Global Game: I, the Necromancer, am the scourge

Chapter 109: 109: Face-off, Lao Tie's Instant Kill

Strengthening the Skeleton Army is a task of great importance and arduous journey.

However, for Zi Liyuan, whose Spirit had broken through the impressive threshold of a thousand, while the Skeletons’ power only improved marginally, their numbers increased more than twofold.

There is a saying, “If quality is lacking, make it up with quantity.”

The horrifying aspect of the Undead Calamity is, number is one of its terrors.

The Phantom Knights kept charging in waves, the front rank shattering themselves to pieces, but the ranks behind never ceased. With a mere call from Zi Liyuan, as many as 512 would emerge, the once-familiar sight of sweeping through everything with the Skeleton Army resurfaced before his eyes.

The true sweeping through was where the Skeleton Cavalry passed, leaving enemies trampled into debris.

The false sweeping through was where the Skeleton Cavalry passed, shattering themselves instead while the enemies were merely knocked back and repelled.

Watching the boss being knocked into disarray and retreating, Zi Liyuan wasn’t the least bit embarrassed, and he even casually set off a few small fireworks with the Corpse Explosion Technique, just to hear the bang.

Under his command, a thousand-strong Phantom Knights force carved a path right through the boss pack, heading straight for the battlefield behind where the Spider Queen was situated.

In the time it took to deal with a single Spider Warrior, a stunning turnaround occurred where the Spider Queen was.

Originally, the Spider Queen had been dominating the candidates, but now this Legendary BOSS was in a quite pathetic state, its attacks restrained as if bound by an invisible shackle.

More importantly, the Spider Queen was unexpectedly afflicted by a super negative BUFF— a 40% reduction in all attributes!

Even more unexpected to Zi Liyuan was the Spider Queen’s too million health points, now reduced to only 8 million, and the boss was hemorrhaging health, losing 100,000 points every second.

Watching everyone collaborating sincerely, acting in perfect coordination, and unleashing various powerful moves one after another without any reservations, Zi Liyuan was somewhat dumbfounded and at the same time filled with anger.

These vile creatures probably saw that he was accelerating the defeat of the Spider Warrior, so they had no choice but to abandon their little schemes and try to take down the Spider Queen before he got there.

They likely hadn’t anticipated how quickly he would dispatch the Spider Warrior, and although the Corpse Explosion Technique had been greatly weakened, it was still effective against the Epic Boss.

Riding Lao Tie to the edge of the Spirit-calming Array, a spear phantom descended from the sky, landing squarely in front of them, even turning the Phantom Knights within a ten-meter radius to bone and dust.

“ZiLiyuan, halt!”

A direct descendant from one of the Ancient Noble Families appeared before him in a flash, with a long spear in hand drawing a crack on the ground.

“The Legendary BOSS is not for you to meddle with. Cross this line, and you will offend all eight Ancient Noble Families and the four royal houses.”

A barefaced warning, and just as much a threat.

This candidate holding the spear looked at Zi Liyuan with a trace of disdain, not believing that someone of a commoner profession would dare provoke members of the eight great noble houses and four royal families.

Unfortunately, Zi Liyuan’s attitude had changed, because he saw bigger benefits!

Epic Bosses could bring him a substantial upgrade in strength; what about a Legendary BOSS, unheard of on Blue Star?

In previous dungeon runs, melee bosses only dropped physical gear, and spellcaster bosses dropped magical gear.

But the Epic Boss, the Spider Warrior?

Three golden Lord pieces of gear, while definitely for physical combat, could perfectly compensate for the deficiencies of the Hell Demon Marionette’s attacks.

It also dropped a complete set of silver magical gear, allowing him to swap out his old weapons for significantly more powerful ones, which more than doubled his strength.

This made Zi Liyuan realize that his talent wasn’t just being favored by Lady Luck with his wish-fulfillment ability but also an automatic matching of items that best benefited his growth!

If a melee Spider Warrior, an Epic Boss, dropped items beneficial for both physical and magical combat, then surely a Legendary BOSS would do the same!

Blocking someone’s path to wealth is akin to killing one’s parents. Moreover, Zi Liyuan loathed their arrogance and presumptuousness.

Do you really think that the Great Xia Empire is still controlled by the Ancient Noble Families and the four royal clans?

The establishment of a new empire, the rise of new noble families, the purge of old powers, and the exchange of interests… have long since suppressed these Ancient Noble Families and the four royal clans.

Those in the upper echelons of the Great Xia Empire today do not wish to return to the feudal era, to a time when scholars and the emperor co-ruled the world, especially after being harmed by the reign of the so-called Pigtail Dynasty.

“Since that is the case, you may die now!”

Zi Liyuan’s face carried a hint of a smile, but the words he spoke were immersed in coldness, with surging murderous intent piercing through.

The moment his words ended, Lao Tie had already closed in for the kill.

From his clenched fists, two sharp blades unexpectedly protruded, flashing like lightning as they cleaved towards the examinee.

From the left and the right, the blades seemed to tear through space, with the skills “Armor-Splitting Slash” and “Two-Part Slash” striking the opponent in succession.

“-21905” “-36510” “-3550″… “-3561”

In an instant, a total of ten numbers representing damage burst forth.

The first two were the result of Lao Tie unleashing his blades from both fists, while the other eight came from the spurs on Lao Tie’s back inflicting damage.

In a burst of instant damage, a total of over 87,000 points of damage had been dealt. The examinee, who a moment before had a trace of scorn, suddenly had dilated pupils, gasped for air, and then thunderously fell to the ground.

One-hit kill!

Even Zi Liyuan only had a little over 74,000 hit points. How could an examinee, who was a full rank lower than him, survive, even if they were decked out in impressive gear? Surely, they didn’t have a full set of golden Lord-level equipment, did they?

“Tch, I thought he had some ability, but he’s just another one to be one-shot killed.”

If you cannot ensure your absolute safety, then at all times you must maintain sufficient respect for the powerful.

“Really thought he was something, didn’t he? Sowhat if he’s a direct descendant of an Ancient Noble Family? Will his status and identity remain the same after he dies this time?”

Throughout history, there have been countless geniuses who failed to rise. This examinee, slain by Lao Tie in a single hit, will most likely end up half-ruined, becoming nothing but a castoff of the Ancient Noble Families.

“Damn it! How dare he?!”

“The bastard, to actually kill Brother Jiang, Zi Liyuan, you just wait to be hunted down by the Jiang family!”

“Death career practitioners are highly susceptible to corruption by the Evil God, he must have been seduced by the Evil God!”

“Kill him, avenge Brother Jiang!”

“Don’t be impulsive, let’s take out the BOSS first, then take him on together!”

The sounds of cursing were incessant, as those surrounding the Spider Queen hesitated in their actions, each one looking at Zi Liyuan with eyes full of hatred and wariness.

From the beginning, they wanted to exclude him, even using the Spider Warriors to slow his steps.

Even after he dealt with the Spider Warriors, they relied on their respective backgrounds to forcefully prevent him from intervening.

They had never imagined that he would dare to commit murder in a fit of rage!

Without a word of negotiation, he struck to kill instantly, with complete disregard for their backgrounds.

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