Genius Club

Chapter 60: The Princess and the Dream

Professor Xu Yun’s arrival electrified the atmosphere. With the main guest present, the celebration could officially begin.

Initially, Zhao Ying Jun planned for Professor Xu Yun to deliver a few words, but the professor politely declined. So, Zhao Ying Jun took the stage to deliver the opening remarks, highlighting the remarkable sales and achievements of the new Rhine brand and expressing gratitude to every employee for their hard work.

“Today’s success of MX Company and the Rhine brand’s fantastic launch wouldn’t be possible without the efforts of every one of you. But if we had to name the person we owe the most gratitude to… I believe we all have the same answer in our hearts.”

As Zhao Ying Jun finished speaking, the room erupted in applause. Everyone’s eyes turned toward Lin Xian, filled with recognition and admiration. They knew that without Lin Xian, there would be no celebration today. Whether it was designing the Rhine Cat or securing Professor Xu Yun’s authorization, Lin Xian’s contributions to MX Company were undeniable.

Now, the entire company saw Lin Xian as the “vice president,” and many even felt that Zhao Ying Jun was too conservative in not promoting Lin Xian directly to the vice president’s position. As the applause died down, Zhao Ying Jun extended her arm toward Lin Xian:

“Now, let’s welcome Team Leader Lin Xian to the stage to deliver our New Year’s greeting.”

Amidst cheers and applause, Lin Xian walked up to the stage, smiling as he took the microphone:

“Thank you, leaders and colleagues, for your recognition. First, I must clarify… the success of the Rhine brand belongs to everyone here. There is no distinction of greater or lesser contributions. Like everyone else, I just did my job.”

“Because we all did our jobs well, the Rhine brand could have such a successful launch. Therefore… each one of us is a hero of today’s celebration!”

“2022 is about to end, and in this year…”

Having served as a host during his university years, Lin Xian’s stage presence was solid. Coupled with his trained voice, everyone listened intently, deeply moved.

When Lin Xian finished his New Year’s address, the hall was filled with another round of enthusiastic applause, expressing admiration and respect for the youngest team leader and the company’s brightest young star. Then came the banquet. Exquisite dishes, fine wines, and an array of desserts were brought in by the waiters and neatly placed on the long tables.

The luxury and delicacy left everyone in awe.

Abalone and lobster were merely appetizers in the grand feast at the Victoria Club. Top-tier ingredients, prepared by world-renowned chefs, filled the air with mouth-watering aromas. Professor Xu Yun, though not accustomed to such occasions, couldn’t help but be infected by the joy around him. A few glasses of wine and the relief of having achieved significant results in his research quickly immersed him in the festive mood, sharing many stories from his younger days with Lin Xian.

Shortly after the feast began, Gao Yang finally arrived, fashionably late.

“Respect!” he shouted in greeting as he hurriedly made his way to Lin Xian, then dashed towards the lobsters to start eating. He had meticulously planned his route through the buffet to make the most of his stomach space and savor the finest delicacies.

“Can I sneak away with two bottles of red wine?” Gao Yang whispered to Lin Xian while holding a lobster claw.

“…If you pretend you don’t know me,” Lin Xian replied honestly. “Just don’t get caught, or don’t mention me if you do.”

“But I already told the receptionist we’re good friends!” Gao Yang slurped on the lobster meat. “We even added each other on WeChat. Though she seemed more interested in you, asking if you have a girlfriend.”

“Just keep it clean and don’t embarrass me,” Lin Xian retorted.

At that moment, Market Team Leader Wang approached Zhao Ying Jun urgently.

“Director Zhao! Chairman Chu Shan He’s car just arrived at the gate!”

His voice was loud, and as soon as people heard Chu Shan He’s name, they fell silent…

Chu Shan He’s name was well-known in Donghai City, a frequent subject of news headlines. However, few had the chance to see him in person. Especially for ordinary people, encountering him even once in their lifetime would be rare. So, everyone instinctively cleared a path, eagerly awaiting Chu Shan He’s arrival, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man himself.


The doors of the venue were pushed open by the attendants. A hearty, booming laugh echoed through first—

“Hahaha… Congratulations! Congratulations to you all! Happy New Year!”

Chu Shan He, in a white suit, looked even more imposing and powerful. He greeted the crowd with clasped hands, his smile radiant, his joy unmistakable, as he made his way to the center of the hall.

Behind him, a petite figure waved and smiled politely at the crowd. She wore a beige long gown, her fluffy brown hair tied tightly at the back, exposing her delicate, sculpted neck and jawline. Without any excessive makeup, her naturally beautiful face, coupled with a breezy smile, outshone any heavy makeup.

Following her father, she waved and smiled at the crowd. Her beautiful eyes curved into crescent moons, her dimples appearing faintly at the corners of her mouth, a sight to behold. The beauty mark at the corner of her left eye was the finishing touch, adding a striking elegance to her already stunning appearance.

For a moment, Lin Xian held his breath, unable to believe his eyes!


It was unmistakably CC!

The same hair color and style, the same crescent-shaped eyes, the same demeanor, the same sweet smile, the same slender, adorable figure, even the same dimples and beauty mark!

Finally, he understood…

Why Zhao Ying Jun had instantly recognized CC’s sketch, saying it was Chu An Qing… Because these two girls were simply identical!

No. Not just similar, not just alike, They were exactly the same!

Chu An Qing, walking towards him, was a perfect match for the CC who had smiled back at him in his dreams!

What was going on?

How could there be two people in the world who looked like they were copied and pasted? Moreover, separated by 600 years of time!

A myriad of mixed voices echoed chaotically in Lin Xian’s mind—

“Mr. Lin, are you sure you can distinguish reality from dreams?”

“CC, just call me CC.”

“Isn’t the girl you drew Chu Shan He’s daughter… Chu An Qing?”


“Do you know… what the biggest side effect of hibernation is?”

“At that time, you won’t be able to tell reality from dreams.”

Under the bright lights of the hall, Lin Xian’s vision blurred.

He stared at the approaching, smiling girl, their eyes meeting as Chu An Qing waved at him… And she gave him a sweet smile.

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