Golden Fox with System

120 Chapter 120

"Huh? Did you eat something bad? Are you feeling okay?" Theo asked.

"But, but you asked me yourself, just before!" Ariana said.

Theo made a confused expression and said, "Of course not! When did I say that?"

Ariana expressed herself in confusion, "Earlier today, when you came to the Weapon Shop, looking like a Lion Demi-Human."

"Ah? Of course, that wasn't me! You're completely wrong." Theo replied.


Ariana was so confused. After she put all the pieces together from the conversation she had with the Demi-Human Lion, she was sure that it was Theo in disguise somehow. But, with him saying that wasn't him… she now began to doubt her own judgment.

Ariana snorted angrily, and before leaving, she looked into Theo's eyes and said, "Grr… I'll make you propose to me again! Just you wait…"

Theo just sighed at that, thinking that maybe he had gone too far… he wondered if he should be more considerate and try to get to know her better now that he realized how much she really liked him. But of course, Theo wouldn't force himself to love her back, even though he thinks that she's beautiful and cute.


After dinner, and a shower, Theo, Yuki and the others returned to the room. After activating the Magic Formation, they went back into the Dimensional Room to cultivate.

The next morning.

"Daddy, Daddy, wake up!" Little Yui started shaking him.

"Ah? Yui?! Why are you waking me up so early today?" Theo asked in a sleepy voice.

"Huh… I want to fight Daddy, and now that we have that room, we can!" Little Yui said hurriedly.

Theo sat up on the bed and stretched, seeing Little Yui's bright eyes full of expectation and willingness to fight.

Theo pinched Little Yui's beautiful pink cheeks and said, "Okay, but let's have some breakfast first!"

"Sure!" With a cute, youthful voice, Little Yui nodded.

After eating bread and drinking Nescau, Theo and Little Yui soon headed for the Workshop. Luckily, the space inside it in the first area is as big as a football field.

Seeing Little Yui in a white combat kimono, Theo thought she was genuinely adorable.

Theo smiled and said to her, "Yui, I'm going to restrict my cultivation to this level, okay?" Theo, who was also wearing a black combat kimono. Shortly after he spoke, he reduced his cultivation to the 3rd Layer of the Higher Student Kingdom.

"Okay!" Little Yui agreed.

Seeing her ready, Theo said, "Well then, let's get started!"

"Yes!" Little Yui made a shrill, fighting-filled scream, and began to run toward Theo at an alarming rate. She even surprised Theo, who was now realizing that she had improved a lot!

But as much as it seems she moved fast, Theo's senses today were even keener since he could keep up with her every move, despite him limiting his cultivation and not using his divine eyes.

In Little Yui's hands, two condensing fox heads could be seen, one white with the other silver, "Roarrr!" Roaring fiercely at Theo.

Theo had a silly smile, seeing her coming towards him. He was thinking that Little Yui looked like a beautiful little Valkyrie with long white hair charging to attack him.

"Haaa!" Just as she was about to reach Theo, Little Yui let out a mighty battle cry and began attacking with both hands formed into fierce fox heads, attacking continuously. Rumbles echoed relentlessly, and with her every attack, the ground shook severely. Wherever the waves of their attacks went, the air rippled in response.

Because Theo was prepared and alert, the type of attack and speed was still straightforward to handle. When Little Yui attacked, Theo was already dodging and defending himself, a big part of him was afraid of attacking and seriously injuring her, even though he knew that despite her youthful appearance, Little Yui was powerful and brave. Also, even if she suffered a little pain, she could always prevail. But still, it was hard for him to see her suffer, especially as her father.

"Hmph! Daddy isn't fighting properly with me!" Little Yui stopped attacking and said, "Daddy needs to attack too; otherwise, Yui won't talk to Daddy anymore!"

Hearing this, Theo began to sweat cold… after letting out a long breath, he said, "Okay, I'm not going to take it easy with you anymore, Okay?"

"Hehee~ yes, I want to fight Daddy for real!" Little Yui smiled and said.

Breathing out a breath of cold air and calming himself down, Theo looked thoughtfully at his daughter, who was full of fighting spirit. He began to manifest two White Fox heads, "Roarrr!" And following the deafening roar, a powerful Ice Mana was manifested.

Although not one of his affinities, the quality when he was using the other elements was anything but weak. Whether or not he had finished converting his entire Mana into True Mana, it was much stronger and more imposing than normal Mana.

A charming smile appeared on Little Yui's pretty face, and she also once again manifested the two Fox heads in her hands. But this time, she was using True Mana to do it, "Roarrr!" And because of that, the power behind this technique was even more fierce. Even a little more threatening than Theo's.

With a power that could quickly destroy a small mountain, Little Yui once again ran towards Theo at breakneck speed, although she was not yet using her movement technique.

This time Theo not only defended himself and dodged, but he also launched an attack towards Little Yui's small fist that was aimed at his abdomen.


Glowing blue and silver, their fists collided. Waves of Mana exploded outwards from the impact. The explosion echoed throughout the Workshop and its surroundings. Because the Workshop door was not closed, it even reached the outside, waking many who were still sleeping nearby.

If the ground where they stepped was not so hard and hardened, Theo was sure that at this time, many cracks would have appeared due to this attack. The tremor was so violent that it even made the Workshop shake vigorously.

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