God of Tricksters

Chapter 1921 Ruth

Ruth was standing on top of a skyscraper. Just like the others, she had been waiting for the enemies without lowering their guard. They knew that the enemies would ambush them in one way or another, considering this was the best and most effective plan. Even after knowing their plan, it was hard to stop them.

Ruth narrowed her eyes, trying to see as far as possible. She was a hunter, so there was no way she would leave all kinds of details that were happening in the background.

While she was staring into the distance, she received an incoming message.

"The ambush should be appearing at any time now. Please stand by."

"Copy." Ruth sighed. She lowered her head, seeing numerous people from various organizations. They had come here in order to do something because they wanted to be chosen as one of the students in the training camp.

Theo never told them about the training camp, so it was clear that they pushed this matter to Theo because that was the only thing they could do to stop them.

She felt a bit ashamed that they were that powerless.

"I never thought that a boy who is only in his twenties would bear this much burden." She shook her head helplessly. She couldn't help but wonder what they had done, wasting away their lives to have fun. In the end, they could only reach this stage when they were already so old.

Ruth remembered the time she agreed to follow Theo in exchange for his teaching about Order. At that time, she only had her greed like these people. But after following him, she realized that Theo was truly worthy to be their leader. Even the thought about leaving the group gradually vanished from her mind.

She closed her eyes for a moment as if swearing that nothing would pass her. She had to make sure that she didn't become a burden and smear Theodore Griffith's name.

"Alright. Let's do this…" Ruth muttered in a low voice while looking at the horizon. But at that moment, Ruth actually widened her eyes in shock.

As a hunter, she hunted everything. Her eyes could see farther than normal experts. But there was one more thing she could see.

"That's…" Ruth gasped. She actually saw the danger coming from afar. She could easily strike this danger with her arrow, but it would mean she was alerting the enemies.

Instead of attacking them, she told Agata, "Enemy spotted. We're preparing to engage."

After reporting to the headquarters, she immediately jumped off the building, moving straight to their tent to get the commander in charge.

The one who accompanied her was actually one of the commanders who once fought with Theo in the previous battle. He was Nicholas.

"I've spotted the enemies," Ruth stated with a serious expression. "I need your help."

"I understand." Nicholas nodded. He had dispatched scouts and placed people on top of the building so that they could see around with their binoculars. But he didn't expect Ruth would be the first one to find the enemies. He even wondered how incompetent they were compared to the people in Theo's group.

"I need their position and do you know about their number?" Nicholas asked.

"I don't have their number. I can only find the 'danger' on the horizon. And because I'm not adept in commanding these people, you're going to help me with that. I'll be supporting the army from behind."

"Got it." Nicholas acknowledged Ruth's order. However, there was one problem that he managed to catch. "This is weird. There is no reason for them to loop around us if they truly want to attack us.

"Even if they go around us, they are supposed to be farther away to avoid our detections. So, why are they…" Nicholas instantly understood the opponent's objective. Before replying to Ruth, he grabbed his radio and said, "All units, get ready. We have monsters to hunt."

Their base became lively in an instant. Although it looked weird for Nicholas to trust Ruth's words blindly, Nicholas didn't think the same.

Before going here, he had received a few words about Ruth. So, he knew that Ruth saw this world differently.

And as someone who had seen the most monstrous person in the world, Theodore Griffith, he knew such a thing was possible under him. So, Nicholas decided to trust her. Of course, he didn't forget to tell the scouts to check their location to confirm it.

Meanwhile, Nicholas came out of the tent to see the situation. Though, the situation was actually peaceful. There was no monster in sight.

However, Nicholas saw this in another way.

"This is not good. As expected, the enemies are using the monsters that are not far away from us to hide another wave of monsters behind them. So, it's clear that other places will be attacked as well."

Nicholas gritted his teeth. "I am afraid we have to spread our people farther away. It will weaken the link, but this is the only way."

Ruth thought for a moment. "In that case, I'll be protecting this area. You should go to command the rest of the people."

"Yes. I'm planning to move around to make sure they don't hit us where we least expected it. But will you be fine?"

"If we only have to defend the position, I don't think it's hard. As long as there is no weird maneuver, we should be fine."

"I understand. In that case, I'll be leaving immediately. Happy hunting!" Nicholas nodded. He wasn't worried about leaving this place to Ruth. After all, she had extremely powerful firepower. It felt like they had multiple turrets that could decimate their enemies.

Of course, Nicholas didn't leave her just like that. He gave her an assistant that could lead the army in his stead.

After that, he moved away with ten thousand people. Meanwhile, Ruth stood on top of the building while holding her bow. She aimed at the sky while gathering her Magic Power on her bow.

"Arrow Rain."

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