Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 498: Let’s do some Culling

Chapter 498: Let’s do some Culling

Meanwhile, at a hidden location, a young woman with red hair and blue strains was casually walking toward her destination. While everyone in the control room was making a fuss about the appearance of the four Kage, Yuna stealthily made a clone of herself and switched places with it.

After a few more minutes of walking, she reached her destination. A massive clearing that had seemingly nothing in it. However, Yuna knew precisely what was going on here. She continued walking, and moments later, she felt as if she had just passed through a thin film of water.

As soon as she passed the film, a lavish building appeared in front of her, causing her to chuckle in amusement.

‘Oh no, I passed through this barrier so easily; it must be defective.’

[Oh yeah, what a surprise. To think you could walk through a concealment seal you designed yourself so easily. Truly a grand surprise.]

Yuna chuckled yet again when she heard Kurama’s sarcastic words as she approached the entrance of the building. Two guards stood in front of the door, but Yuna walked past them like they weren’t even there. Both of them looked a little dazed.

‘Although I rarely use Genjutsu, this stuff can be pretty good.’

[Urgh, I hate Genjutsu.]

‘Not surprising, considering how easily you can get controlled by a mere Sharingan.’

Instead of answering, Kurama only clicked his tongue in annoyance. Hashirama’s wood style and Madara’s Sharingan could both suppress Bijuu, annoying him immensely. He wasn’t sure about the reason, but he assumed that it had something to do with the Sage of Six Paths creating them and Uchiha and Senju being his descendants.

Anyway, Yuna easily infiltrated the building and casually walked past every guard she saw, tricking even jonin.

A few minutes later, she reached her destination: A huge room filled with pompous-looking men and lavish decorations. In the middle of the room stood a gigantic table filled with all kinds of luxurious foods and drinks. The whole room was filled with smoke due to multiple people smoking suspicious substances, making it impossible to see further than a few meters. Yuna shook her head and entered the room, immediately catching a rather… enlightening conversation.

“Fire Daimyo-dono, what do you think about this whole war business?”

“Oh? Greetings, Wind Daimyo-dono. Honestly, I think this whole thing is rather stupid. Isn’t it just another madman that wants to rule over the world?”

The fire Daimyo shook his head in contempt as he continued speaking.

“Don’t madman like that pop up like twice a month? I don’t see why everyone is making such a fuss about it.”

The wind Daimyo nodded in agreement to what he had just heard and resumed talking.

“I agree. At first, I didn’t want to agree to this senseless war, but no matter how you look at it, the Five Great Shinobi Villages forming an alliance is a rather profitable matter.”

Indeed, at first, neither of the Daimyo were particularly interested in this fight. After all, Akatsuki didn’t hold any land, nor were there any riches to be gained. Why bother fighting them?

However, they suddenly got reports that the Five Great Shinobi Villages planned an alliance. This, was a huge matter. A crooked smile appeared on the fire Daimyo’s face when he thought about the alliance.

“Indeed, no one can resist us with that kind of alliance. As soon as this war or whatever is over, we can probably divide the smaller nations between us as we see fit.”

The wind Daimyo chuckled in amusement as he opened the fan he was holding with a loud clack.

“Hohoho, negotiations who gets how much will be a pain, won’t they.”

The fire Daimyo copied the wind Daimyo’ movements and started fanning himself.

“Hehe, they will, but it will be worth it. I can’t wait to bring my country even more prosperity.”

The wind Daimyo nodded his head in agreement as he imagined getting his hands on some of the prosperous lands surrounding the Land of Wind.

Moments later, a teasing expression appeared on his face, making the fire Daimyo frown.

“Hehe, I heard someone from your village held a rather interesting speech. It seems like Konohagakure is rather bad at cultivating their shinobi to be loyal.”

The fire Daimyo frowned a little when he heard these words as he tried to think of what the wind Daimyo might be talking about. A few seconds later, he realized what he meant, causing an annoyed expression to appear on his face.

“That damn girl has always been very rebellious. She seems to be hellbent on continuing to act like that.”

“Oh? So you already knew about her? What do you plan to do with her? I won’t mind helping out with a few assassins.”

The fire Daimyo shook his head at the suggestion. It was rather evident that the wind Daimyo wanted to help get rid of her because she was a valuable combat asset of Konoha.

“No, I don’t plan to get rid of here. I heard that her combat strength is pretty good, so I would rather keep her.”

The wind Daimyo nodded his head; he was a little disappointed that he couldn’t get rid of one of Konoha’s promising youths. Well, he considered doing it himself, but he stored that idea away rather quickly. Ignorant of the wind, Daimyo’s thoughts, the fire Daimyo continued speaking.

“Anyway, I already know how to deal with her. After this war is over, I will just hand over a medal and congratulate her personally regarding her achievements during the war, even if she didn’t have any. That should make her wag her tail at me instantly. After all, shinobi love nothing more than getting medals.”

The wind Daimyo only nodded his head at that last statement. He fully agreed to the plan.

Meanwhile, Yuna could only shake her head at the conversation she was listening to.

‘I knew they were worthless due to the many reposts I received about them, but holy hell, this is abysmal.’

[How do people this incompetent even get their positions?]

‘Because their daddy was someone important and liked them. Unfortunately, the aspect of being actually capable gets ignored rather frequently when it comes to choosing a successor. Purity of bloodline over the level of skill the posses.’

[That’s stupid.]

‘Yup~ That’s why…’

A vicious smile appeared on Yuna’s face as two small swords appeared in her hands.

‘… Let’s do some culling, shall we?’

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