Global Fog Survival

Chapter 53: It’s Coming!

“I feel the presence of a big shot in the trading market. Is the big shot making another move?”

“Your feeling is wrong. The big shot just upgraded his war chariot. How could he be here again?”

“Exactly, It’s only been two hours. If Colin the big shot is making another big move, I’ll eat my war chariot on the spot.”

However, as they chatted, a notification suddenly appeared in everyone’s mind:

【Congratulations to the survivor “Colin” for becoming the first lord to build a level three territory.】

【Reward of “999 Hardened Black Bread” will be distributed.】

【The reward has been distributed.】

【Let’s all strive forward together, survivors.】

“Holy cow, here it is again. Is this what a big shot is? By the way, where’s the guy who said he’d eat his war chariot? Are you dead? Make a sound.”

“I know the level three blueprint formula for territory. Private message me if you need it!”

“Don’t believe the scammer above! I just got scammed by him!”

“Has the level three territory come out so soon? Luckily, I just finished upgrading to level two and can’t afford the next step…”

“Why are all the food rewards black bread? Can’t the designer come up with something new?”

“To get rich, start mining! Brothers, hurry up and mine!”

“Damn, the price of stones has gone up again! These damn merchants, if they keep pushing me, I’ll go mine myself!”

“Praise Colin the big shot!”

Colin did not join the “celebration” in the chat channel. At this moment, he was already in the courtyard of the territory, discussing the next steps with some lords and the “Lamp Bearers” as they walked.

Outside the territory, nine war chariots lined up, with hundreds of people standing firmly behind them like a wall.

“…Based on the behavior of that mutant creature, it shouldn’t be too difficult to deal with…”

“But to be safe, let’s prepare a few plans… We have about five hours until dark, which is sufficient time. We’ll spend an hour on a temporary drill…”

“This operation must go smoothly. I have a feeling something is being hidden, and we won’t know until we kill it…”

After a long discussion, the drill began quickly. An hour later, twenty-three teams, including Number One, stood in front of Colin, their chests puffed out, waiting for orders.

A few meters away from Colin, Rogue and other lords watched in a daze. If these were their servants, or if some of them were their servants, they would not show such enthusiasm and loyalty. The five servants who blocked the chariot earlier were particularly touching.

The control over servants was indeed absolute, and they would not betray, but without instructions, they would not take initiative like Colin’s servants, who were “active.” They were more loyal to the system than to their lords. Colin’s servants, however, were absolutely loyal to him, not the system. They believed that, even without the system, these servants would remain loyal.

Rogue thought back to the four figures in the light. He was almost certain that without prior instructions, his servants would have been scared and retreated. They couldn’t do what Colin did. Rogue had tried to befriend his servants, but they didn’t buy into his “ideals.” Only now did he realize his feet were off the ground, and what the servants needed was a meal to fill their stomachs, not “ideals.” Recognizing these small details, Rogue had to admit Colin’s faster expansion was justified.

Of course, some people believed Colin had an unfair advantage, thinking he knew and could do everything. They planned to ask, “Brother, are you selling that advantage?” once they got to know him better. But a prominent figure, Li Chou, explained that Colin’s success was due to a mysterious item, not cheating, and clarified the resource rankings’ principles. This made everyone sigh in relief, acknowledging Colin’s top ranking was well-deserved—Colin wasn’t cheating.

Ignoring the murmurs behind him, Colin scanned the well-formed team and issued orders. “Get in order and board the chariots. The operation starts now!”

With his command, twenty-one “Lamp Bearer” combat teams quickly boarded the nine war chariots. Colin and the others followed, also getting on. The large level three territory was left with most of the lords, two “Lamp Bearer” teams, and two hundred newly acquired servants.

Soon, Colin, in the passenger seat, saw the sparse forest again. It was gloomy, desolate, and dead silent, with only bare, blackened branches remaining.

“Let’s begin. I’ll lead the team,” Colin commanded. The rear doors of the wagons opened, and lanterns were lit again. Whether inside or outside the wagons, every servant silently followed their captain’s lead.

The initial plan was simple. Five elite teams would enter the forest with Colin to place explosives and lure the mutant creature. Detonate it and finish it. Ideally, the creature would be destroyed without direct contact, not even eye contact.

The first batch of explosives, a ton in weight, was set up. But as Colin placed the second set, everyone felt a sudden pressure, as if something was crushing their bodies and making it hard to breathe. A distant, heavy, bone-chilling footstep echoed. Though faint by the time it reached them, it was undeniable.

“It’s coming!” Colin’s familiar sense of horror surged. The creature was approaching much faster than expected. He immediately decided: “Abandon the third set of explosives. Retreat now!”

Upon hearing its footsteps, they had less than three minutes before it arrived. Colin knew there wasn’t enough time to place more explosives!

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