
Chapter 14-15 How to Win Friends and Murder People (I)

Chapter 14-15 How to Win Friends and Murder People (I)

Something’s happening in the Tiers.

The Silvers I know are seeing a lot of golem activity and multiple district-wide thoughtscans are ongoing right now.

They’re searching for something. And right after an Exorcist Oversec got hit too.

Something’s stinking in the water, and it’s got all the big ones looking for it.

There’s also been some interesting chatter on a slew of mass suicides in the Throat. Something about Omnitech Mid-Guilders having a crisis of conscience for putting down a labor strike.

Or maybe someone else had it on their behalf.

Now, if you’ve been listening to FATELESS, you know that I’m not one for conspiracies of whispers, but something about how the wind’s blowing right now got my guts all twisted up.

There’s a chill running in the breeze. Something’s changed the world. Something’s changed, and I think a lot of very powerful, very important people are scared.

Of what? I don’t know.

All I can do is play you all some tunes while we wait and see.

Here’s Autumn Never Left’s “The Beast Unseen.”

-Cala Marlowe, The FATELESS Thoughtcast


How to Win Friends and Murder People (I)

Blessing Reva with a new canon was a trifling matter. The only cost it incurred was part of his dismantled Lushburner, but the reward was more than worth the price.

Imbuing her with but a Domain of Fire, he elevated the potential of her Shatterborn and added to her flames.

Her powers, upon his review, were mostly bound to the enforcement and alternation of solid structures. Her Domain of Matter could derive mass from acceleration or enforce a permanent state to whatever physical component she was channeling at her core. Consequently, her Domain of Calamity held only the power to tear open volcanic eruptions on surfaces which she could root the Shatterborn.

With these miracles came adjacent but well-hidden hubrises. If he managed to separate her from the ground or deprive her of the piece of matter she was channeling, backlash was certain to follow.

The only thing that stood out from all the others was her lone canon tied to the domain of fire–a miserly perceptive ability now known to him as Steamsight. The name told all there was to know. Her awareness expanded with the spreading of hyper-heated fumes, and Rend followed if the air about her was rapidly cooled.

It was on the foundation of this domain that Avo imbued her with greater strength. However, he noted the restrictions of his Frame with a faint annoyance.

She could sustain a single new canon more between both her Heavens before her breadth was at capacity. The capabilities she presently had were still permitted to grow upward by the weight of a few hundred thaums, but short of someone remolding the shape of her liminality, Stormtree’s Atgeir-pattern Frame tied one to the path of a tower rather than a sea.




“You didn’t even need an Agnos…” Reva whispered. She sounded more disturbed than awe-struck, but he couldn’t fault her. What she was witnessing was both the usurpation of an old, integral pillar of power between the Guilds and an easy avenue of apotheosis gifted to her.


He let her select from the generated options, but deliberately withheld any canon that would demand a thaumic donation beyond fifty Essence echoes. What she currently held was a bit less than a baseline Galeslither with the forty thaums it demanded. Paltry though it might seem, it was still a remarkably useful thing for her to possess.

Much of her build portrayed her as a Breaker, with small elements of shaping offered by the supporting Houndmother.

As a crown of sizzling condensation spewed free from the gleaming heart of her Shattborn, he found her silenced by the subtle transformation, and yearning to return.

“Agnosi aren’t worthless yet,” Avo replied. “Still much I don’t know. That will change soon. I will boil the enlightenment from them. Or I get my… friend to teach me. Whichever is easier. Oh. And your Heaven might awaken after this.” An unseen smile spread across his being. “Sorry. Forgot to mention that.”

The Shatterborn lurched and the rushing steam hissed at him. Reva’s Heaven betrayed her displeasure despite the even tone she held. “You ‘forgot.’”

“Happens to all of us.” It even happened to some of them deliberately. He was a busy ghoul. There was so much for him to think about.

“So, it might start speaking like one of your Heavens?”

“Maybe. Probably has a different personality. Won’t know till it happens.”

“Wonderful,” Reva growled. “I love it when people spring surprises on me.”

He chuffed a series of low laughs. “Don’t worry. Not under my control. Still your Heaven. Still tied to your will. You can make it go quiet at any time. They give good advice. Sometimes.”

“What a wonderful compliment.” The sardonic response came as a concurrent reply from both his Woundshaper and Galeslither. Tides of disgust and wailing neighs of scorn followed. They really didn’t like being so attuned to each other.

“Sometimes,” Avo repeated, sinking his fang in a bit deeper. It wasn’t just fun to needle Reva alone.

Reva sighed. “Can you take it out of me? The canon?”

“Having second thoughts? Want another one?”

“I… I’m thinking about how to explain this to my cadre,” she replied. “We usually get outfitted at the same time.”

Ah. That. “Could just hide it from them. Or you can tell them the truth.”

“What? A mysterious ghoul that came out of nowhere decided to grant me three wishes and make me a better ‘Clad.”

“Maybe more than three if our friendship deepens,” Avo said. “But no. Not in that detail. Say an unofficial Agnos decided to reward you for some unofficial business you chanced upon.”

“You know, not everyone’s going to accept vague bullshit like me. The only reason–”

“Because you don’t want to start a fight with me. Because you worried about exposing White-Rab. Because you don’t feel sure about this. Yes. All valid reasons. Tell you to want. I can make sure your consangs never notice. Or care.”

The Shatterborn suddenly went very still. “Don’t threaten my cadre.” No words followed after that. None needed to, for the thereafter to come would not be decided by the idleness of speech.

“Not a threat. Just an offer. I don’t need to kill any of them to make my changes.” He let his words linger for a moment. “Can make them… selectively blind.”

“Stay away from their minds too,” Reva released an exasperated scoff. “Jaus. Raldi’s right–creepy as fuck doesn’t begin to describe you.”

Avo grunted. “It was just an offer. You could say just say no.”


“Very well. Always an option.”


“So. Will you keep it?” Avo asked.

“I… am going to see if it works. What comes after is after.”

This Reva had a bad habit: she was a bit of a procrastinator. Hard choices resulted in automatic delays. He could use this to his advantage in the coming future; if he ensured that multiple pressures compounded with her, he could topple her toward the outcome he desired without even exerting any outright pressure.

“Good. I’m glad I could do this for you,” Avo said. And that wasn’t a lie. Molding another with his hands felt… influential. The sensation of being a benefactor to others was growing to be an acquired taste. He found that he enjoyed giving people boons if only for the fact that it was a showcase of his immensity and power-wealth.

That he was the source from which all possibilities flowed.

Perhaps Zein Thousandhand’s actions weren’t so far beyond his fathoming after all.

“I don’t know what this is,” Reva said, suddenly. Avo listened patiently. “I don’t… I don’t understand you. I don’t understand anything you’re doing, and that bothers me. You claim a lot of things but it feels like you’re pretending to be a person and just saying things. The only thing I think you’re fully honest about is caring for Raldi. But even then…”

“Maybe my affection is inherited. Yes.” There was no point in being dishonest about such things. “But that doesn’t change the way I am. He will be safe because I want him to be. And so will you. It won’t change if you don’t wish it.”

A beat of quietude followed, and he just basked in peace while waiting for her to respond. “I’m still for Stormtree. I can’t be bought against them. You understand?”

“It will be no issue. I will make sure our arrangements are… neat.” And he would. It would be a shame to lose an asset he could observe and cultivate and slowly turn to his use from undue pressure. He still had some lingering want to burn her into his consciousness, but he was growing increasingly fond of a new concept – using her as a form of indirect control. She might not belong to his gestalt, but he would find utility in her all the same.

They stewed in mutual silence as resurrection soon approached. Keeping his cycle in pace with hers, they were to return concurrently. When they did, he was curious to see just how he would spawn and to take in all the delightful little details blooming across her face when they were properly eye-to-eye.

“Avo. Can you tell me something,” Reva asked.

“Depends. Ask your question.”

“...Your Frame can give someone new canons… Is it just limited to grafting new ontologics or…”

Oh. He understood. And what delicious subtext her question possessed.

“Yes,” Avo said, unable to keep the glee out of his voice. “I can make Raldi a Godclad. Just like us. But I still need a few things. Short on Souls right now.” Something she could help him with. “Maybe we should prepare a small surprise for him. So many Fallwalkers. Guildless ‘Clads. Many must deserve death. Many must make for good killing. Wouldn’t you agree?”

He thought he heard a shudder flow through her thoughts.

“Yeah,” Reva muttered. “I might just.”


A waterfall of fire slid its closing jaws over his nous. Before his return, he saw the very same ignition take place within Reva as well. As they were cast back into life, he found himself pleased with his little session. The Bloodthane had started as a slightly impenetrable adversary, but more and more, the map of her desires became known to him.

Ever traitorous were the hearts of men.

Reality around him shuddered, and Avo reached out to part the veil of blood that separated his subreality from the overarching tapestry. He poured free from the pool of blood his proxy left when he killed himself. A puddle of bright crimson stained the pristine couch of the aero.

Avo cleaned his mess with but a thought, his haemokinetic particulates peeling the furniture clean anew. Before him, Reva jerked back to life as reality twitched around her. No domain-based resurrection for her, he guessed.

[Might want to keep things neat. Not sure her Heaven would affect the vehicle. Might damage the matter around us.]

The theory from his submind came without fanfare. He was back, and so was his Metamind. Wholeness was a wonderful thing.

“Hello,” Avo said, keeping his Echoheads wrapped tightly around him. The vehicle was spacious, but even so, his size proved to be a problem of discomfort.

[We really should culture more bodies for ourself. Have cloning vats in the George Washington. Why don’t we use that? Switch between sheathes quickly. Expand our options.]

Now there was a suggestion. His mind and ontology were untethered from restrictions, so why should his vessel be?

Pushing the considerations aside for now, he turned his wide rows of teeth at Reva and White-Rab in his version of a smile. “Good to finally meet you in the flesh. Alive this time.”

In the corner of his vision, he saw small volcanic cracks smelting part of a nearby table, and steam rising into the air upon hissing plumes.

Ah. The Bloodthane wasn’t wasting time.

+I have to be honest, you were a less impressive sight dead. What kind of deal did the Strix have to make for you to get fitted with No-Dragon augs?+

“Oh,” Avo replied. “Not his doing. Mine. My choice. Woke without an arm. Missing more than that actually. Kidneys too.” He offered a small shrug. “As I told you before. Things weren’t exactly as planned for anyone. Not him. Not me. Not the Low Masters.”

A cape of steam settled upon Reva’s shoulders, and he noticed the lump she quickly swallowed. Despite the absence of a heartbeat, Woundshaper could still sense the accelerated flow of ichor rushing through her biology.

She was shaken. Mask herself as much as she wanted, she was unbalanced by all that he was, and all that he could offer.

Good. There were few pleasures more divine than earning someone’s fear.

“Have something I want to do with you,” Avo said, looking at the Wight. White-Rab’s accretion slowed to an anticipatory halt.

+You’re not going to request a threesome, are you? Because Reva’s not up for that.+

Avo blinked and tried not to think much about the words his cog-donor just said.

+It’s…. It’s a joke. I was… I tried to make a joke. It didn’t–fuck it, I didn’t say anything. You should start talking. Yeah.+

[Yes. Please. I don’t want to imagine you and him and her. Bleh.] Abrel’s mind template shuddered in disgust.

“It’s about the Strix,” Avo said. “Remember. Told you about his caches? Want to go see one?”

White-Rab’s thoughtstuff tumbled. +Wasn’t that for you?+ Again. A note of envy. But envy was so easy to twist into affection.

The Shadow templates whispered what needed to follow to Avo–the words he had to say and the mood he had to convey. The manipulation wouldn’t be a hard sell. He already knew what White-Rab wanted, after all.

“No,” Avo said, trying to inject as much warmth and surprise as he could in his voice. He needed to borrow some humanity from his assimilated stock of minds to manage it. “No. Walton wanted this for us. He left the memories for me to open. That’s true. But inside the memories are also moments for you. Well-wishes for you. He thought much of you.”

This was a bit of an exaggeration. Walton did care deeply for his protege, but there were many other aspects of the once-Famine’s recollections. His was a mind made rich across countless lives and passing ages. His past held far vaster a space than just regards for one or two people.

+Yeah?+ White-Rab said. He sounded slightly child-like in the way his mind toned the words. +He thought of me?+

“Much,” Avo said. “I’m going to go and see what he left us. But it won’t be right. Not alone. We should see to his legacy. See what he left us. I think this will be a good start for our shared… lineage. Give you the details.”

White-Rab breathed a single laugh. +Well. I guess I should say a proper goodbye to the Strix. Reva? How do you feel about this? This is… personal, and I know you don’t like–+

The steam around her fused back into a fragment of wood in her hands. Her hazel irises cut upward to glare up at Avo. His grin broadened and he suppressed any thoughts relating to tearing her eyes out and eating them. “I’m not calling in for another two days. Let’s go see what your not-dad cultist of a mentor left you. Aside from this thing here.”

Avo just kept smiling.

He could get quite a bit of mileage out of this “friendship” thing.


Chambers stared at Avo’s headless corpse. “Consangs. It’s been like… three hours? Are you sure we shouldn’t go look around or some shit?”

A loud crackle of gunfire was Draus’ answer. Right now, she was taking potshots at who-the-fuck-knows-what through her shards of glass. Beyond the portal, Chambers heard the tell-tale sound of an aero’s engine erupting to a plummeting scream. Then, all of a sudden, she shifted shards, and the sound was gone.

“He does this shit sometimes,” Draus scoffed. “Gets a new toy, and becomes all distracted like. He’ll come back when he’s done or bored. Give it another day before we go lookin’. ‘Sides, I think our voiders’ might got eyes on him already.” She cocked her head toward where Denton was speaking with Sunrise. “And if that don’t work, we just gotta listen.”


“For when shit goes south.” The Regular expanded another sheet of glass to the width of a window and manifested a passage. Wind and sounds of traffic erupted into the room. A savage glint of amusement accompanied the sneer that tugged at her lips. Draus leveled her projectile launcher and took aim at a new unseen target. “If I know one thing about Avo, I know that stuff falls apart where he’s at, and we just gotta follow the damage.”

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