Global Fog Survival

Chapter 75: The Weeping Miracle

Colin and his group had crossed the road and entered the dense olive tree forest. The road did not lead to the forest’s edge, so they were now surrounded by olive trees less than half a meter away. These trees were twisting, writhing, and reviving. They had to keep moving to avoid being surrounded, or the outcome would be grim.

Dealing with a few dozen or even a few hundred olive trees with modern weapons was manageable, but facing tens or hundreds of thousands was overwhelming. Moreover, these trees were not easily flammable. However, Colin had some choices: head to the temporary safe spot, which was now about two kilometers away, indicating it was reachable. Still, Colin suspected this “safe spot” might be a trap.

The other option was to check the newly issued task for potential solutions. If there was no hope, they would have to head to the temporary safe spot.

“What do we do, boss?” Li Chou panted heavily.

“Don’t panic, we’re not at a dead end yet,” Colin replied dismissively. He quickly pulled out a scroll to check the task list.

【”The Land of Withered Olives”】

【Quest Description: As frost approached, the olive trees began to wither. A compassionate girl, saddened by this sight, cried and prayed daily in a cave beside the olive forest.

Miraculously, unlike other plants that died in the cold, this summer-only olive forest thrived. It seemed the trees were nourished by the girl’s tears.

However, one winter day, the girl was found dead under an olive tree. The villagers buried her in the cave where she wept. The next day, all the olive trees began to wither.

But as that day approached, the olive trees, which should have died with the young woman, instead cried and resented all outsiders, refusing to fall into slumber.】

【Quest Duration: Unlimited】

【Quest Requirements: Reach the source of the mutation, uncover the burial site of the deceased, and discover why the olive trees weep and refuse to die.】

【Quest Rewards: Hard Black Bread*99, Rope*3, Level 3 Backpack Expansion Card (108 slots)*1】

“A new type of getting quest… Miracles in this world are truly bizarre. A girl’s tears can sustain tens of thousands of olive trees through unnatural means. If this were on Earth, it would revolutionize desert greening… No, better not. I wouldn’t want to see millions of trees refusing to die,” Colin thought. He quickly checked the scroll and activated the hint system.

【Hint: You believe the girl’s grave is about a kilometer to your right. You observe that there are no Lord-level mutants in that direction.】

As long as there were no Lord-level mutants, everything was manageable. Colin considered the task might have further steps; the initial part should be easy, with difficulties to follow. He had a natural advantage in deciphering such quest; with some luck, hints could directly provide answers.

Once he decided on the direction, Colin and his group increased their pace towards the cave where the girl was buried. In the dense forest, they moved faster and more comfortably than on the road, as the revived olive trees struggled to pursue them through the thick foliage. They often brushed against the trees, feeling the strange, muscle-like texture beneath the cracked bark, which was psychologically taxing. These trees barely resembled olive trees anymore.

As they neared the cave, the unsettling aura of the olive trees intensified. The trees appeared increasingly humanoid, many kneeling with outstretched branches like hands, exuding an air of extreme sorrow. Colin couldn’t help but think of mourning scenes, except the mourners were trees, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Pushing through their fear, they finally reached the cave. But Colin’s face fell. The cave entrance was completely blocked by a mass of olive trees.

【You observe that this is a five to six-meter deep cave passage, now entirely sealed by olive trees.】

Even with a large amount of explosives, Colin couldn’t blast through. “Damn it!” he cursed, realizing he had underestimated the quest’s complexity. System quests were never simple, even the “easiest” explorations could be laden with traps, with hints providing incomplete information.

He needed to think from another angle. Glancing at the sealed cave, he saw no time for extensive blasting. Hundreds, possibly thousands, of olive trees were closing in, only three minutes away. Even if they survived this wave, within ten minutes, the numbers would double to tens of thousands.

【You ponder the quest description and realize it’s incomplete, missing key information.】

【After brief contemplation, you believe the temporary safe spot might hold some answers…】

Seeing the task from another perspective, Colin realized it was a trap to mislead and potentially kill them. Without specific instructions, people would naturally head to the quest site, only to find themselves in a dead-end and surrounded by countless olive trees.

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