Gate of Immortality

Chapter 179: I Killed a Big Shot?

Chapter 179: I Killed a Big Shot?

Yang Shi knew that the mysterious girl already finished her things, so he didn't care about her. Unknown to the storm he had caused, Yang Shi rushed back to the inn.

" Caww! Master!" Xiao Hei flapped its wings as he greeted Yang Shi." Haha." Yang Shi smiled warmly as he patted that black crow, " Miss Jin, Get up!" Yang Shi shouted loudly as he saw a ten year old girl sleeping on his bed. 

" Hmph! Does it kill you to not shout in midnight? I was sleeping." Jin Yu grumbled as she rubbed her eyes. " Meh, now get up and come back to the golden egg. I am damn sleepy now." Yang Shi snorted. " Fine." Jin Yu became a stream of light as she entered into the dantian of Yang Shi.

" Damn! That fight with Violet Specter really cost me a lot." Yang Shi mumbled. He took off his robe and fell on the bed. He was very tired after the life and death battle with Violet Specter.

" If I had used my longsword, Things might have got tricky." Yang Shi smiled. The reason he chose to use his daggers is to fight with Violet Specter in close combat. His Sword art of Stellar Night is still weaker than the techniques of Violet Specter. Moreover, he wanted to hone his dagger skills.

" Haha, With my dagger skill, Little Li's Flying dagger is nothing." Yang Shi chuckled. (Little Li's Flying Dagger is a fictional, top grade dagger skill in wuxia novels)

He got up with great difficulty and took a shower. He didn't want to reek of blood. Then he jumped on his bed. " Ugh, The poison in Violet Specter's weapons are troublesome." Yang Shi frowned. He used his Spirit Fire and Internal Energy to destroy it. But, there is still some residue left in his body.

" Ugh, It seems I have to visit Golden Fire Tower's alchemy section tomorrow." Yang Shi muttered. After all, it's only a matter of a few hours till the sun rises. Yang Shi fell asleep.

The sun rose as Yang Shi's eye opened.  He got up and stretched his arms. " Ahhh! Refreshing." Yang Shi smiled. Suddenly, he heard knocking on the door. Yang Shi wore a new robe as he went out. But of course, he didn't forget to have breakfast in the Rainbow Inn.

He left the inn as he went to the Inner City gate. He saw a long line in front of the Inner Gate. " Whoa, that's quite a lot of people." Yang Shi became surprised. But it more surprising as the city gate wasn't opened.

" Brother, When the gate is going to open?" Yang Shi asked a passerby. " Eh? I am also surprised. The gate should have opened by now." That person said.

" It seems you haven't heard what happened yesterday." A middle-aged man came. His name was Gen Hui.

" Last night, lots of things happened in Northen block. You know, Assassins killed Wei Cang." Gen Hui chuckled.

" Huh? Someone killed Wei Cang?" The passerby shouted. The people around them also became astonished.

" Yeah, Last night, a bunch of Blood Moon Hall assassins went to kill Wei Cang. But, You know, They met assassins for Traceless Ghost Pavilion.

There was a fight between them. Apparently, Bronze Bull, Fluttering Leaf, and Night Demon fought with each other." Gen Hui narrated.

" What? Then who killed Wei Cang?" The passerby asked hastily.

" You won't believe, But none of them killed Wei Cang." Gen Hui chuckled. " Then who?" Everyone asked.

" Wei Cang is actually killed by a newbie assassin." Gen Hui said mysteriously.

" WHAT!!" Everyone got shocked. " Yes, I am speaking the truth. The assassin's name was Evil Shadow. And He killed both Violet Specter and Night Demon." Gen Hui nodded.

Yang Shi listened to Gen Hui as he smiled wryly. He never thought things would spread this fast. He was actually surprised by the popularity of Wei Cang.

" Brother, I came to Azure Wind City for the first time. Can you tell me who is Wei Cang?" Yang Shia asked curiously.

" Ah, so you are a newcomer? That explains. Wei Cang is the son of Wei Shu, who is the brother of Finance Minister Wei." A bystander explained. Yang Shi's felt a cold air around him as he became shocked.

Hearing he killed the nephew of Finance Minister of Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom, Yang Shi urged to facepalm himself. " Goddamn! I really getting into deeper shit with politics." Yang Shi cursed in his heart. He just hoped he doesn't get on must kill list of the Royal Clan.

" Don't worry. The Inner City gate will be open soon." Gen Hui chuckled. As he just said, the city gate rumbled as it slowly opened. People slowly went toward it, including Yang Shi.

" The hell! Thirty Thousand Coins to go to Inner City?!" Yang Shi grumbled. What even more, The guards gave him a parchment. Because Yang Shi didn't have any permanent Inner City token, he has to return from Inner City after three days. It same as using a visa on earth.

" Why the rules are so strict?" Yang Shi wondered. But he wasn't worried. Getting a permanent token of Inner City might be a tedious task for other people. But for Yang Shi, It's hardly any trouble.

The Inner City looked much better than the outer city. Both the quality and quantity of the buildings are far more than of the outer city. Yang Shi walked with a curious mind.

There were many shops across the street, selling all types of things. From medicinal pills to weapons, strange items, and cultivation techniques, everything was being sold here. Of course, six out of ten of the stuff here are either fake or poor quality.

" Hmm, what should I do today?" Yang Shi had multiple things in his mind. " Hmm, should I go to the Mo Clan? Or visit Feng Xiao or Demonic Sound Palace?" Yang Shi thought.

" There is also Old Ghost. Heh, I really want to beat that old bastard." Yang Shi mumbled. " Ahh, Let Bai Ruxue wait for some more time. I will buy a gift for her." Yang Shi decided. He went toward the Golden Fire Tower's alchemy section.

Soon, he reached next to a giant gate. One could see a large board, saying - Golden Fire Alchemy Hall. On the gate, there is a big letter- Longevity.

" My my, It looked even grander than Golden Fire Tower of Firmament City." Yang Shi smacked his lips as he went inside. Yang Shi could feel the Alchemy Hall was much vibrant. He could smell the rich scent of medicinal pills.

He went to the counter and saw a cheerful lady sitting there. 

" Welcome, How can I help you?" The girl smiled.

" Do you have any detoxification pill?" Yang Shi asked.

" Sir, If you are affected by some poison, I advise you to consult with our physician." The girl thought and said. Yang Shi nodded as he understood what that girl is saying.

Some poisons are very strange and difficult to cure. Normale detoxification pills are useless in front of them. So, one should ask a professional alchemist to get the corresponding pills.

" Thank you, But I don't need it. Get me a pill with Twisted Red Root as the main ingredient." Yang Shi calmly said. 

" Sir..." The girl hesitated as she became astonished. She doesn't have much knowledge about pills and their ingredients.

" Hmm, Just give me a Scarlet Fire Detoxifying Pill." Yang Shi rubbed his chin. " Ah! We have that." The girl nodded as she took out a pill bottle.

" Fifty thousand gold coins for three pills." She said. " Fifty thousand?!" Yang Shi blurted. It was almost two times expensive than its manufacturing price.

" What the hell! Fifty thousand gold coins are enough to buy a Quasi Spirit grade weapon." Yang Shi grumbled. " If things go like this, I might better become an alchemist."

" Esteemed guest! Our prices are extremely fair. We are also giving you pills with mid tier quality." The girl smile.

Just like weapons, Pills are also graded. There are nine ranks of pills. Rank one is the lowest and rank nine is the highest grade of the pill. As for quality, one can check the pill rings. While concocting a pill, ring like marks appear over it. A pill with one ring is the worst quality of pill. Its medicinal efficiency is like 15%.

Pill with nine rings is the best quality pill, with an efficiency of over 85%. For ease, every three rings are defined as a grade. Low-grade pills have one to three rings. Mid-grade pills have three to six rings and high-grade pills have six to nine pill rings.

Scarlet Fire Detoxcifying pill is a rank two pill. The Alchemy hall is selling mid grade Scarlet Fire Detoxcifying Pill.

" Fine give me a bottle. Oh, also, Do you have any Beast Feeding Pill?" Yang Shi nodded and asked.

" Beast Feeding Pill? Which rank Beast Feeding Pills you want?" That girl asked. " Rank two." Yang Shi answered. " Here sir! Twenty pills for 40,000 gold coins." The girl gave two bottles to Yang Shi.

Yang Shi nodded as he paid ninety thousand gold coins to that girl.

Beast Feeding Pill, as its name implies, Its the food of Beasts. Its widely used by cultivators, who have beast mounts. Yang Shi brought it for Xiao Hei, who was sitting on his shoulder.

" Hmm, Let's see the interior of Alchemy Hall." 

The girl became surprised as he saw Yang Shi went to the main building instead of walking out.

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