Golden Fox with System

207 Chapter 207

Soon after, he made the gallon with the water enter his dimensional pocket.

Rosario was surprised by Theo's decisive manner but didn't say anything, after all, she had given it to him herself.

"My daughter said you're leaving town." Rosario said, "Is that true?"

Theo answered calmly since it was no secret: "Yes, I'm leaving in two days."

Rosario became thoughtful. After a while, she asked, "Have you seen the internet video of a being called Panic?"

Theo was a little surprised by this question but didn't let it show, he answered as calmly as possible: "Yes, I saw what he did with the Kenedy Clan.

Shina, who was quiet until now, said, "They got what they deserved!"

"Yeah." Rosario said, "But I think Jordan Wiz can go to Theo for revenge."

She did not wait for them to respond and added with a cruel smile: "But I doubt very much that a false Spiritualist will be able to escape from my sisters.

"False Spiritualist?"

Both Theo and the others were confused to hear this, as they had never heard anyone called "False Spiritualist.

Rosary noting their confusion, she saw no problem in explaining to them: "False Spiritualists are beings who have come into the Spiritual Kingdom by forced means.

"What do you mean?" Theo may partially understand, but he was confused as to what these forced means would be like. So, he couldn't stop wanting to know more.

"To explain in a simple way, people who arrive by forced means do not obtain the real power of another human being who arrived by normal means. He can only control spiritual energy, but he cannot create a noble spirit." Rosario said slowly.

"Noble spirit?" They were confused once again.

Seeing that they also had no knowledge of the "Noble Spirit," she saw no problem in explaining about them as well: "Noble Spirit is one's most powerful source in the Spiritual Kingdom. As well as his most powerful weapon. Depending on what your noble spirit is and how it is used, your powers can reach unimaginable heights."

Theo said, "So a False Spiritualist does not have a noble spirit, so he does not have the power of a true Spiritualist, correct?

"Yes, that's exactly what it is," Rosario answered with a slight smile.

All of them who heard what was said by Rosary, made a note in their minds not to forget what they heard. Even if it is of no benefit to them now, it does not mean that it would continue forever.

Rosario said: "But even if the chances of him running away from my sisters, still can't be completely ignored the chances of this happening, after all, I don't know if he has something in his hands that can help save his life."

Theo believed in her words, he himself has seen someone try and use a scroll that allowed them to teleport to a random place. You can't guarantee that Jordan Wiz doesn't have that, or even something even better.

"I understand." Theo nodded.

Rosario seeing their worried faces, she smiled and said, "You don't have to worry, I intend to stay with you these days until he is captured by my sisters.

"I'm happy about that, but are you sure you want to do that?" Theo asked.

"Yeah." Rosario replied, "Not only do I want my daughter's savior to be safe and sound but if I have a small chance for Jordan Wiz to come to you, I'll kill him."

Theo knew that with her around, he couldn't use his system that often. But I also understood that she was right about Jordan Wiz's chances of reaching out to him for revenge.

Theo also wanted to ask her if she knew Little Yui's background but chose not to do it now, since she intended to stay a few days with them.



Returning to the Orphanage, both Nanda and Aine, as well as the other girls, had a smile on their faces, since they managed to sell all the weapons in stock.

Talking to your sister Nanda and the girls. Aine ended up bumping into a human man without realizing it.

"I'm sorry," Aine said she was sorry.

"Watch where you're going, you bitch!" The man screamed loudly, drawing everyone's attention as he was passing by.

Aine, who had sincerely apologized, became angry, she looked at the man ferociously: "What you just said, repeat it if you are a man!."

The man was surprised and scared, but soon he felt ashamed and angry for being frightened because of a little girl: "You bitch..."

Even before he could finish what he was saying. Aine clapped her hands right in the middle of the man's forehead, causing the sound of the impact, then the man was thrown backwards, spinning at great speed.

Until then, still spinning, he collided with a candy store and became unconscious. He just didn't lose his life, because Aine didn't go too far because of it.

"Humph!" Aine snorted, she came back to her sister and said, "Let's not waste any more time with this "type" of person."

"Yeah." They responded in unison.

Only when they began to move away did the people who were close by come out of their stupor. Some knew Aine, so they did not expect her to become so powerful! Besides, it looks like she just hit "lightly" when she attacked.

"My goodness, she's very powerful!"

"Also, very fast!"

"No wonder no one else has the courage to intimidate the orphanage."

"She looked like a goddess of the wind when she attacked..."

"What a foolish man to want to get into a fight with her."

Many comments and whispers were coming when Aine and they left. But no one really tried to help the unconscious man. In fact, the Demi-Human who ran the candy store was determined to make the man who became unconscious pay for the damaged wall of his store.

"I think after that, that man will think twice before provoking anyone." Nanda laughed beside Aine as they walked.

"Good if it was." Aine sighed, "But if he was so arrogant because of something small, I don't think he'll change so easily, capable even of pretending it never happened."

"Fine." A young woman with long black hair and blue eyes whose name was Hinako said her concern: "I just hope he doesn't take his anger out on someone innocent."

Hearing that, Nanda laughed, "That's not going to happen, right, Aine?"

Shamed, Aine nodded.

They did not understand; why were they so sure that this would not happen?

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