Gate of Immortality

Chapter 260: Crimson Heaven Empire

Chapter 260: Crimson Heaven Empire

Yang Shi smiled as he realized Old Ghost meant no harm for him. Old Ghost also confirmed his suspicions.

In the entire Southsea Domain, There are numerous kingdoms and sects. However, no matter how big a kingdom becomes, they are still called a kingdom.

Soaring Star Supreme Kingdom was the top force of the western province. However, it is still called a kingdom and not an empire.

From ancient times, there has been a custom that only a Heavenly Sovereign can build an Empire. Without the strength of Heavenly Sovereign, no one dares to found an empire, no matter how large the land they rule.

Crimson Heaven Empire was founded during the Age of Chaos. As far as Samsara Emperor knew, the empire had produced five Heavenly Sovereigns. Each of them had the power to move heaven and earth.

The imperial family of the Crimson Heaven Empire was called the Shen Family. From the surname of Shen Yanyu, Yang Shi already guessed that. Moreover, when he saw the primordial spirit of Shen Yanyu, his doubts cleared.

" Do you recognize this?" Yang Shi pulled out his Heaven Calamity as he passed it to Old Ghost.

" This!" Old Ghost caressed the saber as his eyes went wide. " Progenitor! The aura of Progenitor!" Old Ghost stood up immediately.

" Tyrannical Thunder Saber of the First Sect Mater of Dominating Saber Mountain. Brat! How did you get this?" Old Ghost asked in a disbelieving voice. " It used to be the weapon of Sect Master Situ Nan in his younger days."

" Even after he reached higher realms and became powerful, he never abandoned it. However, our sect lost it thousands of years ago." Old Ghost became emotional.

" Well, You can say that I am fortunate enough to get this saber. So, at least you can say that you and I are tied by fate." Yang Shi spoke.

" Fate, eh? Sure." Old Ghost's gaze turned strange as he laughed.

" Anyway, Since I have disclosed enough information, let's talk about it some other day. Right now, we have bigger issues to face." Old Ghost spoke.

" Hmm? I remember, How did the deal of Vital Blood of Ancient Beast go? You guys got it?" Yang Shi asked.

" Unfortunately, Not." Old Ghost said with vexation. " Although we got the Soul Nourishing Wood, Second Prince's faction somehow got both the Soul Nourishing Wood and Water of Life. They got the Vital Blood." Old Ghost sighed.

" I really want to ask you something. Shen clan of Crimson Heaven Empire is so mighty that it can shake the entire Celestial Sea Plane."

" Leaving the prosperous empire, what are you guys doing in this desolate place?"  Yang Shi asked curiously.

" The battle of the throne has begun in the Crimson Heaven Empire." Old Ghost smiled wryly.

" Wait, WHAT?!" Yang Shi's body shook as his eyes went wide. He clearly understood the meaning of this word.

The Crimson Heaven Empire's selection of crown is much different from the struggle of the throne in Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom. It happens on a much grand scale.

Each prince or princess had to leave the Empire and travel far and wide with almost no resources. They had to build their own forces with their own hands. Yang Shi finally realized what Shen Yanyu is doing here.

"  The Great Saint of Empire had started this competition. But it was little different than previous ones."

" Along with building their forces, the heirs need to find the fragments of Sacred Dragon Emblem." Old Ghost explained.

" Sacred Dragon Emblem? You mean this was the test preparation for the heirs of the Shen clan? Holy Shit!" Yang Shi almost jumped from shock.

Sacred Dragon Emblem was a treasure of the Crimson Heaven Empire. It was a Dao artifact containing massive power. It was created by the first Heavenly Sovereign of Crimson Heaven Empire.

But later, it was fragmented into many pieces and hidden across the continent. Nonetheless, each piece is powerful as an Earth grade artifact.

" So, You guys supporting the first prince to build your power and also, a fragment of Sacred Dragon Emblem is here?" Yang Shi took a deep breath.

" Apparently, yes." Old Ghost nodded.

" Huuu!" Yang Shi took a deep breath as he calmed his mind. Although he had expected it, he still felt pressure after hearing the Old Ghost.

" I think the fragment might be inside the Mysterious Spirit Realm. That's why Miss Shen isn't in hurry to breakthrough to the Violet Palace Expansion realm."

" Hmm, Since the transaction has failed, what are you going to do now?" Yang Shi asked.

" Honestly, I don't know. Even though I am an Origin Core Realm expert, I can't act according to my accord. I can only act when Miss She faces some life or death crisis." Old Ghost rolled his eyes.

Yang Shi nodded as he heard Old Ghost. Even if Old Ghost was an injured Origin Core Realm cultivator, with his prowess, snatching the Vital Blood would have been very easy. But as he said, he can't act without any solid reason.

" I really don't want to associate with you guys anymore. The struggle of the throne is very suffocating for me." Yang Shi mumbled.

" Haha, As you said, we are bounded by fate. No matter what, you can't escape the strings of fate." Old Ghost laughed. " How is the making of True grade weapon going?" Old Ghost asked.

" I am very close. Ask Miss Shen to wait for a few days. I will forge a True grade bow for her." Yang Shi nodded.

But suddenly a thought struck his brain as he hastily asked, " If you guys didn't get the Vital Blood, what about the beast egg of Purple Thunder Wyvern?"

" We are still thinking of a solution. It seems we need to hire a Grandmaster Alchemist to concoct Demon Condensing Pill." Old Ghost spoke.

" What if I say, that I can hatch the beast egg much earlier? Moreover, I can even purify its bloodline without the Vital Blood." Yang Shi spoke carefully.

" You can do that?" Old Ghost was skeptical.

" I have some connections." Yang Shi smiled mysteriously." What do you think?"

" Well, It's not like the beast will hatch anytime sooner. So, I can give the egg to you. However, if anything goes wrong, prepare one thousand spirit stones." Old Ghost said.

" Fine. But if I succeed, you need to give the Soul Nourishing Wood to me." Yang Shi stated his condition.

" As you say." Old Ghost waved his hands as he turned to leave.

" I guess, I need to hurry up after all." Yang Shi saw the departing figure of Old Ghost as he mumbled. He went back to the forge as he started forging the medicinal cauldron of Elder Cheng.

Yang Shi dared to bet with Old Ghost because of his Internal Energy. His Internal Energy works in a mysterious way. It helped both Xiao Hei and Jin Yu to refine their bloodline.

Yang Shi realized that his Internal Energy has a special property, which can help the bloodline to trace back to its ancestor and unlock its hidden powers.

" Mm, If I get that Soul Nourishing Wood, everything will be perfect." Yang Shi chuckled.

Forging a Quasi True Grade Cauldron wasn't difficult for Yang Shi.. But since Elder Cheng was an important person, Yang Shi decided to work with more focus.

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