Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Just Look At Me

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When Lei Xiao had walked closer, only then did he discover that there were two?eternal lanterns1? enshrined there. For such a large temple hall to only have these two lanterns!

Lin Hanxing spent a long time with her eyes shut and her hands clasped together. Her long eyelashes cast a shadow over her eyes. The dust specks that appeared gold under the morning light swirled around Lin Hanxing’s body as though they had life.

Lei Xiao’s gaze never left Lin Hanxing.

Yan Beixiao came with the news, the business at Jiang City was at the final stage. According to the plan, he should be preparing to leave the place immediately. From the moment he got on the boat in the beginning, Lei Xiao had set up a serial game with himself as the bait. His ‘disappearance’ was an integral part of the plan. The only thing out of his control was that he met her!

Lei Xiao was in deep thought when he saw that Lin Hanxing had already opened her eyes. She got up and came to stand in front of the Eternal lantern and added some lantern oil into it.

“Let’s go,” she said. Lin Hanxing’s voice returned to its usual indifference. In fact, it was several times colder than usual. She had barely taken two steps when her hand was grabbed by Lei Xiao from the back.

She turned around.

Lei Xiao’s large palm gradually loosened and his long slender fingers slid along Lin Hanxing’s digits, slowly moving into a position to hold her tightly.

Lin Hanxing met Lei Xiao’s gaze. A golden brilliance shone over the both of them. He gently tugged until she stood before him. Lin Hanxing wanted to remove her hand but Lei Xiao held onto it tightly.

Her body gave off an aura that seemed to imply that she could be easily captured. Her aura was so strong that it seemed like it would explode at any point. If he let go of her so carelessly, he feared that something untoward might happen.

Once he arrived at that conclusion, Lei Xiao tightened his grip to prevent Lin Hanxing from escaping. At that moment, Lin Hanxing was engulfed in suppressed violence that she had no way of releasing. It felt just like the nightmares she would get at night as soon as she shut her eyes. There was no way to escape, and no way to control it!

The truth of the matter was that every time she went there, Uncle Dumb would worry for a long time. Even though he could not speak, Lin Hanxing could still feel his concern.

Lei Xiao looked at her condescendingly.


A shadow enveloped Lin Hanxing like a solid wall. Suddenly, Lei Xiao’s hands swiftly clasped both her cheeks. The heat and his palms combined and intertwined—they seemed like a crushing weight, cocooning Lin Hanxing’s heart.

“Take everything that you’re thinking about right now and toss it away.” Lei Xiao’s voice rang through and was clearly heard by her.

“It doesn’t matter what you’re thinking about. None of it’s important, look at me… Just look at me!”

The instant the two pairs of eyes met, the aura surrounding Lin Hanxing’s body gradually faded. Lei Xiao reached for her back of her head and gently pulled her into his arms.

“Don’t worry… No matter what you want to do, I’ll be there with you!”

Lin Hanxing could clearly smell the pleasant scent emanating from his body. The negative emotions swirling around her seemed to slowly ebb away. She gradually closed her eyes and as she listened to his voice, the sense of fatigue seemed to wash upon her…

Under the Bodhi tree where seats were prepared for tourists to enjoy the cool air, Lin Hanxing lay sleeping on Lei Xiao’s shoulder. As the crowd went bustling by, there would always be people whose gaze landed on the attractive couple. No matter how one looked at them…

Lei Xiao was expressionless and sat unmovingly. Everything about her was like a riddle. The only thing that Lei Xiao was sure about was that Lin Hanxing concealed an extremely strong sense of hatred deep within her heart. That deep hatred made it hard for her to fall asleep at night and gave her no peace during the day!

Sunlight streamed through the gaps between the leaves of the Bodhi tree to land on Lin Hanxing’s face. As Lei Xiao watched her, the corners of his thin lips curled slowly. He lifted his hand to shield her from the intense sunlight.

In an instant, his gaze froze. At a close distance away, Yan Beixiao’s stern face was looking at him directly. He seemed like he had something to say.

Lei Xiao first took a look at Lin Hanxing who was still fast asleep and gestured toward Yan Beixiao. The other party appeared to understand.

He found a pen and some paper to write on and got someone to pass the message to Lei Xiao. A single sentence was written on the paper. Once Lei Xiao had finished reading it, his brow furrowed deeply. He lifted his head expressionlessly to meet Yan Beixiao’s gaze…

Lin Hanxing slowly opened her eyes. She had already forgotten how she fell asleep. Once she opened her eyes, the first thing that she felt was his hand that was still tightly clasping hers, just like that as it laid on his lap.

She had a sudden jolt of clarity. She had always found the relationship between them difficult to describe. It started with a doomed relationship, then she took him back. After that, he slowly infiltrated into her life. Bit by bit, she gave him an inch and he would take a mile.

She grew accustomed to him. Yet, they were not friends, and neither were they lovers. They were certainly not strangers.

‘It doesn’t matter what you’re thinking about. None of it’s important, look at me… Just look at me!’

Her line of sight traced upward along the hand that was tightly gripping her to land on Lei Xiao’s face!

She never imagined that at that moment, he would also be looking at her. All the noise around her seemed to slowly fade away. Only the sound of her breathing and heartbeat remained, both of which appeared to be speeding up.

Suddenly, the piercing cry of a child rang through, breaking the peace between the two of them…

“Are you ok?” Lin Hanxing composed herself before walking over to kneel before the child.

The boy appeared to be around three years old. Perhaps he was crying so distraughtly because he lost the adult he was with.

Lei Xiao looked at the kid with a gloomy expression, there was no way to tell what he was thinking. Strangely, the kid was so frightened that he gradually stopped crying.

“Little Xing…”

The call was accompanied by the clicking sound of high heels running at high speed. All Lin Hanxing saw was that in the blink of an eye, the child had been enveloped in the embrace of someone else. It must be the child’s mother who had found him.

Lin Hanxing got up and looked deeply at the mother and son in front of her; as well as the bodyguards next to her.

Out of nowhere, a couple of raindrops fell from the starry sky. In a few moments, the rain became heavier.

“Let’s get out of the rain first. It’s not good if such a young child falls sick,” Lin Hanxing said softly.

The group of people quickly headed to stand under the leaves to shelter themselves from the rain.

“Thank you for what you did earlier.” The little boy’s mum took the chance to speak while they were all sheltering from the rain together.

It took one look for Lin Hanxing to tell that she was not a Mengsong local.

“Are you here on a holiday?” Lin Hanxing put on a smile, acting casually while she asked the question.

Surprisingly her simple question made the other person open up like a chatterbox, spilling all her thoughts on her mind. It turned out that this mother and son were from Jiang City.

They had accompanied her husband who came to Mengsong for work. However, as her husband was busy with work, she was so bored that she asked her people to bring them out to sightsee. She never imagined that the area would be so large that she would lose her son!

Within her words, one could sense the woman’s frustration and anger at her husband for being so busy with work!

“That kind of husband really needs to be taught a lesson.” Lin Hanxing’s words resonated with the other person and she nodded her head in agreement.

“My house is on top of the Tea hill nearby. If this doesn’t sound too unappealing to you, why don’t you come over to our teahouse when the rain has stopped?”

As soon as Lin Hanxing said those words, Lei Xiao’s gaze immediately swung to look at her smiling face.

“Are you sure? Will it not be too much trouble?” As soon as the lady heard the words ‘Tea hill’, her expression was full of delighted surprise.

“Why would it be any trouble?” The corners of Lin Hanxing’s mouth were curved upward but inside, she was sneering. She had been waiting for them for a very long time. How could they be any trouble?

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