Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki

Volume 13 - Ch 14

After Story 1: Victorious Return -welcome back-

In a classroom at the Royal Academy in Parnam...

Im beat, Yuriga groaned, collapsing on top of the desk.

Having been deported and sent back to the Royal Academy before the battle with Ooyamizuchi, Yuriga was subjected to two hours of supplementary lessons with her professor as punishment for having skipped class. In addition, though the eight-day week normally included two days off school, she was forced to come in on her days off to study.

That woman with the glasses is merciless. She even made me write a letter of apology.

Ha ha, youre lookin mighty tired there, Lucy said with a wry grin as Yuriga grumbled to herself.

Lucy, the girl who was like a miniature Roroa, took a bottle filled with all sorts of colorful round things out of her bag.

Well, youve been workin hard. Here, want a candy?

Give me one. I really need something sweet right now.

Yuriga opened her mouth like a baby bird, and Lucy hurled the candy in. At the same time, their friend, the dark elf girl Velza, let out a sigh.

Youre too sweet, Lucy. Yuriga needs to reflect on her actions more.

I-I have been, okay? I even wrote that letter.

Of course you have. Im saying you need to reflect more. Now listen here, Velza thrust a finger towards Yuriga. They only took issue with your absence, but you also stowed away and illegally entered another country, right? Normally, that would be a major incident.


I doubt that any other student has ever come so close to sparking an international incident before. The school has to be strict with you. Normally, youd be expelled. Im sure the only reason youve been let off with just supplementary lessons is because His Majesty is showing you mercy.

Well... Yeah.

The fact was, the only reason her stowing away aboard the ship and illegally entering the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago didnt also lead to trouble was because it had actually been covered up by Souma and his people. If Yuriga, who Fuuga had entrusted them with, got expelled from school, it might escalate to a dispute between nations. Velza and the others knew the details because Yuriga had told them, but the school itself remained in the dark about it.

You should be more aware of how much trouble you caused for everyone.

...Im reflecting on it, okay? Sir Souma got really mad, Yuriga said, dejectedly this time.

It seemed she really did understand the severity of her actions. There was an oppressive silence in the room... Then, Lucy broke it by lobbing a candy in Velzas mouth, too.

Mmph... Its sweet.

Theyre our newest product. Made with ginger and honey, so theyre good for your throat, too. Anyway, Yuriga seems contrite, so how about lettin it go for now?

...Very well. Im sorry. I was taking my frustration out on her.


If Im being honest... I wanted to go to the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago, too. Velza said, looking slightly deflated.

Yuriga blinked. You did? Why?

Um... Ooyamizuchi, was it? Someone important to me was taking part in the mission to slay that creature. Im well aware that my presence wouldnt have helped at all, but... I was worried...

Oh! Is this about that Hal guy you like, Velie? Lucy asked, looking excited.

During the recent costume event, they had seen how fannish Velza acted in front of Halbert. It was easy to see she had feelings for him.

You sly dog. Lucy playfully elbowed her in the ribs. Youre attractive, and I hear that ya get all sorts of offers from the sons of knights and noblemen, but ya shoot them all down, sayin youve already got someone in mind.

Urgh... People talk about that...?

Ya must really be head over heels for him, huh?

Oh, absolutely. Hes so strong and cool. Velza clasped her hands together in front of her chest, imagining Hals image as she spoke. He holds a spear in each hand, wreathing them in flames, as he fearlessly takes on hordes of enemies. That horned headband must remind his foes of his sobriquet. Its fitting for the Red Oni who rides his red dragon partner into battle.

O-Okay...? Lucy seemed a little weirded out as Velza waxed poetic about her intended. Granted, Lucy would have sounded pretty much the same if you got her talking about Roroa...

Hes so strong, and yet usually so gentle. When I go to play with him on my days off, he takes the time to dote on me... Though, only as if I were his little sister.

Suddenly, Velza seemed depressed. She was prone to intense mood swings where her intended was involved. The gap between this and the usual cool-head Velza made Lucy snicker.

Youre a real maiden at heart, yknow that, Velie? Here, have another candy.

Nom, nom.

Hal the Red Oni, huh...? As she listened, Yuriga was reminded of events not too long ago. He was definitely a strong, brave warrior. His red dragon was tough, too.

Oh, have you witnessed Hal fighting, Yuriga?

Yeah, when the Union of Eastern Nations was facing the demon wave. He was definitely strong.

Wasnt he though?

For some reason, Velza puffed up her chest, her nostrils flaring with pride. Her attitude rubbed Yuriga, who had a competitive streak, the wrong way.

Well, be that as it may, my brother is strongwha?!

Yuriga was about to launch into one of her usual boasts about her brother, like she always did around Tomoe, but the flash of sheer murderous intent that came her way from Velza stopped her in her tracks.

What?! This is kind of scary, you know?! Yuriga screamed internally.Instinctively sensing it was dangerous to carry on with this topic, she said, I-I think my brother is strong, too, but Halbert is a good fighter. Yeah...

Ah. Heheh, of course he is, Velza smiled, carrying on as if nothing had happened.

Yuriga turned to Lucy, who seemed as taken aback as she was, and whispered in the girls ear, Ive heard that the second primary queen, Madam Aisha, has a tendency to lose her composure when King Souma is involved, too. Tomoe told me about it, but... Id forgotten.

...They say love can make a person blind. Thats gotta be it.

As the two of them were receiving a lesson in just how terrifying a dark elf in love could be, a familiar face came by.

Oh, there you are, Yuriga.

...Huh? Tomoe?

Tomoe rushed over to them. She wasnt in her uniform, but instead wore one of Soumas handmade outfits.

Yuriga cocked her head to the side and asked, Whats up? Werent you off school today?

I came to pick you up. I figured your supplementary lessons would be ending around now, she explained and extended a hand to Yuriga.

To pick me up?

Yeah. I thought youd want to see what happened afterwards, even if it was just the final result.

Afterwards? The result? What are you even talking about?

Its okay. I made sure to get permission from Big Sister and the school. Come on, lets go.

Tomoe took Yuriga by the hand without waiting for a response.

Huh? Wait a second! Yuriga protested.

See you later, Lu, Vel. With a bid farewell, Tomoe dragged Yuriga out of the classroom.

...Our friends sure are free spirits, huh?

...They sure are.

Lucy and Velza watched in surprise as the pair left them behind in the classroom.

The following morning, the wyvern gondola carrying the kids had lifted off from Parnam in the evening, and after a number of stops to rest at cities along the way, arrived near Lagoon City.

Were almost at Lagoon City, you two.

Nnghhhh, were there?

Shaken awake by Ichiha, Yuriga, who had been sleeping in the gondola, let out a big yawn.

Mmph... Looks like it. Yeah, Tomoe replied as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.

It had been a long flight, so they had all been napping. Then... Bang!



It looked like the gondola had set down. The impact had made Tomoe fall into Ichihas arms.

A-Are you okay?

Th-Thanks, Ichiha.

Yuriga watched the two of them with exasperation.

Whatre you doing? Youre as slow as ever.

Murgh... Thats not true.

Come on, stop fighting, and lets get out of the gondola, you two, Ichiha urged.

As the kids stepped outside, the sea breeze tickled their noses. The gondola had been set down on a beach next to Lagoon City. Disembarking from the gondola, they realized they werent the first to arrive. Surrounding them were guards, well-dressed noblemen; a woman in a red military uniform and a dragonewt in a maid dress were there, too, each holding a baby.

Oh! Liscia. It looks like Tomoe and the other children are here, Carla said, nodding her head towards the gondola.

Youre right. Im glad they made it.

Liscia and Carla waved to them, and the trio rushed over.

Big Sister! Is the ship here?!

Not yet. I think it should be coming into sight soon, though. Liscia said, and Tomoes shoulders relaxed.

The ship...? Oh, I get it now, Yuriga commented. This is the day Sir Souma returns, huh?

Souma had been away with the Kingdoms fleet on an expedition to the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Union. News had already spread that the kaiju Ooyamizuchi, which had been attacking the Archipelago Union, was recently put down by a combined assault by the Kingdom and Archipelago Unions fleets. However, cleaning up after the battlewhich primarily involved butchering Ooyamizuchis remainshad dragged on, keeping Souma from returning. Today he was coming back.

When Tomoe talked about what happened afterwards, she had been referring to the battle in the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago. Yuriga had been able to see Ooyamizuchi, but was deported before the battle itself, so she was curious what had happened next.

Tomoe blinked repeatedly. Huh? Didnt I say?

No, you did not! Not one thing I would have wanted to know! Yuriga exclaimed before pulling on Tomoes cheeks.

Shtop, thah hursh! Tomoe protested.

Liscia watched the two kids go at it with a little laugh. I see you two are getting along, Yuriga.

Huh?! Y-Yes. We are, Queen Liscia... Your Majesty, Yuriga replied tensely after unhanding Tomoe.

Just Liscia is fine. Youre a princess yourself, arent you?

I... dont think I can do that.

...Does being around me make you tense? Am I that intimidating? Liscia cocked her head to the side questioningly, and Yuriga vigorously shook her head in denial.

N-No... I feel a certain similarity to you, Lady Liscia. Its like you can see right through me. How should I put this...? I dont have an older sister, but I feel like a little sister when Im in front of you... I guess?

Liscia had been a tomboyish princess like Yuriga, and they shared some personality traits, like a stubborn streak that was ameliorated by flexible thinking. Sharing a lot in common put Yuriga somewhat on edge.

Tomoe, who was watching this exchange, puffed up her cheeks angrily. Big Sister is my big sister!

I-I wasnt saying I want to become her little sister.

Oh, why dont you? Ill bet Father would be delighted to have another daughter, Liscia said, smiling.

P-Please, dont tease me!

They say women are noisy, and this is why. Ichiha, who, being a man, felt he couldnt keep up with the conversation, was gazing out towards the sea. He saw something rise above the horizon and pointed it out.

Yuriga squinted in its direction. Is that a mountain? No, an island?

Heheh, thats the island-type carrier Hiryuu. Souma and the others are back, Liscia told Yuriga.

Once the thing that rose above the horizon approached, Yuriga was able to tell it was a ship shaped like an island. This was her first time seeing the Hiryuu, and she was dumbfounded by the shape of it. The other warships surrounding the Hiryuu came into view, too. The splendor of the ships gave off a feeling of a grand fleet. Some of them were iron ships pulled by sea dragons, while others were wood reinforced with iron and pulled by horned doldons. They varied in size, so it was like a trade fair for nautical vessels. Looking at the flags, some flew the standard of the Kingdom of Friedonia, while others carried that of the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Union. Based on the number of ships, almost all of both countries fleets must have been gathered here.

Yuriga stared intently at the sight before her. Her mind was a whirling vortex of question marks right now.

The grand fleet she was seeing in front of her was something that Yuriga, as the only one who hadnt been told about the series of events that unfolded in the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago, could not understand. First of all, it had been her understanding that relations between the two countries had been stormy. She had witnessed the threat known as Ooyamizuchi, but believed the diplomatic situation was a powder keg. That was why she assumed the reason Souma had sent in the fleet was not just to slay Ooyamizuchi, but to destroy the Archipelago Unions fleet, and gain control of the sea. But now, before her very eyes, the Kingdom and Archipelago Unions fleets were sailing together like they were long-standing allies. Yuriga was confused.

What? How did things end up like this? she thought. It was like being presented with a math problem, and then shown just the solution. The answer was one she didnt expect, too. Yuriga had no idea what kind of arithmetic could lead to the result she was seeing. And... What in the world is that?

Yuriga looked at the island-type carrier Hiryuu in the middle of the group leading the fleet. This was her first time seeing it. Why did they build a giant battleship shaped like an island? How is it moving without any creatures pulling it? As questions that Liscia and everyone else had long since learned the answers to popped into her head, the biggest thing was...

Whats with those bones?

There was a massive skull occupying the very front of the Hiryuu. The carrier looked strange enough already with its island-like shape, but this only made it seem weirder.

I dont know what to say... It looks like some new kind of monster.

Its like the Great Island-type Kaiju, Hiryuu.

Even Liscia and Tomoe, who knew Souma well, were a bit dumbfounded by the gargantuan skull on top of the Hiryuu. Ichiha, a specialist in the monster identification system, however, knew exactly what Soumas intentions were.

Thats Ooyamizuchis skull, he said. Its massive, but its shape is a match with the type sea dragons have. He likely mounted it there to show Ooyamizuchi was slain successfully.

I knew that, but... its bound to spark weird rumors, Liscia slumped her shoulders in exasperation.

There had been plenty of strange rumors, like the kigurumi adventurer (Little Musashibo), and the great black shadow that descends on the castle at night (Naden), thanks to Souma and those involved with him. Liscia always gave Souma a lecture when it happened, but this great island-type kaiju might give rise to another one. It had kaiju-like fins on it, too.

Your father just cant help himself, can he...? Liscia smiled wryly and said to Kazuha, who was reaching out and cooing happily. Looking beside her, she noticed Yuriga was clutching her head. Whats wrong, Yuriga?

...I dont know how Im supposed to report what Im seeing to my brother.

Hm? We havent put any limits on your ability to send letters, have we? Liscia said, giving her a blank look.

No one had forbidden Yuriga from contacting Fuuga. They kept her away from places with classified information, and had decided that letting Fuuga see the Kingdom through her eyes would act as a check against him without making him feel threatened. The reason she was being allowed to see the Hiryuu, which had been concealed from her until now, was because it stopped being a secret when it was deployed into battle in the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago. Even if they didnt show it to Yuriga here, Fuuga would eventually hear rumors, so they decided it was better to let her see it properly and give an accurate report. That way things wouldnt get unduly exaggerated.

Yuriga let out a little sigh. I know that, but... I dont feel like I can explain this...

Would Fuuga be able to properly understand it when the person who was standing right here couldnt? The same could be asked about the two fleets moving together. It seemed likely that there was some kind of complex negotiation beyond Souma and his people just fighting and winning that led to this situation. Would Fuuga and the steppe state Malmkhitan, who had repeatedly subjugated their enemies, be able to fight and defeat an opponent who had other options?

I cant imagine my brother losing to King Souma, but... I feel like it would be better not to fight this country. I dont know if I can convey that, but I need to caution him...

That was what Yuriga, who was a wiser, more flexible thinker than Fuuga, resolved to do.

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