Golden Fox with System

189 Chapter 189

That same day, they were throwing a welcome party for Jka and his wife, Klin.

Children were running around, playing with each other. Some were playing games that Theo taught them from his past life. Such as, hide and seek, etc.

"Ahh!" Drinking a sip of wine, Theo sighed with pleasure, "This wine is delicious!"

"Aw-hahaha!" Jka laughed proudly, "Isn't it? It was Klin who made this great wine, isn't it excellent?"

"Yes, it's amazing," Theo said with a friendly smile.

"I'm glad you liked it." Klin smiled. She initially tried to learn it because her husband was very fond of drinking, so she thought about doing it just for him. But she didn't expect the method itself to be so satisfying.

"Ehhh!" Aine sobbed as she put her hand on Theo's shoulder, "Theo, you agreed to go out with Ariana, right?"

Looking at her, Theo asked, "Have you been drinking?"

"Yeah, just a little." Aine showed how little she drank with her thumb and forefinger, but then exclaimed, "But don't change the subject, answer me!"

Shaking Theo's shoulder, she cried like a child, "Come on, Theo, please tell me~…!"

Nanda came up beside her, "Aine, don't be like that. You shouldn't bother Theo." She tried to pull her arm.

"No!" Aine refused to leave, blubbering out, "I need to know! I… I need to know."


Theo took her into his lap. He smiled at her and said, "When you're sober tomorrow, I'll answer, but for now, you should get some rest, okay?"

She shrunk in his arms, her face started, which was initially pink, had now turned vibrantly red, and she felt her body flushing hotly. She even came out of her drunken state, but she was too embarrassed to admit it. She leaned her head against Theo's chest, pressing her big breasts against him while pretending to sleep.

Theo didn't think much about it, he just smiled as he carried her to her room. Nanda was next door. Aine had a silly thought float through her mind, but soon she shook her head, trying not to think about it as she went along with it.

Entering Aine's room, Theo placed her down on her bed. He gently patted his hand on her head while saying, "Rest well, goodnight."

At the moment that Theo was about to leave, she suddenly held his hand, "Theo…"

Theo turned around and said, "What's up? Do you need anything?"

"Huh…" Aine was confused. She did not know why she had called him, and just held his arm as she replied, "I… I… nothing, it was nothing." She loosened her grip, thus freeing Theo's arm.


The room immediately went quiet. As Theo and Aine looked at each other, Aine didn't know what to do or how to act. She, herself, couldn't understand why she was behaving so irrationally today.

Nanda broke the silence by saying, "Okay, Theo, you better let her rest. Just let me keep an eye on her."

"Are you sure?" Theo looked at her.

"Yeah, don't worry, it's no big deal. Aine's just not used to drinking alcohol." Nanda moved gracefully as she spoke with a gentle smile on her face.

"Oh." Theo was a little surprised by her elegance, but soon enough, he came back to his senses. "All right, then. If you need anything, you can call me."

"Yes, I'll be in your care," Nanda said with a meaningful look.


"Theo," Yuki said, "Is she okay?"

"Yeah," Theo nodded, "It's no big deal. She just got a little drunk."

"Oh," Jka was surprised, "Is she as weak with drinking as you were before? Although, I see that you're much better at it now."

"Fine." At that time, he allowed himself to feel the effect of alcohol, so he came to be in a state of drunkenness. But he didn't bother to talk, because it would seem like he was just making excuses.

"My, my." Klin laughed, "If I remember correctly, back when my husband first drank the Monkey's wine… didn't you stand on the roof of our house and howl at the moon all night while singing: "Do I love the red sea?""

"What… you remember that?" Jka scratched his head in embarrassment, "That's true, I have no excuse."


They laughed as they remembered Jka as a dog, howling at the moon all night long as he sang.

"Aw-hahaha!" Jka laughed loudly, "It was a really unique experience."

Regardless of that, he thought it was fun when he first drank Monkey wine. The whole event made him not care if the others laughed at it. He even considered it funny, laughing right along with them.

This is also one of the characteristics of Jka that Klin loves so much; he doesn't get angry about things easily and always lives life happily. Every day she spent with Jka, she had never felt misunderstood or dissatisfied.

"Theo." Jka said, "You really surprised me with your current level of strength. I can understand now why you left that Magic Formation that increased the concentration of Mana."

"I'm glad it helped you," Theo said, "But that was also thanks to your own efforts. It doesn't matter if you have every resource at your disposal. If you don't try harder to get strong on your own initiative, you can't make the most of the resources available to you." He smiled. "What I mean is this: if you hadn't made an effort, just depending on normal training to improve, you wouldn't be at your current level of cultivation, would you?"

"Aw-hahaha." Jka laughed loudly. "Exactly! My wife and I worked very hard to raise our cultivations."

Klin smiled gracefully as she said, "But, still, even though we worked very hard, without your generous gifts, we couldn't have reached this level of cultivation by now." She bowed slightly to Theo, "That's why I'm grateful for what you did."

Jka, seeing his wife's actions, also bowed to Theo while thanking him.

"Urgh!" Theo shook his head, "You two are doing this just to provoke me, aren't you? You know you don't have to thank me."


Jka laughed and said nothing more. Klin chuckled quietly, too. They knew that Theo didn't do it, hoping they'd be grateful or something. He did it because he considered them to be great friends. That was something they were proud of, and it made them very happy to be his friends.

Suddenly, someone hugged Theo from behind.

"What's that?" Theo asked.

"Ehehehe~ I just want to hug you, "Ehhh?!" Can't I?" Ariana said, pouting.

"Grr…" Theo had a helpless expression. "First Aine, now Ariana…" He said to himself as he sighed.

Ariana joked, "I'm gonna have bitter coffee from now on, so let's kiss?"

"Maybe this wine is a little too strong?" Theo thought. He could feel potent Water Mana mixed into the drink, which made it more likely to get someone drunk.


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