
Chapter 10-13 Desired Paths

Chapter 10-13 Desired Paths

“Shepherd-Alpha, this is Sunrise. The people down here need immediate assistance. The golems are still active and hostile. Local Highflame forces managed to overload two knots, but the rest are stillve active and now there's a Rupture in the middle of the district.

Thermodynamics isn’t working right here. Anything that exceeds thirty degrees Celsius is slowly being petrified from the inside by a silicon-based endoskeleton. Whoever managed to compromise the Nether is still at large.

Recommend deployment of all non-sapient assets to assist Paladins pending arrival–Wait, the golems… I see a Knot. It looks like they’re trying to hunt for something… Or someone… I’m sending the rest of my swarm after them. Will follow as long as feasible and certify potential Godclad presence in exclusion zones.

Narrowing comm-gauge wormholes for discretion.

-”Sunrise,”Aegis Operative,Voidwatch


Desired Paths

The fate Zein wished Mirrorhead to suffer was one of delicious degradation.

She ejected a mixed sequence of memories and offered them to Avo. At first, he wasn’t sure what she wanted of him, but as scenes played and a grander image formed in a transparent interface within his Metamind, he understood.

She was installing Mirrorhead in place of herself as the patsy responsible for the devastation she wrought in the besieged Highflame districts.

In fact, Jhred Greatling was to be made patsy before all related parties. To the Chivalrics, it would seem he was deliberately provoking a war against the Meritocrats. For the Meritocrats, such actions would look a deliberately planned operation toward subterfuge–one conducted using Incubi backing at that.

Connected to the deception were the sequences she wanted from the plot to assassinate Ambassador Kitzuhada. Though he wasn’t certain about how she was to manipulate the ambassador, an Incubi cell was almost certainly going to be compromised in the aftermath.

Though Avo was ignorant of the vastness of the board on which Zein played her games of divination and prophecy, he had been a Necro long enough to see a con-job in the making before him. And on the fly at that. Again, he found himself envious of her powers over time, still wondering about its gaps.

Omniscience remained beyond her with her surprise at the Low Masters and the Incubi, but with her new awareness, it seemed that time was once against re-railed upon new tracks which she could predict.

“His involvement,” Avo asked, still scanning through the mem-data. “How direct do you want it to seem? Have memories from his ‘benefactor.’ Another Incubus. Pretended to be Stormtree asset.”

Zein considered his question. Her fingers fell in a clattering series against the hilt of her umbrella. “Direct. First-degree. But leave some information from this benefactor as well. It will be… amusing to make it seem like they helped him commit these actions. Another falsehood for the Ori to bury, unsure if it was of their own design or someone else.”

Avo grunted a low laugh. That was the problem with operating in isolated cells: Paranoia within the ranks. Even Necros on good terms didn’t trust each other much. You never knew when one of your consangs sold out and got recruited into the Incubi or just ended up subverted. The same was probably true between the Mirrors and Elders. When you base your factional ethos on deception and lies, the blade cut both ways, and it would take more than a little effort for the fog to be cleared.

“Still going to kill the ambassador?” Avo asked. “Seems like you’re making another change.”

“Yes,” Zein said, not even bothering to hide her capricious shift in arrangements. “For the better, I think. Valhu is a good Glaive. A good warrior. A noble man. I would have regretted wasting him on an unjust fate to trigger the reactions I desire.”

Unjust. Good warrior. A noble man. Zein had a diet as well, and her favored prey trended away from those she regarded as worthy. How strange it was that one of the few remaining legends of the Ori held such a Highflame philosophy toward life.

Veylis had to get it from somewhere, he supposed.

“Take all of them with you. They will all prove useful as circumstances develop. All except her.” Zein gestured toward Kae. The Agnos winced and looked away. Something about the intensity of Thousandhand’s attention disquieted her. “The Agnos will be important for what comes next. Her mind should take the next ladder of priority after Jhred Greatling’s removal from the paths. We will need what she knows of Project Godshaper for what is to come.”

Zein’s expression softened thereafter. She offered Kae an apologetic glance. “I would offer much-required recollections in your stead if I could clean them from the paths, but it is more than memory and a whole mind that will be needed from you. The Agnosi themselves are compromised and must be righted. Steel yourself. You will not like what is to come.”

Spinning on her heel twice, Zein first tilted to glance at Draus, then turned to study Avo. She repeated this action two more times as if trying to decide on a path to take, and then finally reappeared next to the ghoul after momentarily slipping out of visible existence.

“I will need whatever else remains of the Incubi’s sequences. Afterward, open the tunnel from whence you came. I will need to survey the situation.”

A pause took hold over Avo. The mem-data swirled within his Metamind, the anchors to the Nether boiling within his thoughts and veins. Checking the sequences again, he removed artifacts he thought capable of revealing his hand in this endeavor and packaged that which remained into three ghosts.

GHOSTS: [1038]

Expelling a bridge of crimson from his wrist, he reached into the radius of Zein’s Metamind and conducted a direct transfer. At the same time, he interfaced with the locus embedded in the front of his throne and activated the last active gateway. Another thirty seconds and the shadows would shift again, rendering it dormant.

How much did Zein anticipate events? How much was just steering the path?

Where she once stood was suddenly an absence. Avo felt his insides lurch as she disappeared again. Even with the constancy with which she invoked this canon, to behold the sudden vanishing of another individual was uncanny. There was no sign nor indication of her departure. No twist or disruption in the fabric of space. One moment she was, then she wasn’t.

Of course, leaping across time itself was not a natural thing to consider.

He found his sight drifting to the unfurling whorls of the tunnel. As expected, there she was, standing shrouded in the light, the paths of The Fisher That Wasn’t reaching out from her and sampling the flesh of reality, drawing in details to feed the nature of its simulation.

At least, such was what he thought she was doing.

Striding next to Kae, Avo leaned down to ask her. “Kae. Zein’s Heaven. What can you tell?”

A blank expression spread across the Agnos’ face. She gave him a soft shrug. “Time is… is… it’s only reserved for… certain senior Agnosi. It’s… a forbidden Domain for most. And requires… requires outside supervision before it can… can be grafted.”

“Outside supervision?” Avo asked.

“Voidwatch,” Draus answered on Kae’s behalf. She was standing in a direct line with Zein then, studying the Godclad with a stolid glare. The light of the world outside splashed over Draus and her shadow rose long like a pillar splitting the dais. “There’s somethin’ wrong with the flow of time. Seen some shit about that before. You keep something locked to a single point in the flow long enough and…” She made a fist. She released a fist. “It goes away.”

“Goes away?” Avo asked. “Redacted? Like Incog.”

The Regular sent him a sidelong glance. “Yeah. ‘Cept I think the world itself forgets you ever were. Couple of Sovereignties got it. Paladins too. Fallwalker gets too uppity? Got a problem you need to stop existin’? Fix it in place and let the rest of time just run. The problem goes away on its own. Or… maybe not so much on its own. Either way, it ain’t your mess no more.”

Sourness stained Avo’s mood. The threat of rival Heavens and powers beyond his current capacity to prevent materialized like a blade over his head. He needed more. He needed to cut himself free from danger, to dam every pathway ensuring his destruction before the currents could drown him.

Zein flashed back into place behind him again. Distantly, he heard a series of thunderous rumbles. The old woman met the ghoul’s frown with a smile. Without warning, she drew her umbrella and cleaved through the air. Her form fractured into a scatter of echoes–transparent mimicries of her person burst free in a flash of Soulfire and lashed into Draus, Chambers, Essus, and Kae.

Then, as Thousandhand’s translucent clones stabilized, they faded out of existence around each individual they enwreathed, melting into the tapestry of existence.

The Regular’s projectile launcher was halfway extended when Zein put up her hands in a placating gesture. “That was an act of insurance. No need to thank me. Just remember who saved your life.” Zein paused and stared at Avo. He noticed she was holding a glaive. He frowned. Where had the glaive come from? How did she–

Time accelerated suddenly. The world around him snapped into the future. A cut flickered down past his sight. He fired his Celerostylus, but the blow went from mid-swing to piercing through his skull immediately. A pale line of pain trailed along his skull as he went stiff. Another twenty or so strokes cleaved clean through his body, licking unseen wounds into his ontology.

Yet, as time resumed, as Avo stumbled and Zein caught him, he felt himself remain whole, if discombobulated. “I could not help myself,” Zein whispered, leaning up from below as she held him in place. Ash spilled past them. The wind rushed across his cordyceramite plating mycelia threads. “I intended to store three killing stores within you, but preparation is far better than tragedy, no?”

Shrugging her off, he found himself standing beneath a partially collapsed bridge as the unmistakable sound of distant explosions reverberated. Debris shook as the dust around them danced.

A nest of blood exploded out of Avo as he hissed. He drew in nearby matter to build himself up as the beast screamed for him to attack. His Woundshaper was saying something, crying out warnings in the back of his mind. He didn’t hear it. All he felt were the trails of coldness left by the feverish whirlwind of slashes he had been dealt.

Zein, contrarily, turned her back to him as he rose, his body pouring out of existence as the Woundshaper slid into his place in the real. Though the ashfall stilled to a near halt around him, though all noise turned to a low drone, the touch of the Fisher left Zein divorced from the pace of existence, her subreality matching her speed to his.

Turning to him, she twisted her glaive and–

Avo felt his mind lurch. Something… It was like something had been torn out from his recollection.

As if it had never happened at all.

Holding up an umbrella, Zein’s eyes glittered as she muttered sweet nothings to her instrument. “Sleep Akunsande. Sleep.”

Planting its tip into the ground, she took a step toward him. She had time, but he had the Nether flowing within him. If he–

Time around them lurched again. But no further attacks came from Zein. She held out a halting hand and gestured for him to wait. “I cleaved into you for Guard-Captain Draus, mostly. I quite like that girl, so be sure to stay in her vicinity. We will have great need of her for the tasks to come. Worry not. As long as you can reach her within twelve hours' time, my echoes will still function near your cadre.”

Avo relaxed his reflexes but continued drawing in mass to build up his Woundshaper again. His blood swelled to ten tons. Fifteen…


“Don’t worry,” Zein said. “I will return you shortly.” She paused. “I peeked at your new Stormtree ‘friends.’ They are formidable. Skilled. They will not be confused by my actions for long after they resurrect. Take Mirrorhead quickly. Kill or deceive your way through Conflux–it does not matter. However, you must implicate Mirrorhead in the attack on the districts. Feed the lies into the soil of his mind and see his ghost procured after death.”

The tension between them was collapsing. Zein had not desired a fight, but she was trying to use him in some fashion. Like an instrument. A tool. Avo had half a want to reject her outright, to spurn her and whatever her demands for snatching control from him.

Her following words shattered the hold of his ire.

“Afterward, I need you to ensure the death of Captain Draus near his corpse.”

A beat passed. The blood within comprising Avo’s being surged like a bladed maelstrom of roiling waves stirring around the base of a tower. Zein could leap across time, but the Nether was still his. He just needed to touch her. Parting his constructed blades into a thousand piercing tendrils, he sought to overload her “paths.”

He reformed his mortal form at the center of the blood. “No. Draus lives. I won’t snuff her. You won’t snuff her. No one snuffs her.”

Zein’s eyes widened momentarily and slowly, her face flattened into annoyance. “You misunderstand, little dagger: I do not wish for her to be butchered and slaughtered like some manner of cattle. No. She is wasted here. And she has spent enough time as a mortal, don’t you think?”

And suddenly, the angle that Zein was working toward hit him. She wasn’t planning Draus’ death toward base purpose, but elevation. Apotheosis. “You want her to be Godclad.”

“First her,” Zein said. “And ensure that she receives the components of Jhred Greatling’s Frame. It will serve us well in the coming paths. And to give you an entryway into Highflame.”

His mind spun again. Faintly, he could only guess at the future Zein was trying to engender, but he saw bones of its architecture flash behind his eyes. “You… you want to frame Mirrorhead. Trap him as patsy. But have Draus stop him. Draus to reveal the ‘plot.’ Draus to take the credit and reascend to the Meritocrats as avenger.”

“As a warrior redeemed,” Zein explained, eyes closed, fingers plucking at a flash of paths as another series of district-quaking blasts roared from far above. “Worthy, in a word.”

He paused, studying her. “Why? What not just tell her then? Ask her?”

The elder Godclad sighed. “Because she refuses and resists her rightful ascent in every path but a few. And in those, only you can keep her fixed to the righteous trail.”

“This is why you pulled me away?” Avo asked. “To tell me this without provoking a response from her. Alter the futures.”

Zein said nothing, which said enough. It seemed she was simulating futures with known qualities, producing the most likely outcomes. But if that was true, then how was she jumping forward across time with such accuracy?

“The other two,” Avo asked. “Are they going to be used as well? Have plans for them too?”

The admission adorning Zein’s face was plain. Again, she spoke no words. And again, explosions sang out. A flood of soot and debris was pilling out from the fractured opening of Layer One he left in his wake while fleeing the Bloodthanes. “Best that I leave you to the course.”

Avo reached out, a tendril of blood spearing out for Zein.

Existence shuddered around him.

He was standing next to Draus again, back in the Nexus. Behind him, the tunnel was still open, and it looked as if he had only been gone for mere moments rather than the minutes he spent with Zein.

Zein, who was also suspiciously missing.

“The hells just happened?” Draus asked, looking around. “Where’d she go? And the fuck did she do to you?”

Just then, a voice sounded next to his ear, reverberating as if a message spoken from the past to the future. “Do not dally, little dagger. The Bloodthanes will not stay dead forever. You have an hour. An hour to take Conflux. An hour to bind and devour Mirrorhead. An hour. Seize the moment. Claim your prey.”

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