It couldn’t be used for too long.

However, the information obtained was sufficient.

“So… it was the newly appointed military director, under the influence of the Third Prince, who suggested to the King to strengthen the management of the army. The King, already wanting to centralize power, went along with it and issued the ban…”

Reflecting on the information just received, Charlotte fell into thought.

The timing of this military order was so coincidental that Charlotte couldn’t help but think it was targeted at her.

Although Viscount Remisio was aligned with the Second Prince’s faction and would not speak well of the Third Prince, Charlotte was well aware that the Third Prince, who had become the co-ruler of Borde through his marriage with Eleanor, indeed coveted Castell.

The assassination attempt on Charlotte during her return was proof, with the prime suspect Agnes still scrubbing toilets at the Count’s mansion.

Castell was too wealthy, and its mithril mine was a vital strategic resource. For a prince eyeing the throne, its allure was irresistible.

“Louis V is said to have ended the 80-year-long Star-Moon War, earning high prestige in the Crescent Kingdom, and is considered one of the most talented monarchs in the kingdom’s history. However… the succession issue of the next generation is a significant hidden danger.”

“It’s also a bit strange. All information indicates that the current king, Louis V, is wise and brave, not easily fooled. Could it be that he doesn’t see the Third Prince’s schemes?”

Sitting at her desk, flipping through information on the Crescent Royal family, Charlotte frowned.

The life of the current Crescent King, Louis V, was indeed legendary.

Originally the second heir to the Crescent throne, he ascended after his brother, “Philip the Bold”, died unexpectedly in the Star-Moon War.

He became king at the age of 13.

At that time, the Crescent Kingdom was retreating continuously under the Starfall Kingdom’s offense. The capital was breached, and less than one-seventh of the territory remained. The nobles were disloyal, and the people were in turmoil.

Starfall King Henry had even been crowned the new Crescent King by the Archbishop in the Crescent capital, creating a situation with two kings in the kingdom.

But Louis V turned the tide, showing great political and military talent at a young age.

He first used the conflicts among the nobles to unite them temporarily, then leveraged the enmity between the Starfall Kingdom and the Northern Grand Duchy to gain the duchy’s support.

He prepared his coffin and personally led a coalition of noble private troops and Northern mercenaries to achieve a 1:10 victory in the Battle of Moonshield, halting the Starfall Kingdom’s unstoppable advance and reclaiming the capital and some territories.

Moreover, he exhibited impressive extraordinary talent, reaching the Blazing Sun tier before turning 15, becoming the youngest Blazing Sun extraordinary in the human world of Myria.

After that, the Star-Moon War entered a long stalemate.

With wisdom and strategy, Louis V managed to hold his ground against the Starfall Kingdom, even with only one-fifth of his territory remaining.

Over time, he gradually gained the upper hand, launching counterattacks with smaller forces. By the later stages of the war, he had the upper hand.

Had it not been for an unexpected defeat in the First Roman Campaign, Louis V would have driven the Starfall Kingdom out of the continent.

Even so, he reclaimed all the Crescent Kingdom’s legal territories except for the Roman Duchy, expanding the kingdom’s territory beyond its pre-war size.

Years have passed since, and the Crescent Kingdom has recovered from the war’s aftermath, surpassing the Starfall Kingdom in strength.

If not for the Starfall Kingdom forming an alliance with the Western Yunette Empire against the Crescent Kingdom, Louis V might have already launched a campaign to reclaim the Roman Duchy.

Such a talented monarch should be able to see through his offspring’s petty schemes, shouldn’t he?

Infiltrating and assassinating nobles, seizing private lands and extraordinary resources, and strengthening one’s own power are all taboo for any reigning monarch.

Or perhaps the Third Prince’s actions are tolerated by Louis V?

The Crown Prince, the designated heir, died in the First Roman Campaign. The current heir, the Second Prince, is close to the church and has a strained relationship with the king. Could it be… the king plans to bypass the long-standing succession laws and pass the throne to the Third Prince?

Is that why he allows him to strengthen his power through various means?

Charlotte’s frown deepened.

Ultimately, she was just a countess, and her domain was still Borde. She had limited knowledge of higher-level information.

However, judging from Viscount Remisio’s reaction, he didn’t seem overly concerned. If the king intended to change the heir, the nobles loyal to the Second Prince would have been in chaos by now.

Charlotte couldn’t understand.

But even if she couldn’t fully grasp it, analyzing the rebellion from the perspective of the entire kingdom made many things clear.

At least, she was now sure that her true enemy in this rebellion wasn’t the Lagrisse family but likely the Third Prince.

Moreover, in facing the rebellion, she couldn’t expect support from any Crescent lords.

The rebels’ boldness might also stem from the Third Prince’s support.

Charlotte’s judgment was soon confirmed.

A day after her contact with Viscount Remisio, Sebastian, who had been sent to investigate the Tulip County, returned.

“Master, the situation is quite severe. The Tulip County fortress has been under military lockdown for half a month, preventing civilian access. Moreover… as you can see, the number of cargo ships coming and going from the Tulip County port is three times the usual.”

“I sneaked onto one of the ships and found a large amount of military supplies, including food, equipment, and various extraordinary materials. There were even several extraordinary officers aboard!”

“The Borde family, or rather, the Crescent Third Prince, really intends to act against us during this rebellion!”

Sebastian reported solemnly.

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