General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 964: High tire pressure

Chapter 964: High tire pressure

Chapter 964 Violent Tire Gas

When Cailian saw Mrs. Ru fell to the ground, she was so frightened that her soul flew away.


She didn't care about dealing with the two birds, so she came to Mrs. Ru in a panic, knelt down and wanted to get Mrs. Ru up, but she didn't dare to move her easily.

"Ma'am, are you all right, ma'am? How are you?"

Golden Eagle and Falcon took the opportunity to fly out with the five tiger brothers.

At this time, the guards on duty nearby heard the news.

Cailian glared at the three birds flying away, and said viciously, "Kill those birds!"

The guards took their bows and arrows and began to hunt and kill the small army of five tigers.

The Falcon was trained in the Temple of the Holy Maiden, and its response was the quickest, unless the golden eagle with blood pressure came to catch it in person.

It shuttles flexibly in the rain of arrows.

The golden eagle was not so lucky.

It is good at attacking, but it is too big and it is easy to become a living target.


A cold arrow flew towards it, almost piercing its wings.

If it goes on like this, its small army will be wiped out.

The five tigers fluttered their wings from the back of the little golden eagle, and shouted three times: "The city lord is coming! The city lord is coming! The city lord is coming!"

The guards hurriedly turned around, bowed their hands and saluted: "City Lord!"

The Five Tigers immediately gave the two younger brothers an order to evacuate.

It itself flew towards Xie Jinnian's yard.

The guards bowed their heads for a long time and did not see the city lord coming. When they looked up, the trail was empty.

The leading guard was furious: "Damn it, who called it!"

The subordinates looked not far away and shouted: "Boss! They ran away!"

Leading guard: "Chase!"

They were going to chase the falcon and the golden eagle. After all, those two looked more ferocious, and they didn't pay attention to a small parrot.


The five tigers flapped their little wings to smoke, and flew to the head of the leading guard, "tui-tui-tui!"

The leading guard was offended, and he slashed at it with a sword!

The five tigers were taken aback!


In any case, he is also the guard of the City Lord's Mansion, so he can't even catch a parrot.

Soon it was caught by a guard with a net bag.

Just as the guards were about to throw it to death, a majestic voice sounded immediately: "Stop!"

A group of people turned around and saw that it was the second son of the City Lord's Mansion.

Several people cupped their hands and saluted: "Second Young Master."

The five tigers seemed to have seen the straw to save their lives, and thumped in the net bag for a while: "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Xie Jinnian was always gentle, but now he showed a rare stern look: "Why do you want to catch my parrot?"

The leading guard was startled: "This parrot belongs to the second son?"

Xie Jinnian said: "It's mine."

The leading guard hurriedly explained: "The little one didn't know that it was a parrot raised by the young master, and the little ones also followed orders. Miss Cailian asked the little ones to kill it."

Xie Jinnian said lightly, "Give me the parrot."

The leading guard looked embarrassed: "This..."

Xie Jinnian said: "I will go and talk to Mrs. Ru."

With Xie Jinnian's guarantee, the leading guard finally released the five tigers.

As soon as the five tigers got out of the net pocket, they immediately hid in Xie Jinnian's arms.

Trembling, as if frightening the concubine bird to death!

Xie Jinnian first put the five tigers into the cage of the black crow, and then went to Mrs. Ru's yard.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the door, he saw several doctors from the City Lord's Mansion hurrying in with their medicine boxes.

When the last person wanted to go in, he stopped him.

"Doctor Hong, what happened in the Emerald Pavilion?"

Doctor Hong cupped his hands at him: "Second Young Master, the younger one has just arrived, so I don't know the specific situation, but I just heard from the guards that if Madam is unwell, let us hurry over and have a look."

Xie Jinnian's eyes moved, and he stepped aside and said, "Then go quickly."


Doctor Hong trotted in with the medicine box on his back.

The guard in Tsing Yi whispered behind him: "Second Young Master, if your wife is about to give birth, and your body is sick at this juncture, could it be"

He didn't say the latter words, but the meaning is already obvious.

Another blue-clothed guard said: "I heard that fetuses that are more than eight months old can survive after birth."

"That's only if she can keep it." The Tsing Yi guard glanced at the Emerald Pavilion, "Speaking of which, that one is really good. While the young masters were not on the island, she immediately became pregnant. Young master, right now Timing, do you want to..."

He gestured to do away.

The blue-clothed guard glanced at him: "Right now only the Second Young Master is in the city. If something happens to her, are you afraid that the Second Young Master will pick it too cleanly?"

Xie Jinnian did not talk about Madam Ru's pregnancy from the beginning to the end, but ordered: "Go and find out what is going on with Ruyi."

"Yes." The two exchanged glances, the young master really loves birds like his life.

The two went to get close to the maid who cleaned the house for a while, and soon understood the ins and outs of the incident clearly.

Ruyi was playing in the city lord's mansion, and accidentally flew into Mrs. Ru's house.

Mrs. Ru fell in love with Ruyi, and Cailian wanted to catch it, but at this moment two big birds flew in and knocked Mrs. Ru down.

Cailian was angry, which made people kill birds.

The guard in Tsing Yi said angrily: "It was a big bird that hit her, what does it have to do with Ruyi? Killing Ruyi is too much! Why didn't she kill all the birds in the City Lord's Mansion!"

The guards in blue are more sensible.

He thought for a moment, then said solemnly: "Young Master, this is troublesome, Ruyi is your parrot, will Mrs. Ru think that what happened tonight was done by us?"

It would be fine if he didn't admit it, but just now the young master asked for Ruyi back in front of those guards.

Soon, the city lord also came over.

Xie Jinnian saluted: "Father."

Seeing him standing at the door, the mayor didn't think much, and walked in quickly.

If the lady is lying on the bed, her face is bloodless.

The doctors took her pulse one by one and discussed her condition together.

Cailian saw the city lord, and saluted with sobs: "City lord!"

Madam Ru looked at him with tears in her eyes.

The doctors stepped aside in a hurry.

The city lord sat down by the bed and held her hand: "I heard that you fell down, what's going on?"

Cailian cried: "A few big birds came out of nowhere just now and knocked Madam down..."

The castellan's expression sank.

Ru Madam let out an uncomfortable muffled groan.

The city lord asked nervously: "Where is it uncomfortable?"

Ru Madam's eyes are red: "My stomach hurts."

The city lord looked at the doctors.

Doctor Hong said: "I would like to report to the city lord, the madam has moved her fetus."

I just acted to move my tires before, but now I am really moving it, and I feel a little aggrieved.

Doctor Hong said: "Madam, it is dangerous to conceive at this age, and it is even more dangerous to move the fetus this month."

The city lord said coldly: "It's dangerous, you should tell me what to do!"

The doctors broke out in cold sweat.

Doctor Hong bit the bullet and said, "Save the baby first...see if you can save it."

The doctors were busy all night, taking miscarriage medicine and acupuncture.

But at dawn, instead of getting better, Mrs. Ru developed symptoms of vomiting.

The city lord said angrily: "A bunch of trash!"

Dr. Yang dared to say: "City Master, please forgive me for speaking bluntly, for the present plan, I am afraid that only one person can keep my wife's fetus."

City Lord: "Who?"

Dr. Yang: "Ghost mother-in-law, Nie Jinfeng."

The double should not be over yet, babies, vote for the monthly ticket, bow and thank you.

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