General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 1122: Fengdu Xiahou

Chapter 1122: Fengdu Xiahou

Chapter 1122 Fengdu Xiahou

Lu Aotian was shocked!

Grandpa, grandma!

Such a big secret, I don't want to know!

Su Xiaoxiao walked over immediately.

Wei Qing handed her the seal of the city lord.

Su Xiaoxiao looked over and over: "Is this the seal of the city lord? Feng, Du, Xia, Hou."

Fengdu City, Xiahou's family.

Coupled with the special jade quality of this seal, it is enough to explain its particularity.

But why is it mixed with Erhu's small stone?

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Xing'er in amazement.

Myolie saw the astonishment and doubts of her own lady, she shook her head: "I don't know either."

"I'll ask Erhu!"

"Miss, ask again tomorrow."

"can not wait anymore!"

The matter is of great importance, we must find out the origin of the city lord's seal.

Su Xiaoxiao entered the room of the three little ones, and the three were sound asleep, with their feet on their backs.

Su Xiaoxiao lay on the bed, poked Erhu's little face, and called softly, "Erhu, Erhu."

Er Hu opened his eyes in a daze, and called "Mother" softly.

Su Xiaoxiao's heart was about to melt, she took out the seal of the city lord, and waved it in front of him: "Er Hu, is this yours?"

Erhu is the child with the best temper. He didn't get angry when he was disturbed while sleeping, and he tried his best to open his two small eyes to see.

"It's... Erhu's..."

"Where did you come from?" Su Xiaoxiao asked again.

"I exchanged... small stones... and the grandpa of the city owner..."

"Transport small stones?"

Su Xiaoxiao was secretly puzzled.

What kind of small stone can make Xia Houqing willingly exchange it for your city lord seal?

Did you exchange gold stones with him?

No, this cannot be exchanged for gold.

Erhu got into Su Xiaoxiao's arms and said in a daze, "Grandpa, the city owner, drank too much..."

Su Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched.

It turned out to be the case.

On the day when Elder Liu was arrested, Xia Houqing fell in love with Wei Xu again because of jealousy. In order to save Wei Xu from the siege, Ling Yun kept Xia Houqing for dinner.

Xia Houqing was happy, had a few drinks and got drunk.

I heard that he was lying on the ground and let the three children ride the big horse. His back hurt from riding, and he was shaking when he walked.

"Well, it seems that there is such a thing."

Ling Yun came from Qingyun Palace. After listening to the ins and outs, he recalled the scene of the day, "Did Erhu say something to him, and even showed him his little stone, I didn't care."

The main reason is that Er Hu, a villain, had the idea of getting the seal of the city lord.

"The seal of the city lord is indeed beautiful." Su Xiaoxiao's novel.

The material of the city lord's seal is the extremely rare He's Bi, with complex carvings and exquisite lines. It is smaller than the jade seals of the royal family and is easy to carry.

"Two tigers have vision."

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but praise her son again.

Ling Yun rarely felt that the little villain had done a big thing.

What the two of them didn't know was that there were actually some small episodes in the middle of this incident.

After Xia Houqing caught Elder Liu smuggling Long Jing out of the mansion, she basically confirmed Xia Houyi's ambition.

It stands to reason that he should immediately go back to Xiahou Yixing to question him.

At this time, Ling Yun asked him to eat. If he only wanted to ask Xia Houyi for his crimes and refused Ling Yun's invitation, then he would definitely bring the seal of the city lord to "cast himself into the net".

Luckily he didn't.

drinking too much while eating, and being limped by Erhu, a little magic stick, even gave up the seal of the city lord.

Back to the City Lord's Mansion, he sobered up.

At that time, he wanted to come back to ask for the seal of the city lord, and asked Chang Guanshi to prepare a carriage and go to Baihua Palace.

The manager often asked him why he went back after he came back.

He thought it was really wrong, and decided to go to Erhu tomorrow to get back.

In the past, he would never have "disregarded" the seal of the city lord so much.

It's hard to tell why, but during the afternoon spent with a few children, something quietly changed in his heart.

All in all, all in all, just put the city lord's seal aside for a moment.

Then, he was murdered by Xia Houyi.

Lu Aotian can't stay for too long, he has already left.

Before leaving, Myolie brought him a bag of warm jelly beans.

Su Xiaoxiao, Wei Qing, and Ling Yun sat around the stone table in the yard, staring at the seal of the city lord in front of them without blinking.

"Say something?"

Wei Qing spoke.

Su Xiaoxiao: "If the seal of the city lord disappears, Erhu will be sad."

Wei Qing: "..."

Wei Qing looked at Ling Yun again.

Ling Yun took a deep breath: "Whenever he is sad, Big Tiger and Little Tiger will play and sing to cheer him up."

Wei Qing has a picture in his mind.

Wei Qing said to Ling Yun: "So you hurry up and become the city lord, and give the city lord Yin Tiantian to Erhu to play with."

Ling Yun: "..."

Jokes are jokes, and the few people quickly got to the point.

The reason why Xiahouyi has been slow to "kill" the Baihua Palace has been found out. He doesn't have the seal of the city lord in his hand, so he can't command all the sects on the island, especially the four major sects.

So he could only start by cutting off the wings of Baihua Palace, and buying and controlling various sects in large quantities.

Su Xiaoxiao asked: "Will he guess where the city lord's seal is?"

Wei Qing thought for a while and said, "He probably wouldn't have guessed it. If he had guessed it, he would have sent someone to steal it. What's more, he has been provoking Baihua Palace before, just to test whether Ling Yun has the seal of the city lord. , if Ling Yun had it, he would have shown up with the city lord's seal long ago."

Su Xiaoxiao nodded: "Second brother is right."

Immediately, he looked at Ling Yun: "What are your plans for the future?"

Ling Yun did not speak.

Wei Qingdao: "Inheriting the position of city lord is the only way to fight against Xia Houyi."

They all knew in their hearts that Ling Yun had no intention of returning to Xiahou's family, but the situation at hand was not forgiving, either they would die, or Xiahouyi would die.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't say anything like "No matter what you decide, we will support you".

This matter is related to the life and death of everyone, and we should not be arrogant.

Wei Qing looked at Ling Yun and said, "You make a decision as soon as possible, I'm afraid we don't have much time left."

Xia Houyi will not sit still. If he does not get the seal of the city lord, he will definitely think of other ways to command the major factions.

All means are not excluded.

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Now there is another problem, Xia Houyi has already spread rumors that Ling Yun framed the city lord, even if we took out the city lord's seal, Xia Houyi can still say that we snatched it, and it happened that Ling Yun killed his father evidence."

Wei Qing: "That's right."

Su Xiaoxiao frowned: "The situation is not good for us."

Xia Houyi, this old man, is too old and cunning, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has everything.

However, it was also because he was too full that he mistook the whereabouts of the city lord's seal.

"Is there any news from Xie Jinnian?" Wei Qing asked.

Su Xiaoxiao shook his head: "Xie Jinnian was locked in the dungeon, surrounded by a group of hunting dogs, and even the five tigers couldn't fly in."


Dark and dank dungeons.

Xie Jinnian sat cross-legged on the ground, leaning against the cold and hard wall.

Suddenly, the prison door was opened.

Xia Houzheng walked in haughtily.

Second update

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