Genius Club

Chapter 36: The Seal


The sound of Zhao Ying Jun’s high heels echoed through the hallway as she exited the meeting room, leaving behind a tense silence that felt like it squeezed the air out of everyone’s lungs. The tension only eased once the elevator doors closed behind her, and the team collectively sighed in relief.

“Phew… That glare could cut glass. Brother Wang, you’re the only one brave enough to stand up to her like that. Seriously impressive!” an employee remarked, breaking the silence.

“Brother Wang, you really said what we were all thinking. Why scrap a perfectly good plan? Professor Xu Yun hadn’t finalized anything with any other company, so we still had a shot,” another chimed in.

“We’re on a tight schedule with the launch of the Rhine brand. Developing a new product at this stage is impossible. Everything was planned around Professor Xu Yun’s moisturizing cream formula.”

“Without his authorization to produce the revolutionary new moisturizing cream, I’m worried the Rhine brand launch could flop. Such a shame for the adorable Rhine Cat mascot…”

The mood in the meeting room grew somber and tense, a mix of disappointment, confusion, and helplessness hanging in the air. One by one, the employees sighed deeply and left the room, their morale visibly deflated.

After the room cleared, Lin Xian quietly collected the Rhine Cat figurines from the table and returned to his office. He then boarded the elevator and pressed the button for the 22nd floor, feeling apprehensive about the reason behind Zhao Ying Jun’s summons.

Standing before the familiar double-locked door, he heard her tired voice through the intercom.

“Come in.”

The door clicked open, and Lin Xian stepped inside, closing it softly behind him. The office was as he remembered—immaculate yet somehow stagnant, like a well-preserved relic.

Bypassing the sofa and coffee table, he noticed a thin layer of dust on the glass surface, a testament to Zhao Ying Jun’s relentless work ethic. Everything seemed ornamental except for her cluttered desk.

She was busy with paperwork when Lin Xian approached.

“Ms. Zhao, you wanted to see me?”

Finishing her signature on a document, she looked up and motioned for him to sit.

“Lin Xian, I’ve gone over the 3D design for the Rhine Cat you submitted. It’s technically proficient. However, I find the character design and dialogue too juvenile—akin to something from a children’s book.”

Lin Xian managed a wry smile. After all, he had based it on a children’s picture book. In the dream world, the Rhine Cat was a children’s toy, and the associated literature was juvenile by design. In reality, the Rhine brand and its history had faded into obscurity, along with Lin Xian’s recognition as its creator—a fact that frustrated him deeply.

“I understand your concerns,” Zhao Ying Jun continued, rifling through more papers. “We’re not marketing these as toys. Rhine Cat is our mascot for a cosmetics line aimed at women aged 18 to 28. It needs to be trendy, spirited, and sophisticated, not childlike. Do you see what I mean?”

Lin Xian nodded. “Absolutely.”

She murmured to herself as she searched her documents. “I put your annotated design here somewhere…”

Suddenly, a stack of documents toppled to the floor.

The desk was overwhelmed with papers, and as she dug through them, another pile cascaded down, scattering sheets across the floor.

Lin Xian bent down to help, neatly stacking the papers. As he did, he spotted a small, intriguing item. His pulse quickened as he discreetly slid it into his hand and continued tidying.

Once the papers were back on the desk, he slipped the item into his pocket without drawing attention.

Zhao Ying Jun brushed aside the mess with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, my desk is a disaster. I just haven’t had the time to sort it out.”

Lin Xian shook his head. “Perhaps a secretary could help manage these things.”

She flicked her hair back, dismissing the idea. “I prefer handling it myself.”

Finding the document she was looking for, she handed it to Lin Xian. “Here, take this and make the necessary adjustments. Let me know when you’ve updated it.”

After leaving her office, Lin Xian felt a distinct divide between their worlds. As he walked to the elevator, he fondled the object in his pocket—a significant find.

He couldn’t resist a smile; it was the first time he had taken something tangible like this, and it was exhilarating.

Back in his office, he locked the door and exhaled deeply.

“First time stealing something in real life… quite the rush.”

He extracted a small, flat, red wax seal from his pocket. Holding it up, he noted it was slightly larger and thicker than a coin, not entirely round.

This was the seal from the Genius Club invitation he had briefly held before Zhao Ying Jun reclaimed it. Made typically from a resin and paraffin blend, such seals were used for closing letters and invitations with a distinctive personal touch.

Flipping the seal over, he braced himself for what might be revealed—a link to another realm, a glimpse into a mysterious, possibly darker world.

The front bore a simple circular stamp, a right hand pointing upward etched within it, and two words clearly inscribed below: Genius Club.

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