Global Fog Survival

Chapter 105: Fairness


Seeing Colin drink the potion, Russell immediately took out a similar potion to drink, but a whip struck his back, causing the potion to spill out of his mouth with a spray.

Too slow…

Russell reached back to touch the wound, seeing blood on his hand. However, more than the lash, his gray eyes looked at the spilled potion with heartache.

This wasn’t some cheap potion like the one the opponent had.

“What a waste…”

But Russell wasn’t flustered. This only slightly narrowed the gap in their strengths; he still had a big advantage.

But there were two more rules to be set.

He stared at Colin, ready to mimic his actions without delay to avoid another misstep.

“I vow, in this duel, not to use any mystical items, and in fairness, my opponent must not use any mystical items either.”

Huh? How can you vow not to use mystical items when you’re clearly relying on something to make these vows?

Russell felt the “Shield of the Just Knight” was a very unfair and biased item. But it didn’t matter; his individual attributes and combat experience far surpassed Colin’s.

Moreover, his skills were still usable.

You didn’t expect that, didn’t you? I can still use my skills!

Russell secretly laughed, confident that these survivors, who hadn’t been exploring for long, had no skills.

As he watched Colin, he stored his blue dagger, a yellow coin, and a blood-stained cloth in his bag to avoid losing them.

Then he heard Colin utter the final rule, and he felt even worse.

“I vow, in this duel, to receive the blessing of a designated priest, and, in fairness, my opponent may also receive a priest’s blessing.”


Where am I supposed to find a priest to bless me?

Russell was completely taken aback.

At the same time, a female figure became clear at the edge of the arena.

“Courage Blessing.”

“Light Shield.”

“Weapon Blessing.”

“Wind Blessing!”

“Light Shield!”

“Light Shield!”

The girl’s voice echoed quickly, casting every blessing she knew onto Colin.

Except for Light Shield, all blessings had half the effect when cast on others.

However, these were still strong support spells.

With many buffs, Russell watched in shock as Colin’s overall strength surged.

Various layers of Light Shield stacked upon him, making Colin appear as if he were wearing a suit of radiant armor, glowing blindingly bright.


Russell realized that the shield’s mystical level must be very high!

The second rule prohibited the use of mystical items. If the shield wasn’t highly mystical, it wouldn’t be able to enforce such a restriction.

Both were mystical items, but the shield’s restriction indicated a higher power level, suppressing all mystical items Russell possessed.

“Don’t panic. I still have an advantage.”

Russell remembered his three skills, feeling somewhat relieved.

He pulled out a pure black hammer from his bag, smirking, “Mystical items are forbidden, but not weapons.”

But then Colin silently took out a row of cannons, gripping the firing cord, making Russell’s expression freeze.

There is half a minute left.

Colin’s Light Shield had been stacked over a dozen times, and although the effect was diminishing, Sanna kept adding more shields despite sweating from the effort.

Finally, as the words “Duel begins” were spoken, Sanna’s figure blurred again, unable to participate further.

Colin’s third rule had skirted the edges of the basic rules, so it couldn’t be used indefinitely.

At that moment, Colin pulled the cannon cord, and flames burst from the barrels, sending three shells straight at Russell.


Russell smirked, disappearing from Colin’s view and reappearing behind him in an instant.

But something felt off about Colin’s aura…

Russell swung his flaming hammer at Colin’s shoulder, using a skill meant to break through shields and cause massive damage.

Yet he didn’t intend to kill Colin, believing it hadn’t come to that.

In the mid-stage of the survivor’s fight for resources, he might have considered it, but not now. Seeing another living person was already rare, and he had lost much of his killer instinct.

He planned to teach this disrespectful junior a lesson and loot him.

As for the servant, especially the white-clad, gold-trimmed, delicate-faced priestess, he wouldn’t touch her.

This wasn’t due to his kindness, but because he knew the complexity of the situation.

As he considered how to distribute the spoils, Russell suddenly saw Colin’s slight smile. Colin turned quickly, his eyes meeting Russell’s with a glint.

Damn it!

Before he could think, Russell’s muscles froze, his mind going blank.

A skill! I’ve been hit!

Realizing this, a tidal wave of pain surged through his brain, making it hard to think.

At the same time, he felt a heavy kick to his abdomen, sending him flying and crashing to the ground.

Rolling several times, Russell barely managed to regain his senses, realizing he had lost.

In these “semi-extraordinary” battles, whoever seized the initiative had the upper hand.

With the upper hand, the opponent couldn’t turn the tables.

Now, not only was he losing, but his brain was in turmoil, unable to use his skills. He was being ground into the dirt.

Using a skill would take at least three seconds of recovery, but his opponent wouldn’t give him that time.

Three seconds were enough to end many things.

There was no way to turn the tide.

Before the next barrage of blows could rain down, Russell quickly said:

“I surrender.”

He knew Colin wouldn’t kill him if he had any sense.

He was also curious about the outside world; otherwise, he wouldn’t have risked his life to come out.

Living alone was too…boring.

But he hadn’t expected Colin to keep punching him, even after he surrendered.

“Not the face!”

After six or seven minutes, Colin finally stopped, calming his duel-induced desire.

Putting away the shield, the buzzing voices in his head screaming “Kill him” gradually quieted down.

They returned to their original location.

Russell’s face was bruised and swollen; he was struggling to open his eyes, and he saw his horse again.

Finally, someone is worse off than me. Li Chou grinned, wishing he could take a picture.

Next time, I can’t use this item twice within an hour. Colin exhaled deeply.

Using the “Shield of the Just Knight” twice within an hour left an unquenchable desire for battle.

Colin walked toward Russell, not in a hurry to collect the spoils, but saying:

“Now can we talk?”

“About what?”

“The system.”

Russell stiffened, his body tensing.

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