Chapter 88 Unexpected Invitation

Previously, the cultivators stood outside the ancient tower as they witnessed the one-hundredth floor getting brighter; then, time froze. But they instantly returned to normal the next moment; it was as if nothing ever happened. Some cultivators exclaimed with fright, while others stared with bewildered eyes, but all the eyes of the now two hundred plus cultivators were staring at the hundredth floor of the ancient tower. After what felt like two minutes, the cultivators watched as the destroyed floors of the tower got instantly restored; it was as if the floors were never destroyed in the first place. This unbelievable event only intensified their shocking expressions. But not long after, the cultivators saw two extremely handsome men emerge from the now restored tower; one was the silver-haired Patrick they were familiar with, the other, a man with red hair they had never seen before.

Patrick and his first eternity servant, Raleigh Osborn, stood at the tower entrance as the surrounding cultivators stared at them scrutinizingly. The next moment, Patrick slightly turned his head to his left, hinting a command to Raleigh.

[Passive Nature: Gesture Hinting; Issue a command or order to your servants with expressions, gestures, and reactions without speaking]

Noticing Patrick's head movement, Raleigh slightly nodded as the next instant. RUMBLE! The entire dimension of the infinite treasures mountain vibrated, the previously restored tower began crumbling down. Some cultivators immediately realized what was happening as one bellowed.

"Hey, what is going on?"

"Everyone! The infinite treasures mountain is closing; let's get out."

The next moment, the remaining two hundred plus cultivators immediately flashed from within the core area of the dimension as they headed for the outside world; some used their accumulated treasures and skills as they rushed for the portals, leading outside the mountain. Among the rushing cultivators, the girl with red crystal-like eyes stood at her spot as she stared at the duo standing by the now crumbled tower entrance; she didn't immediately dash for the outside world. Instead, she flashed towards Patrick and Raleigh.

Patrick stood, hands in his coat pockets as he watched the cultivators rushing to leave the mountain, but then, the girl he previously chatted with appeared in front of him; she hurriedly spoke.

"Quick, come with me; I can help you."

The next moment, the girl stretched her right arm as a round portal, large enough to fit a truck, appeared before her; swirling blue energy was revolving from within the created portal. The girl then looked at the master and servant duo expectingly, waiting for them to enter first. The group of ten yellow armored-wearing escorts saw their lady opening a portal to a location they knew well of; some frowned with doubtful faces as they watched the reaction of the invited duo.

Patrick stared at the girl as he saw her expecting face; reacting with a slightly raised eyebrow, he nodded. He casually walked first into the round blue energy portal, Raleigh following without glancing at the girl. The girl watched the duo enter the portal, but one of her male escorts interrupted her before she could enter the portal.

"Lady, are you sure the family patriarch won't be mad about this?"

"Let me handle that; let's go."

The girl replied expressionlessly; she then elegantly jumped into the swirling blue portal, her silhouette vanishing after; the ten yellow-armored escorts also flashed from their locations as they vanished into the portal, leaving the crumbling infinite treasures mountain, not long after, the large round-shaped blue portal instantly closed behind the entered group.

Distances away from where the portal was situated, the Spiral Sword Celestial stood with a doubtful countenance; he had witnessed everything that transpired.

'That girl, that portal she just opened, is she from that family? That's impossible; that family isn't fond of mundane worldly affairs. But if she's here, then that means that family is planning on making a comeback? But why would she help that mysterious array master? Wait! Could it be that mysterious array master is an ally of that family? Maybe I'm overthinking it, but if this is true, I must use this opportunity and information to ally myself with an ancient power. But which ancient family should I choose?... I will go with the ancient Gong family; their reputation and influence spread even in the other four continents; if I become their ally, I might get to ascend to the Saint cultivation realm. Let's leave first.'

The Spiral Sword Celestial thought with a serious expression, one of the many green swords circling behind him, slowly rose above his head, the next instant, the sword emitted a bright green light as it showered the Spiral Sword Celestial. The green light died down seconds later, disappearing with the Spiral Sword Celestial gone.

The cultivators hurriedly rushed for the portal exits, with their bodies bursting out with multiple Qi radiances; not long after, the infinite treasures mountain was left empty of any surviving cultivators. Appearing outside the dimension and into the real world, the two hundred plus surviving cultivators breathed with exhausted faces as they steadily recovered from the scenes they had previously witnessed; they then heard a vibrating sound as some immediately turned to see what was happening. The previously hovering infinite treasures mountain intensely vibrated as it began disintegrating to specs of dust, this causing the present scene cultivators to express bewildered expressions; seconds later, the mountain completely disintegrated into nothing but dust particles as the swirling wind washed it away.

"What!? How did this happen?"

"I thought the records said the mountain will close and then vanish into the unknown void? How come it crumbled to dust?"

"Looks like we are the last batch of cultivators to encounter the infinite treasures mountain, sigh!"

The cultivators chatted as some seemed to understand what just happened, some accepting that maybe the mountain they hoped to appear every fifty thousand years will never appear again and had seized to exist. Like that, the legend of the infinite treasures mountain was no more, but another new legend was born; the story of a silver-haired array master who slaughtered people from an ancient family without leaving with a scratch was etched in the minds of the surviving cultivators, and how this same mysterious array master initiated the destruction of the infinite treasures mountain. With these memories and witnessed stories, the two hundred plus surviving cultivators dispersed into different directions of the central continent, their stories which will continue even in other future novels.

In an unknown separate domain within the core areas of the central continent, a certain known individual wearing a luxurious white cultivation robe hovered in a luxurious chamber with countless magisterial designs; on the walls were drawings of numerous magical beast; among the drawn beasts was a large turtle illustrated as the leading magical beast. The known individual hovered in a lotus position with closed eyes with two brilliant characters floating beside him, one saying 'Domination,' while the other was 'Restraint.' This person was a male, and he had silver hair with a handsome face, this was non-other than Gong Tieshan, the Gong descendant of the ancient Gong family. Gong Tieshan floated in the large luxurious chamber when suddenly, a male voice spoke from the darkness.

"Eighth prince, the ancient emperor mandates all princes to visit the ancient throne hall."

​ Hearing the message, Gong Tieshan unhurriedly opened his closed eyes as they shone with brilliant blue lights. He had an expressionless face; the next moment, his hovering body slowly began descending as he stood with an authoritative countenance, hands behind his back; Gong Tieshan spoke, his voice filled with the laws of domination and restraint floating beside him.

"How is the search going for that silver-haired boy?"

"Eighth prince, we have investigated and concluded that the silver-haired male you mentioned isn't from any ancient power or family. To be precise, he isn't from any reputable background at all; but there is news that the infinite treasures mountain has been destroyed, and according to a reputable source, it was related to a silver-haired array master-."

Listening to the last part of the sentence, Gong Tieshan paused the unknown speaking male with a raise of his hand; he then spoke.

"And who exactly is this source?"

"Eighth prince, it is the Spiral Sword Celestial, and it seems he has more to say."

"Hmm, good. I will see the Spiral Sword Celestial after visiting my old man; for now, hold on the investigation."

"As you wish."

The unknown male voice left, leaving Gong Tieshan alone in the large luxurious chamber. But the next second, BOOM! Gong Tieshan's body burst out with the overwhelming pressure of a second-stage Star Celestial as it completely shattered the items in the surroundings; his body radiated with the law of domination and restraint as it caused the space itself to vibrate intensely.

"Whoever you are, I will find you, and I will personally uproot your guts with my bare hands."

In the outer areas of the central continent, there was a city located within the same region as the Spirit Sword Sect and many other weaker outer region powers; this city was many times more glorious than the Sky Yun City, in both size and luxurious structure designs. The city spread for over a hundred thousand square miles; if one didn't know better, one would think this was a country and not a city because of its extensive landmass. There were thousands of people going in and out of the city as the streets within the city were occupied with numerous roaming individuals. The city's environment was peaceful and calm; there wasn't any chaotic event happening, like stealing or chasing around. It was a well orderly city.

Within the city's core area, a large blue portal appeared from the space as it drew the attention of the patrolling yellow-armored guards, but seeing that it was a blue portal, they calmed down as they were familiar with such occurrences. Instead, the patrolling guards cupped their arms in salute to the opened portal as if they knew who was arriving from the portal, but the next scene caused an alert. A devilishly handsome man wearing an all-black attire emerged from the swirling blue portal, followed by another handsome red-haired man; seeing these two unknown figures, one of the guards shouted with widened eyes.

"Code Red! Unknown individuals identified!"

The next second, numerous yellow-armored guards flashed as they surrounded the arrived duo; they held different weapons and treasures as they pointed them at the duo; not long after, a man wearing a more luxurious brilliant yellow armor appeared above the alerted guards as he spectated the scene. The arrived individual had short blonde hair with a medium-sized blonde beard; he was six feet tall and had a slightly handsome face; attached behind his back was a large boulder-like sword which didn't seem to weigh him down the least. The man hovered hands folded on his chest as he stared at the unknown arrived duo with an unimpressed expression; he then spoke.

"If you don't mind, may I please know who dear guests are-?"


The man spoke with an overbearing attitude, but before he could finish his sentence, he was sent heavily crashing down the earth as a booming sound reverberated in the surroundings, his armor instantly assuming multiple dents. The floating man wasn't the only one; the surrounding guards who pointed their weapons at the arrived duo also experienced similar events; they lay face flat on the ground as they couldn't even breathe properly; the next second, they heard a male voice.

"Pardon me, but I can't stand someone looking down on my master; I hope you don't find my actions offending."

The yellow-armored guards lay completely restrained on the ground as they heard the male voice; they couldn't even breathe properly, let alone understand what was said. The blonde-haired man strugglingly breathed as he had an overwhelmed expression. But the next moment, a voice sounded from the distance air.

"Who dare invade my Sun Alchemy City!?"

A man clad in a more majestic and luxurious cultivation robe appeared over the scene, he saw the present state of his guards as he frowned, but before he could react accordingly, a female's voice interrupted him.

"It's me, father."

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