Genius Club

Chapter 62: 00:42

“I’ve actually seen you before!”

This revelation caught Lin Xian off guard.

Logically, their paths should never have crossed. They both attended the same university, but Lin Xian graduated in July, and Chu An Qing started in September—a nearly perfect misalignment.

Before today, the closest they likely were was the distance from the stage to the outer wall of the field during the military training opening ceremony.

Lin Xian couldn’t recall any other time their paths might have crossed.

“I’ve actually seen you before…” Lin Xian echoed, his brow furrowed in confusion. “Where could that have been?”

“It wasn’t in person…” Chu An Qing explained, her voice soft, smile gentle. “In our stage performance classes, our teacher often shows us recordings of past performances by our seniors. These include various school celebrations over the years. Before each performance, there’s always an emcee introducing the acts, and one male emcee appeared quite frequently.”

“The moment I saw you today, I thought you looked familiar, and even your voice seemed known to me. I just remembered now—the male emcee was you!”

“Senior Lin Xian, did you often host these school events? I have a good memory, so I usually don’t get it wrong.”

Lin Xian then understood their connection.

“Yes, that was probably me,” he responded with a smile. “During my four years at Donghai University, I frequently hosted various campus events. The teachers back then gave me many opportunities to practice.”

“You’re too modest, Senior!”

Their conversation then flowed effortlessly. They chatted about school, teachers, campus anecdotes, and gossip—there seemed to be no end to their topics.

As they talked, Lin Xian felt somewhat dazed. It was as if he wasn’t talking to Chu An Qing, but to CC. In his dream, he and CC leaned against the safe, chatting like old friends. For CC, Lin Xian might have been a temporary teammate, but for Lin Xian, the repeated encounters with CC felt like talking to an old friend.

And now, chatting with Chu An Qing felt just as natural and uninhibited. It was indeed surprising. Was it because this affluent girl was naturally friendly, or was he seeing her as a reflection of CC?

He couldn’t figure it out, but chatting with her felt quite natural. That was until Lin Xian inadvertently looked up and saw Zhao Ying Jun watching them with a kind, maternal smile that only a father would show when encountering a boy he deemed a threat!

Lin Xian quickly masked his own smile and looked around, trying hard to find something to move them out of the way. He noticed the Rhine Cat mascots placed nearby and got an idea.

“There are many Rhine Cat mascots over there, An Qing. Would you like to pick some to take home?”

“Can I?” Chu An Qing looked around at the various Rhine Cats with interest. “I see many styles that aren’t available in stores.”

“Of course,” Zhao Ying Jun smiled. “An Qing, pick the ones you like, and I’ll have them sent to your car.”

“Hehe, then I’ll gratefully accept!”

Chu An Qing took Zhao Ying Jun’s hand and walked to the outer area.

“I’ve always liked the Rhine Cat, but I couldn’t complete my collection of the first seven designs…”

Watching them walk away, Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief and glanced to the other side.

Professor Xu Yun and Chu Shan He were still deep in conversation.

“I probably don’t have anything else to do here.”

Lin Xian stopped paying attention to the events and went to find Gao Yang, who was enjoying the food and drinks.

Chu Shan He and Chu An Qing didn’t stay long. At Zhao Ying Jun’s invitation, Chu An Qing participated in the raffle and won a large Rhine Cat mascot before leaving with Chu Shan He.

After they left, the banquet moved to the next phase. People stopped mingling, sat down, and enjoyed performances while waiting for the New Year.

As the midnight bell rang and everyone counted down… 2022 came to an end.

“A new year, new beginnings.”

Professor Xu Yun raised his glass. “I wish everyone a prosperous and smooth 2023!”

Everyone around followed suit, toasting and exchanging New Year greetings.

After chatting for a while longer, Professor Xu Yun decided to leave first. “You young folks have more energy, keep enjoying yourselves. This old guy needs to go rest.”

Not wanting to dampen everyone’s spirits, he quietly exited through the back door of the hall, heading to a small road with no traffic.

“Professor Xu, let us arrange a ride for you. Don’t rush off.” Lin Xian tried to stop him, but Xu Yun insisted on not troubling them and planned to take a taxi.

He pointed to a taxi parked by the side of the road. “Look, there’s a taxi right there. I’ll take that. No need to trouble you with a ride. It’s convenient.”

Xu Yun patted Lin Xian’s shoulder, urging him not to come out into the snow. “Go back, Lin Xian. Don’t worry about me. I had a great time tonight. A new year, let’s hope things get better!”

Seeing he couldn’t persuade him, Lin Xian relented, smiling slightly. “Thank you, Professor Xu. I wish you a smooth and prosperous year too. Please take it slow and stay safe.”

Xu Yun waved and walked towards the taxi.

The front door didn’t open.

The back door didn’t open either.

Just then, the passenger window rolled down, and the driver called out.

“The right-side doors are broken, please get in from the left.”

Xu Yun didn’t mind.

He walked around the taxi to the left side, heading towards the road—

Tap, tap, tap.

Behind him, Zhao Ying Jun jogged out, holding a few gifts. She had gone to get New Year presents for Professor Xu.

She looked helplessly at Lin Xian.

“Is Professor Xu still insisting on taking a taxi?”

Lin Xian sighed.

“Yes, it’s already late…”

Instinctively, he raised his left wrist to check his watch.


Lin Xian paused.


A loud crash and a violent impact came from the front! A dark car suddenly appeared in the night!

At a crazy speed, it hit Professor Xu Yun, sending him flying several meters away!


He landed heavily on the ground, motionless.

“Professor Xu!”

“Professor Xu Yun!”

Lin Xian and Zhao Ying Jun shouted in shock.

Zhao Ying Jun, in her high heels, ran towards Professor Xu.

Lin Xian looked at the taxi driver.




Completely covered!

It was the same person who had driven Professor Xu here!

“Get out of the car!”


Before Lin Xian could approach, both the dark car and the taxi sped off, tires screeching, quickly disappearing around the corner.

Lin Xian ran towards Xu Yun. “Professor Xu!”

His heart ached, and his vision blurred.

A gruesome gash ran from Xu Yun’s head to his abdomen… his split skull showing no signs of life, large amounts of blood gushing from his body…

“Professor Xu…” Lin Xian’s voice was hoarse.

The spreading blood stained the snow red.

Xu Yun’s pupils were dilated with no signs of breathing…

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