Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

"The reason I haven't visited them so far is because I wanted to use them to recruit Hyoudou-san and Gilgamesh-san but now that failed..." She shrugged disinterestedly.

"We can turn a blind eye to them, pretend we didn't know they were here in the first place. Let Gilgamesh-san have a little chat with them, I feel that would be a good comeback as one of them babbled to him about us." She stated with a sweet, cold smile, making Akeno slowly have the smile on her face as well.

"If you say..."

*With Gilgamesh.*

Gilgamesh was now in a secluded place as he watched the sky.

"I screwed up," thinks Gilgamesh.

"It's not true master" said Regulus.

[I agree with the cat] said Ddraig to Gilgamesh.

"That's not what I meant," says Gilgamesh as he cuts the telepathic link so he doesn't have to listen to Ddraig and Regulus' fight.

It had been half an hour since I talked to Rias and his group. Currently, I was on the Kuoh Academy sports field, lying on the grass while looking at a group of clouds that hovered above me. I crossed my arms at the back of my head, my expression blank.

While my face was stoic, inwardly I wasn't.

I was angry... So angry... To the point of wanting to cut something.

Angry with myself... For what I had done...

Not because of what I did with Rias, she deserved it, but what I did with Koneko.

I couldn't see the devil I had imagined, but I saw a child... A child who was screaming in terror.

How? How could I do this... This error?!

"Shouldn't our date be tomorrow?" I asked nonchalantly while still looking up at the sky.

"I changed my mind. I have some free time now so why not?"

I let out a grunt before slowly pushing myself off the floor and taking a sitting position. I pulled my head away and looked at Souna, who wasn't far from me. I already felt her the moment she started to approach me from a distance, but I made no move to antagonize her.

Unlike Rias, Souna had never moved against me in any personal way. She remained neutral and in her position as Student Council President, so I had no reason to antagonize her. She also showed no signs of hostility, so I decided to leave her alone until our meeting tomorrow. We agreed tomorrow because Sona said she was busy today when I visited the Student Council office earlier.

But it still didn't mean I would be off guard.

"That's not what you said when I got to your office." I said with a little snort.

"I didn't come to fight, Gilgamesh-kun." Souna responded by raising her hands in a surrendered manner. I narrowed my eyes at the suffix but didn't comment on it.

"Really? Because if that were true, you wouldn't have put Tsubaki on that roof." I pointed to the roof in question as I sharpened my vision, seeing Tsubaki watching us through binoculars.

The only sign of surprise from Souna was that her eyes widened a bit before that too was replaced by a calm look as she adjusted her glasses.

"Well, it shouldn't surprise me that you're aware of that. You're a Longinus user, and the King of Heroes after all, but I'm still a little surprised." She said calmly and I just shrugged.

"But I can't order Tsubaki to go, there's no guarantee you won't attack me after all."

"True. But the same can be said about you." I replied and she looked at me with a stoic face.

"On behalf of my clan, the Sitri family, I, Sona Sitri, swear I will not attack you until you make a hostile move against me." Souna-no, Sona said in an open tone and I narrowed my eyes.

"You do realize that your fake name hardly makes any difference to your real one, right? At least try to use a better name if you're trying to hide it." I said bluntly and her eyes twitched. "Anyway, even if you say that, why should I believe that? You're a devil after all." I simply pointed.

"We devils have our own pride too, if you ask me, Gilgamesh-kun..." Sona replied in the same brusque way.

"Touch". I gave a small smile before slowly tilting my head back and gesturing with my hand for her to come to my side, which she did when I heard her footsteps approach me.

There was a moment of silence between us. We did nothing but stare at the landscape in front of us - which happened to be the sports area for the students.

It was Sona who broke the silence by speaking first.

"Are you in trouble."

"Of course I did. I just talked to a devil and it was too late to notice" I commented sarcastically and she just stared at me blankly.

"I mean your other words, Gilgamesh-kun. Really, you've never been so sarcastic before." She said while rolling her eyes.

"Forgive me, but the last encounter I had with devils was clearly not pleasant. It was like dealing with a spoiled child" I said without any hint of remorse.

Sona just shook her head at my answer.

"You always come here if you're in trouble." She said and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"And how do you know that?"

"Well I was always watching you..."

I gave him a blank look that said he wasn't amused. "This is scary and you certainly know it."

Sona just shrugged nonchalantly at my answer. "The truth is, I was the one who wanted to recruit you in the first place, not Rias."

"Oh? And what changed that?"

Sona straightened her glasses and sighed before turning to me "May I?" She asked as she stared at an empty space beside me and I nodded. She then slowly sat down beside me.

"What do you know about Evil Pieces?"

"I know what it does and what it's used for. I'm also aware of how all of you are trying to recruit strong humans and bond them as your servants." I replied sharply.

I really knew everything about this system, not only from the anime, but because Sebas also showed me everything when I reincarnated.

The man pretty much showed me what the hell he was doing with them, creating another image like the one I watched when he showed me what happened during our first date. He showed me how humans were used by other factions since the Great War, how they were turned into tools.

It is true that the words of supernatural beings were sweet as sugar. But their intention was not, they were afraid of humans, they were afraid of our power and potential. The Sacred Gear was the best gift we owned, a holy weapon, comparable to a noble phantasm in a way. The God of the Bible freely gave noble phantasm to human beings so that they could defend themselves and survive.

But all were turned into tools... Human hearts, though they might be purer than those of angels, could at the same time be darker than those of any devil.

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