Global Fog Survival

Chapter 98: Baptism

Boom! Boom! Boom! Shells loaded with nearly ten kilograms of explosives flew from the large-caliber cannon, plunging into the darkness and unleashing devastating destructive power.

Numerous “Fallen Noble Offspring” were blown to pieces, their limbs and flesh scattering, many dying without even a scream as the shockwaves killed them. The entire space rumbled with the bombardment, with dust falling from the ceiling, but no cracks or collapses occurred.

Colin felt the ground trembling beneath him and glanced at the domed ceiling.

【You realize that this level of firepower is insufficient to affect this sturdy underground space.】

Are they encouraging me to increase the firepower? That’s not good. What if it collapses? Colin worried inwardly but said, “Don’t stop, increase the power!”

Meanwhile, the last survivor was dragged to safety by Sanna, ensuring they wouldn’t be caught in the crossfire.

The next second, deep red flames burst in the darkness again, bringing pure death and terror to the abhorrent creatures. Amidst the blood and fire, Colin’s will was executed!

At this moment, the servants with the first row of cannons quickly dragged them back into the darkness behind Colin after firing. A new round of large-caliber cannons was brought out of the darkness, each carried by two servants to the front.

A total of eight!

They quickly mounted the steel cannons, gleaming with a metallic luster, onto the sturdy temporary stone platforms.

“Continue firing. Aim for where the screams come from and keep firing until it’s quiet.”

At Colin’s command, fierce light burst from the dark cannon barrels, shooting into the darkness with a roaring sound. The servants stabilizing the cannons shuddered, slightly pushed back by the recoil, but were otherwise unharmed.

With each round of firing, the increasingly skilled servants completed the reloads more swiftly. The servants carrying the heated, smoking barrels retreated and handed them to the busy Li Chou, who immediately traded them to the level 3 territory through his friends and received new barrels.

The new barrels, when retrieved from the scroll, were already filled with explosives, ready to fire with just a pull of the firing string, saving the servants from having to load the shells themselves, making the process much faster.

As for aiming, just point where the screams are coming from.

Under heavy fire saturation, everything would be purified by cannon fire, and all filth would be cleansed. Using the system’s features, the interval between rotations and firing could be reduced to less than ten seconds, becoming increasingly faster with practice.

The four survivors watched the scene before them in a daze, their faces bewildered, not fully comprehending the situation. Colin had no time to deal with them; he surveyed the battlefield, using hints to observe everything.

He had some understanding of these monsters and had received the task of exterminating them. They had encountered attacks when they arrived, but easily dealt with them. Led by Sanna, most of the offspring posed no threat. Realizing the creatures feared light, Colin extinguished the lantern and conducted his first no-light exploration, taking about ten minutes to reach this place.

When he arrived, he witnessed a gruesome scene—over four hundred “Fallen Noble Offspring” and a man holding the light. As the blazing light burst, the hall plunged into chaos, and Colin, not waiting for hints, acted on instinct, capturing the fleeting opportunity to suppress the “Fallen Noble Offspring” before they could rise again.

The artillery had now taken full control of the situation!

The pervasive stench was subdued by the scorching smoke of gunpowder!

“It seems these monsters have attributes around 1.5 to 3, with a few reaching 5. But they pose no threat now,” Colin quickly assessed.

With the intense artillery bombardment, the area grew increasingly quiet. Suddenly, Colin sensed something and looked in a certain direction.

A few seconds later, he saw a bloated figure emerging from the smoke. It was an unusually fat, giant, and hideously indescribable creature.

“Twisted—Fallen Noble—Primordial Source.”

It struggled to move, its body battered and torn from the explosions, blood gushing from numerous wounds. But its glaring red eyes were filled with hatred as it stared at Colin.

“What are you looking at?” Colin frowned, locking eyes with the creature, his gaze becoming deep and dark.


The Primordial Source’s eyes exploded!

Its obese hands, thicker than a person’s waist, covered its eye sockets, blood seeping through its fingers as it emitted a horrifying scream. It rolled like a mass of rotten meat, layers of fat trembling and howling in agony. Numerous “rats” around it screamed, seemingly affected by the same damage.

Clearly, Colin’s “mental pierce” caused significant harm to both the Primordial Source and the “rats” it controlled.

Colin smirked. Who gave you the courage to stare at me, thinking you’re a lord-level mutant? This family crypt no longer housed any lord-level mutants. Or maybe it once did, but they had been killed, one even twice. The first lord-level mutant was unknown, but the second, the “human-faced rat,” lay in Li Chou’s inventory.

Hence, Colin explored without fear.

For the current survivors, assuming the system had levels, a typical survivor was level 10, ordinary mutants ranged from level 3 to 9, and elite mutants ranged from level 10 to 50. These two levels transitioned smoothly, but the jump to “lord-level” was ridiculously exaggerated, starting at 100-200 with multiple strong skills and attributes possibly exceeding 300!

Sanna, with less than ten in single-strength attributes, could make all survivors call her daddy. Imagine how strong a lord-level mutant was. Just seeing one exacted a price; sudden encounters left no choice but to flee. But this had nothing to do with the “Fallen Noble—Primordial Source,” whose level, if quantified, was at most just above 50, with no passive mental interference effects. Once crippled, it was now halved in strength, roughly level 20.

“Surviving so many blasts, the ‘no harm despite smoke’ theory holds some truth,” Colin muttered, pulling out a 100-pound explosive barrel from his inventory.

Kicking the lit barrel, he sent it rolling toward the creature. Everyone ducked behind stone pillars to avoid the blast. Just before the barrel exploded, a hoarse, beast-like voice shouted:

“Kaidish Watt! You treacherous family betrayer! Even in death, I curse you!”

As the words fell, the fiery red light burst forth like lava!

Kaidish Watt?

Colin’s eyes widened, and his mouth was slightly agape. He seemed to have heard something astonishing.

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