Genius Club

Chapter 375: The City of Romance

“Actually… what Lin Xian told us sounds a lot like what my father used to say before he passed away,” Big Cat Face said with a deep sigh.

He continued, “He always warned us—if Queen Town keeps expanding without limits, it will eventually swallow us up, destroy us, and turn us into slaves. It’s just a matter of time.”

“The technology gap between us is just too big. We haven’t communicated for so many years, and the gap only gets wider. Soon, we won’t be able to understand each other or live together peacefully… just like humans and animals. Peaceful coexistence will be impossible.”

“Everyone knows my father’s plan was to build up our strength quickly so we could stand up to Queen Town. That’s why he was so fixated on gaining knowledge and opening that safe. We all hoped what was inside would help us change things.”

“But just now, Lin Xian helped me open the safe, and all we found was a torn-up book. Since most of the people in our village can’t read, and the tech in the notebook is too advanced, Lin Xian says we can’t make use of it right now.”

“So, it’s clear—my father’s plan has totally failed. Meanwhile, Queen Town’s technology will keep moving forward. If we keep hunting, raising pigs, and fooling ourselves… our end will be tragic and certain.”

Big Cat Face took a bamboo wine cup from the table, drank it in one gulp, and grimaced as he continued:

“Now that I’m the village chief, I’ve got to be responsible for our people. Instead of waiting until Queen Town invades and we can’t fight back, I agree with Lin Xian—we can’t just sit around waiting to die. We have to act first!”

“But, Big Cat’s Village has always been democratic, so we’ll stick to the old rule—”

“Let’s vote!”

Finally, it was time for the big vote.

Big Cat Face never took part in the voting, so the people with voting rights were Ah Zhuang, Er Zhuzi, San Pang, Lin Xian, and CC.

Ah Zhuang spoke up first, disagreeing: “It’s too risky. I vote no. Besides, if Queen Town couldn’t open the safe, what makes us think we can do it even if we get there?”

Lin Xian shrugged and said, “I just opened the safe here in Big Cat’s Village, didn’t I? If we can get close to the safe, I’ll figure out how to crack it. So, I’m voting yes.”

San Pang shook his head and said simply, “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

With the vote at 1:2, all eyes turned to Er Zhuzi. It was clear he wasn’t for the idea of fighting. He probably wouldn’t vote yes.

As expected, Er Zhuzi cleared his throat and said, “Lin Xian, my brother, I’m all for supporting you, but… I have to think about your family, too. If something happened to you… how would I explain it to your ancestors? After much thought, I’ve decided to stay behind with your sister-in-law and help with logistics.”

“Uh? I’m going too,” CC said, blinking and tilting her head as if Er Zhuzi had misunderstood something.

“Of course, I’m going with my husband. How could I stay behind while he takes all the risks? When you marry someone, you stick with them through everything. So, wherever Lin Xian goes, I’ll go. Since I also have a vote, I’ll align with Lin Xian. I vote yes, and I’m going!”

“No matter how dangerous it is, so what? Slow death or quick death, it’s all the same. I’d rather fight for a chance to win. Even if I die in Queen Town, it’s fine.”

CC turned to Lin Xian and smiled, “We’ll die together if we have to.”

Lin Xian looked into CC’s eyes. He knew what she was doing—playing the role of a devoted wife. She didn’t know much about love. What little she did know probably came from those tragic love stories, like “Butterfly Lovers” or “Romeo and Juliet.” It seemed that only love risking life itself was considered true and admirable in her eyes.

But is that really the case? Lin Xian wasn’t sure. For CC, though, it seemed like she believed that only this kind of devotion, seen in legends, was real love. That’s why she always talked about staying together through life and death—simple and pure.

“Sis… Sister-in-law,” Er Zhuzi stuttered, stunned, “You… you’re going too!”

He looked conflicted, his face showing his inner struggle. After looking at Ah Zhuang and San Pang, he finally shook his head, “I’ve changed my mind. I vote yes!”

Big Cat Face chuckled, “Good! Now, it’s 3:2, decision approved! Lin Xian, tell us your specific plan.”

Lin Xian nodded, “I’ve thought it over. We don’t know much about Queen Town, and we don’t have the weapons to fight them. So, our top priority is to find a strong ally.”

“The good news is, I’ve already found one—a human from Mars with a lot of alien technology. I’ll bring him here now.”

This was the second step in Lin Xian and CC’s plan—to get Wei Sheng Jin, the old man, to join Big Cat’s Village. First, there’s a chance that one of those safes in Queen Town belongs to Old Wei. We have to bring him along to fulfill his dream. Second, Old Wei is a treasure trove himself. Without his equipment, this mission would be tough. Bringing him along benefits everyone.

Soon after, Lin Xian called in Old Wei, who had been waiting outside the village. The old man, also known as “Doraemon,” pulled out a few pieces of Martian technology from his backpack, instantly winning over the four members of Big Cat’s Village.

Big Cat Face couldn’t put down a pair of sunglasses he was playing with, “This is amazing! It suits my style perfectly!”

He put them on and looked at Lin Xian, “How do I look?”

“Uh… it’s hard to describe,” Lin Xian answered honestly, “The frames are way too narrow; your face is about to burst the glasses. I suggest you don’t wear them, or they’ll break in a few days.”

“Hahaha, no way,” Old Wei waved his hand, confident in Martian technology, “Although Big Cat’s face is big, these sunglasses are made of memory alloy, with great flexibility and adaptability. They may look like they’re about to burst, but after a few days, the frames and temples will adjust to your face shape. Although it might still look a bit awkward, they won’t break.”

Ah Zhuang swung the folding shovel in his hand and chopped a wooden stick in the corner, “Amazing weapon! Cuts through wood like butter!”

Er Zhuzi stared wide-eyed at the transparent thermos in his hand, “A treasure! I can drink hot water anytime! I have a lot of dried goji berries. I usually only put a few in my meals, but from now on, I can drink goji berry tea every day!”

San Pang wrapped a cashmere scarf around his neck, tucking his hands into his waistband, feeling very cool, “I think it’s great!”

In the end, Old Wei was unanimously accepted as a member of Big Cat’s Village.

CC leaned close to Lin Xian and whispered, “Suddenly, I feel like Big Cat and the others are so childish, trusting strangers so easily.”

Lin Xian chuckled, “That’s why… sincerity is the ultimate weapon.”

Not long after, a group of seven left Big Cat’s Village. They first arrived at a hill a few hundred meters away from Queen Town, hiding in the forest, watching the developed town in the fading sunset.

It had to be said… seeing such a large town on this primitive Earth was as shocking as seeing New Donghai City in the Second Dream world.

They were too far away to see the details inside the town. But the walls surrounding the town formed a perfect square, protecting it. In front of the town gate, there was even a moat. The drawbridge was down, and some people on horseback were coming and going. The buildings inside the town were neatly arranged, with well-organized roads and busy traffic.

Most buildings were at least two stories high, and the closer to the center, the taller they got. The tallest building, resembling a castle, was about four or five stories high. It was hard to imagine how they built such tall structures with just wood beams and bricks without modern concrete and steel. The knowledge in Queen Town must be quite impressive.

“Incredible,” Lin Xian marveled, “To plan a town like this on today’s Earth, I’m starting to suspect if the Lady of the Town might be some kind of time traveler.”

“Mr. Wei, could I borrow the binoculars?” Lin Xian took out the binoculars from Old Wei’s backpack and started observing Queen Town.

It was indeed technologically advanced. He even saw a blacksmith’s shop, where many people were forging iron. He also saw a stable with dozens of strong horses and something like a market area. Queen Town had indeed been merciful. With their current strength, if they really wanted to conquer the land, it would be no contest. They wouldn’t even need guns. A cavalry unit with those horses alone would be enough to sweep through all the villages.

“Who is this Queen, really?” Lin Xian’s curiosity grew stronger. At a glance, the population of Queen Town definitely exceeded the few thousand mentioned by Ah Zhuang. The density suggested it was well over ten thousand. Ah Zhuang’s information was clearly outdated.

He put down the binoculars and looked at Ah Zhuang, “Ah Zhuang, you said there were only a few thousand people in Queen Town. When was this data from?”

Ah Zhuang scratched his head, “That’s what the elders told us, about twenty or thirty years ago. How many people do you think there are now? The population can’t have doubled in just twenty or thirty years, right?”

Lin Xian remained silent. It sure looked like Queen Town’s population had at least doubled in twenty or thirty years. How did they do it? Could they really reproduce that fast?

It seemed that the Queen was well aware of the importance of a population boom for economic and industrial development. If they started promoting rapid reproduction strategies twenty or thirty years ago, it would indeed lead to prosperity now. A peak population, a strong and young workforce. A golden era for labor and military strength.

No wonder Queen Town was so powerful. Give any village that many young people, and they wouldn’t do too badly either.

Lin Xian picked up the binoculars again for another look, then turned back and summarized, “From what I can see, going through the front door is a no-go. There are guards, and they must have some way to tell residents from outsiders.”

“So… we’ll have to use the old method and climb the walls! The walls in Queen Town aren’t that high, about five or six meters. We can easily scale them by making a human ladder.”

“As for what to do once we’re inside, you don’t have to worry. CC and I are safe experts, and we have a plan. You just need to help us build the ladder.”

It seemed there was no getting around building the human ladder. It was a bit of a crude method, but it worked well in any era. The group stood on the hill, lined up, gazing at the distant lights of Queen Town, waiting for the command to move.

At that moment, Lin Xian felt like he was part of the Akatsuki Organization attacking Konoha Village. Except his team was getting bigger, and there were more friends and more methods. Everything was improving.

Finally, as the newly risen moon hid behind the clouds, darkness enveloped the world again. Big Cat Face raised his big hand, “Move out!”

Under the cover of the night, the group ran through the forest, taking a long route to avoid detection. After an hour of stop-and-go, they finally reached the southwest corner of Queen Town’s wall.

They chose this spot for a reason. According to Lin Xian’s observations, the busiest area in Queen Town was definitely in the middle. Several other areas around it were also brightly lit, and it looked like people there lived well. There were oil lamps burning everywhere, and even some lanterns acting as streetlights on the main roads, with guards patrolling regularly.

But the southwest corner was the only area where there was almost no light, and no guards were patrolling this area. Lin Xian speculated, “The southwest corner probably has no residents. Overall, security and patrols are very weak here. We should break through from this point.”

CC agreed, “There are too many people in other places in Queen Town. If we sneak in recklessly, we’ll be discovered. Judging from the night view now, the lights in the southwest corner are very few, almost none… It’s strange. Why is Queen Town so lively everywhere else, but this place is so deserted?”

Old Wei thought for a few seconds. He gave a professional answer, “Maybe it’s because this is the old town area? It sounds like Queen Town has been developing for quite some time. Such development would be radial, with new buildings gradually causing the city center to shift.”

“During such development, old town areas inevitably get abandoned. If it were a city with tight land resources, they’d probably demolish it for reuse.”

“But on Earth now, with so much land and few people, there’s no need to worry about land resources. This old area may have been left abandoned, with no residents or maintenance. It’s indeed a good spot for an invasion.”

After reaching the outer area of the southwest corner of the wall, the four members of Big Cat’s Village began warming up. Old Wei handed a small pistol to Lin Xian, “Lin Xian, with these old bones of mine, I can’t climb the wall. Take this gun to protect yourself. If you find my safe, you know the password. Please open it and see what’s inside.”

“If possible, I’d love for you to bring it back and let me see it. If not, just remember what’s inside and describe it to me later. Just… be safe, okay?”

“Got it, don’t worry,” Lin Xian took the gun from Old Wei and promised, “I can’t guarantee we’ll succeed today, but I’ll try to find out everything about Queen Town and locate the safe inside.”

“To be honest… Mr. Wei, I’m even more curious about what’s in your safe than you are. I’m looking forward to it.”

Meanwhile, CC retrieved her black iron machete from Old Wei. But Lin Xian thought it was too conspicuous, not good for sneaking around. So, he took a multi-tool knife from Old Wei’s backpack and handed it to her, “Use this instead; your machete stands out too much.”

With everything ready, Big Cat Face gave the command, and the human ladder symbolizing the bonds and friendship of Big Cat’s Village was built in an instant. Since the wall wasn’t very high this time, the height of Big Cat Face, San Pang, Ah Zhuang, and Er Zhuzi was more than enough. The slope of the human ladder was gentle, making it easy to climb.

Lin Xian, using his parkour skills to the fullest, quickly climbed over. Fortunately, there was an old locust tree just inside the wall. He bounced between the tree trunk and the inner wall, landing safely. Perfect infiltration!

This was why Lin Xian decided to climb the wall first. Unlike the garbage disposal plant in the Second Dream world, there wasn’t much garbage piled inside the wall this time to use as a foothold. A five- to six-meter drop could easily cause injury without good parkour skills.

Whistle— Lin Xian whistled long and loud. This signaled that it was safe, and CC should go ahead and climb over.

Outside the wall, the sound of speeding footsteps could be heard. Then—

“Ouch!” Er Zhuzi groaned loudly. From five or six meters up, his green sunhat fell over the wall with CC!

It looked like CC accidentally kicked the back of Er Zhuzi’s head while jumping over, sending his hat flying.


Seeing the hat fall straight down, Lin Xian felt a bit haunted. But he had to help CC land safely first. CC was quick and agile, but her parkour skills were lacking. She bounced off the trunk twice but couldn’t find footing, falling quickly.

But Lin Xian was already prepared below, catching CC as they fell together into a pile of soft leaves.

“You okay?” CC got up first, looking down at Lin Xian.

“I’m fine.” Lin Xian brushed off the leaves and stood up. CC looked around, found Er Zhuzi’s green hat, and handed it to Lin Xian, “Do you want this?”

“What would I want this for…” Lin Xian waved his hand, looking disgusted, “Quick, toss it back to Er Zhuzi. We don’t need any bad luck.”

CC blinked. She didn’t understand how a small hat could bring bad luck. Why did Lin Xian react like he’d seen a ghost whenever he saw that hat?

But she didn’t care much. She tossed it over the wall, back to its owner.

“Alright.” She turned back to Lin Xian, “Where to next?”

“We’ll have to search bit by bit,” Lin Xian said helplessly, “I used Teacher Wei’s binoculars earlier but couldn’t spot the aluminum alloy safe. There are so many buildings here, and a lot of them could be warehouses, so I can’t be sure where the safe is.”

“Anyway, there’s no safe in this area for sure. Queen Town was built on safes; they know how valuable they are. They wouldn’t just leave one here in an abandoned area. Even if they did, they’d guard it heavily.”

“Let’s move on and check out that tall building in the very center.” Lin Xian drew his pistol from his waist. He released the safety, loaded it, and showed it to CC.

“I think the quickest and most efficient way is to ‘kidnap the Queen,’ hold a gun to her head, and ask her where the safes are.”

“Anyway, there are only a few hours left until reset, so we don’t need to be too cautious. Even if we’re killed by the Queen’s guards later, it doesn’t matter. As long as we see the safes’ numbers and names, our mission is complete.”

“If we see my name or Old Wei’s name on a safe, then it’s worth coming back tomorrow. But if… neither of our names is there, and all the safes are numbered past 266… then there’s no reason to come back to Queen Town.”

With that, Lin Xian put the loaded gun in his pocket and motioned to CC, “Let’s go this way, down this dark alley…”

He reached the alley’s entrance and froze.

“What’s wrong?” CC curiously came over, looked down the dark alley, and froze as well, quickly covering her eyes and pulling Lin Xian back.

You never know until you see it—what a shock!

There, in the dark alley, a young heated couple was embracing each other and going at it like animals!

Ahem. Robbery is robbery, and kidnapping is kidnapping. But one should never break up a couple. Lin Xian and CC decided to avoid this path.

“Young couples, you know, it’s normal for them to have dates in such dim places,” Lin Xian waved his hand, “Let’s take another path, this way.”

They took another narrow path… And what a surprise! There were two couples this time! And they were already kissing and stripping down to their skin!

“Go, go, go…” CC quickly pulled Lin Xian away from the chaos, “What’s going on? Why are there so many couples here?”

She couldn’t understand and frowned, “And isn’t this kind of thing supposed to be private? Can they really do this outside where anyone can watch?”

Lin Xian shrugged, “Ah… you’re asking me? I don’t have much experience either. All I can say is these young couples know how to pick a spot.”

“As infiltrators, we choose places with fewer people. But these couples are the same—they choose these secluded, moonlit places to be romantic.”

“Well, let’s try another path. I refuse to believe that in such a large area, every corner is filled with couples.”

He refused to accept defeat and took CC in another direction.

Five minutes later, he admitted defeat. CC was also astonished. She faced the wall, eyes closed, holding her forehead, “Lin Xian, you sure know how to pick a spot. Out of all the places along Queen Town’s walls, you picked a dating hotspot, blocking our way.”

Lin Xian threw up his hands, “I had no idea! Who could’ve guessed that on this backward Earth, Queen Town would be so open?”

“Now I get why Queen Town’s population doubled in just twenty or thirty years… It’s all thanks to their lively culture. Or should I say, it’s thanks to the Queen’s good leadership? With this kind of dating density and atmosphere, how could the population not double?”

He wasn’t kidding. This abandoned old town area seemed to have become a well-established dating spot for young couples in Queen Town. The authorities even seemed to support this, as there were no guards patrolling here, and the old buildings were left intact. It was like a natural love making garden for couples.

“Well, we have no other choice,” Lin Xian pointed to the first alley, where there was just one couple, “We’ll have to force our way through. We’ll just pretend they don’t exist. Besides, we’re robbers; why should we be afraid of disturbing them?”

“Of course, to avoid unnecessary trouble and not alert the guards, we should keep a low profile and just pass by quickly.”

CC felt uneasy, “Is this really okay? Us being here is already weird, and passing by them might draw even more attention.”

“What’s there to fear? No worries,” Lin Xian shrugged, “As long as we have a clear conscience, we’re good to go.”

And so, they walked straight into the first alley, facing the shy couple.

It was clear. This couple had just started dating and were still a bit awkward, not as intense as the others behind them. When they saw Lin Xian and CC approaching, the couple sprang apart like a spring, watching them cautiously.

“Excuse us, excuse us,” Lin Xian cupped his hands in apology as he squeezed past the couple.

CC followed quietly, feeling like she was doing something wrong.

After finally getting through this alley, they thought they were in the clear, only to find… another alley, and more couples that barely had any clothes.

“Damn, we’re in a couple’s nest.” Lin Xian looked at the network of alleys before him but felt like there was no way through. The people inside weren’t guards but were even better than guards.

It seemed Queen Town’s industrial development was too fast, and the entertainment facilities hadn’t caught up. Since other areas were brightly lit and crowded… young people in town had nowhere to make out but to flock to the abandoned old town.

“What a unique phenomenon of civilization development,” Lin Xian found it fascinating and thought he could write a sociology paper on it when he returned to the real world.

“It’s them!!!” Suddenly, a shout came from behind, “They’re not a couple! They’re intruders!”

Lin Xian and CC turned around to see a young couple leading guards towards them. The guards cocked their muskets and blew their whistles loudly—the sound echoed, and the clatter of hooves followed!

It was over—they’d been discovered. Lin Xian never thought he’d be caught by a bunch of young couples.

“Run!” He grabbed CC and sprinted down a winding path. The paths were complicated, making it hard for the mounted guards to find them. After passing several more couples, they finally reached a relatively wide road.

Lin Xian glanced back and, sure enough, saw no guards chasing them.

“Lin Xian—” CC looked ahead, eyes wide. But it was too late…

When Lin Xian turned his head, he saw the dark barrels of a double-barreled musket aimed right at his forehead from horseback!


The smell of gunpowder filled his nose and head until Lin Xian’s vision went black.


Lin Xian shot up from his bed in the corner of his bedroom.

It was that familiar feeling of rapid breathing and a pounding heartbeat. It took a while to calm down.

“No way.” He scratched his messy hair, “That was just too much…”

He couldn’t help but laugh, feeling like today’s death script was downright ridiculous.

It seemed Queen Town must have a unique culture and social structure. At least, they were officially very open-minded—maybe even too open, dedicating a whole area just for young people to date.

For the sake of birth rates and population? Or maybe… The Queen of this town really has some profound insights into management and sociology?

“Should we try a different entry point tomorrow night?” Lin Xian shook his head. He still felt that, from a safe infiltration perspective, the southeast corner was definitely the best choice.

Ultimately, the reason they were exposed was because they stepped on a “security mine,” meaning those lovebirds.

Come to think of it. The couples were there, having a nice time, whispering sweet nothings under the moonlight, and he and CC barged in without a clue. Whether it was polite or not, who wouldn’t be annoyed?

What made Lin Xian even more speechless… The network formed by these couples was indeed tight, covering every corner and alley, leaving no gaps for intruders.

Was there a way to infiltrate smoothly? Without upsetting the couples or being spotted by guards.

It seemed… They could only make use of Queen Town’s open-minded culture.

If he and CC could act a bit more like a couple, wouldn’t they blend in perfectly?

In fact, given Queen Town’s leniency and inclusivity towards young couples, if they acted convincingly, wouldn’t they be able to walk openly down the streets?

Who knew… The infiltration battle in the Fifth Dream world. Wasn’t about firepower, wasn’t about combat skills, wasn’t about cracking codes, wasn’t about high-altitude jumps.

Instead! It was about acting skills!

“Oh, if VV were here, we could get some Hollywood-level guidance.”

“But then again, even if my acting is good, it’s useless.” Lin Xian got up from his bed and poured himself a glass of water:

“CC is an acting killer and a wooden block when it comes to emotions. Even if I’m a great actor, CC will still blow our cover.”

“Forget it, forget it.” He shook his head, “I’ll think of another plan tomorrow.”

He picked up his phone from the bedside and checked the time; it was only around nine in the evening. It had been a long time since he exited a dream this early… and even longer since he experienced death in a dream.

There were also a few unread messages from Brother Wang. Brother Wang seemed to know he often slept during the day, so he didn’t bother calling. He left messages directly on WeChat.

He opened them. Brother Wang sent a lot of pictures related to lab contracts, followed by a long text:

“Lin Xian, you mentioned investing in a new lab and observatory, right? I’ve already found a team for you. We’ve also reached an agreement with a poor village to build the observatory there. These documents need your signature… If you’re free, come to the company tomorrow.”

Lin Xian replied right away with, “Okay.”

This was official business and crucial for his future plans. So, even though he was more of a hands-off manager, he still needed to go.

Almost instantly, Brother Wang replied, “A miracle! You’re awake so early today! Finally got enough sleep? Don’t stay up late anymore! I’ll see you at the office tomorrow for the signatures!”

The next day, at the Rhine Company building, in Lin Xian’s office. After signing a series of documents, Lin Xian stretched when he heard a knock at the door.

Who could it be now?

“Come in.” He pressed the button to open the door.

A tall woman wearing a black coat, black gemstone earrings, and black high heels walked in.

“Ying Jun?” He stood up with a smile, “What brings you here?”

After saying this, Lin Xian realized it was a pointless question. The entire Rhine Company was filled with undercover agents… Was there ever a time he came to the company without running into Zhao Ying Jun?

There was no point in asking why. Of course, it was because of that traitor, Brother Wang.

“Long time no see, Lin Xian.” Zhao Ying Jun smiled and walked over, “I’m actually here to ask for a favor today.”

“Sure, what is it?” Lin Xian invited Zhao Ying Jun to sit on the sofa and poured her some tea.

Zhao Ying Jun took a sip and spoke slowly, “It’s a bit difficult to say, but I’d rather ask you than someone else because I trust you.”

Lin Xian waved his hand, “Don’t be so formal. You’ve helped me so much, taken such good care of Rhine Company—if there’s anything I can do for you, I’d be happy to help.”

Zhao Ying Jun nodded, “My family in the capital, we just lost an elder—a remarkable person. All the juniors have to return to prepare for the memorial service and handle some other affairs. It’ll probably take a few days.”

“So… I’d like to ask you to take care of…”

Lin Xian quickly understood, “Oh, I get it, you want me to take care of VV, right?”

He knew how much Zhao Ying Jun adored her Pomeranian. Indeed, she wouldn’t trust anyone else with VV and could only rely on him.

“No problem.” Lin Xian agreed immediately, “I’ll take good care of VV.”

Zhao Ying Jun lowered her head and smiled, “Hehe, you guessed right. I do want to entrust VV to you for a few days.”

“But… it’s not just VV. There’s also someone else…” She lifted her head. Her eyes held a complicated look as she gazed at Lin Xian: “It’s Yan Qiao Qiao. You two met before at a dinner party.”

Biting her lip, Zhao Ying Jun continued: “Could I trouble you… to look after her for a few days, too?”

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