Global Demon King: Starting as the Abyssal Dragon

Chapter 333: Meeting of Empress Ophelia & Pope Delores

Chapter 333: Meeting of Empress Ophelia & Pope Delores

The Radiant Church was an organization that rivaled, if not surpassed, most empire-level forces in the world. Nearly every pope throughout history had possessed emperor-class power. Furthermore, the Radiant Church's followers were scattered across every nation, region, and race.

Facing such a powerful entity, one could not afford to be careless. With Zhang Nu away, Han Kexin, as the current highest-ranking administrator, had the responsibility to control all potential threats.

Early the next morning, after a thorough disguise, Han Kexin and Empress Ophelia set off for the Imperial Cathedral. This cathedral was not located within the imperial capital but was built in a small independent town named Cathedral Town, situated eight hundred miles from the capital.

The empire and the church had an agreement. The church's clergy would provide free assistance to the empire and even aid in battles when necessary. In return, the empire allowed them to preach within its borders and granted them a special fief. Cathedral Town was this fief and the church's regional headquarters within the empire. Though small in scale, it had no imperial administrative officials, no stationed imperial soldiers, and no imperial citizens living within it. It was an entirely self-governed area controlled by the church.

At that moment, accompanied by the sound of wings flapping, dozens of majestic golden griffins descended from the sky. From each griffin dismounted a Guardian Knight clad in golden armor and wielding a massive sword. Among these dozens of knights, two female figures stood out.

One of them was dressed in imperial attire, with the Frostbane Sword of the Grand Duke of the North at her waist, exuding a cold and regal aura. She was the current legitimate ruler of the empire, the seventeenth emperor of the Frelio family. Beside the Ice Empress stood a young woman dressed in a starry robe, the royal chief mage. Although her face was obscured by the large hood of her mage's robe, it was clear from her graceful figure that she was a young woman.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

The Cardinal of the Thunder Empire, an elderly man with white hair, bowed respectfully.

Ophelia said calmly, "Where is Her Holiness the Pope?"

The Cardinal quickly replied, "Her Holiness has also arrived. Please, Your Majesty, follow me into the cathedral."

Ophelia glanced around the surroundings. Although Cathedral Town was a special fief granted to the church, according to the rules, it was not permitted to station large military forces here. Given the town's small size, the area was predominantly populated by priests and clerics, with few pure combat units such as knights.

Ten minutes later, Ophelia walked into the opulent cathedral. A woman with a pure aura, dressed in the white robes of a religious pope, stood at the front with a powerful presence. She was accompanied by eight attendants, consisting of four knights and four clerics.

The Cardinal quickly introduced, "Your Majesty, this is Her Holiness the Pope. To meet you in person, she has gone to great lengths, even teleporting directly from the Holy City."

Ophelia, without wasting any words, asked bluntly, "Your Holiness, given your esteemed status, I assume you wouldn't meet with me without good reason. Please get straight to the point. As you know, I am quite busy these days."

Dolores calmly replied, "Your Majesty, I understand your busy schedule, so I will keep it brief."

"We are aware that under the invasion of the Demon King of the Chaos Forest, the empire has suffered severe losses and has been greatly weakened, even forced to sign some unequal treaties."

"Our church has always been dedicated to maintaining peace and justice in the world. We cannot tolerate the threat posed by the Demon King, who is filled with aggression and a desire for conquest."

"If Your Majesty is willing, we hope to join forces with the empire. The Radiant Church will spare no effort to drive out the invaders and restore the independence of the empire's sovereignty."

Upon hearing this, Ophelia laughed, "Your Holiness, with all due respect, your capabilities are not sufficient to contend with the Demon King."

These words caused the expressions of the other clergy present to change drastically. Dolores was the current Pope, her power could be described as unfathomable, and she had offered to help the empire restore its sovereignty. Yet, she was met with the empress's ridicule. Has this empress gone mad? Even at the height of the empire's power, the previous emperor would not dare speak to the Pope in such a manner. The Pope not only possessed immense strength but also wielded great influence in this world, with numerous ways to make the empire suffer.

Dolores replied coolly, "It seems Her Majesty is determined to become a vassal of the Demon King. Despite being a sovereign ruler, you grovel before an invader."

Ophelia did not argue, "So what if I do?"

Dolores stated, "If Your Majesty remains stubborn, then for the future of the empire and for the other nations and people of the continent, I will be forced to take extreme measures."

As she spoke, the entire cathedral began to tremble. Countless magical runes appeared on the floor, spreading rapidly in the blink of an eye. Ophelia could clearly sense that at least five different magic formations and restrictions had been activated within the cathedral. A force of suppression and sealing now targeted Ophelia. Even with her Level 6 legendary strength, she would be weakened by at least sixty to seventy percent in such circumstances.

Ophelia's face turned cold. "It seems that Your Holiness never intended to negotiate with me. Attacking me within my own country?! Hasn't the church become too arrogant?"

Dolores responded calmly, "Everything is for the sake of this world and the people of the Thunder Empire."

Ophelia unleashed her power, attempting to counteract the force surrounding her.

"It's useless!" Dolores said with composure. "The Demon King is not in the empire. With your power, you can't escape. We need you to issue commands for this empire and to prevent the Demon King from completely conquering it."

However, Dolores suddenly felt a ferocious psychic attack struck her. Her expression changed dramatically as she felt intense pain in her brain. She immediately cast several targeted spells and divine arts to counteract the unbelievably powerful psychic assault.

"Who are you?" Dolores instantly pinpointed the source. Her gaze locked onto the woman in the starlit robe beside the empress. "I will ask again! Who are you!?"

Han Kexin did not hide. She removed her robe, revealing her true appearance.

The Pope exclaimed, "A demon? No, you're not just any demon. What exactly are you?"

Her face turned pale because she could clearly sense that this woman who had suddenly appeared possessed strength comparable to her own, at least Level 6 legend. Initially, she believed that with her preparations and her own power, controlling an empress who had just come into power wouldn't be difficult. But now, an unexpected variable had emerged.

The Demon King should have already left the Darkness City. So, who is this powerful woman who appeared out of nowhere? What is her relationship with the Demon King?

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