Gate of God

Chapter 863 - Evil Creature, Die!

Chapter 863: Evil Creature, Die!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Stop her!

Yes, we must stop her!

Yan Yin was unsure of what will happen, but he gave up fighting with Nangong Tian and charged towards Monster Emperor Baizhi.

However, it was too late. Monster Emperor Baizhi had leaped up and her black cloak fell off, showing a long dress made of white fur underneath.

Elegance, Faerie, as eye-catching and beautiful as the stars.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared out of nowhere in front of Monster Emperor Baizhi. It exuded a wild and cold aura.

“Yan Xiu?!”

“When... When did he escape from the Monster race?”

Witnessing his appearance, the surrounding disciples could not believe their eyes.

After all, Yan Xiu had been captured by hundreds of monsters.

He managed to escape?

Besides the disciples, Monster Emperor Baizhi also did not believe her eyes.

“The Good and Evil of the Dao of Asura? Interesting.” Monster Emperor Baizhi’s lips moved. She heaved a sigh and raised her right hand gradually.

As her right hand rose, the surrounding air froze. Time seemed to have stopped. The radiance from the stars, the sun and the moon darkened.

“Swallowing the Sun and the Moon?” Upon witnessing this scene, the disciples’ expressions changed completetly. They had heard of how the powerful Monster absorbed the essence of the Sun and the Moon, how the Monster could make the radiance of the Sun and the Moon disappear by raising his hand. However, seeing it happen in real life still shocked them immensely.

“Oh no, Yan Xiu, duck!” Dao Hun looked much more desperate and anxious than the rest of the disciples.

Besides Dao Hun, Dao Xin also stood up abruptly, looking more anxious than Dao Hun.

It was too late.

As Monster Emperor Baizhi raised her right hand, Yan Xiu who was standing in front of her looked as though he had suffered some form of imprisonment and was bound in the sky.

Meanwhile, Monster Emperor Baizhi placed her hand on Yan Xiu’s chest.

Spit! Not much noise was made, but at the moment when Monster Emperor Baizhi’s hand was placed on Yan Xiu’s chest, Yan Xiu’s expressions changed abruptly, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

It was too fast!

From the sudden appearance of Yan Xiu to the moment when Monster Emperor Baizhi slapped Yan Xiu’s chest, the duration was at most that of a blink of an eye.

Then, Monster Emperor Baizhi appeared above Yan Xiu.

It felt like teleportation, or more specifically, Monster Emperor Baizhi made use of the move to bypass Yan Xiu’s blockage.

Most importantly, as Monster Emperor Baizhi moved above Yan Xiu’s head, she gave an alluring smile.

The ancient saying goes, she revealed a hundred charms after she glanced back.

However, the smile that Monster Emperor Baizhi gae did not only reveal a hundred charms. In fact, she exuded an alluring aura from her core, an extremely powerful charm that captured one’s soul.


“So... beautiful!”

Although they were in the midst of a battle or killing their enemies, every single move made by Monster Emperor Baizhi was so beautiful that the disciples’ hearts fluttered.

Instead of any aura of death, only a sense of pure beauty could be felt. It was such that nobody could resist it.

An eerie but absolutely beautiful scene.

Yet this eerie but absolutely beautiful scene was broken by a voice.

“Old wretch, how dare you touch Yan Xiu? Die!” The voice was quite loud and wild, and heard by everyone.

Shock and terror.

Only one person could make such a comment at this point of time.

Fang Zhengzhi.

Only Fang Zhengzhi was wild enough to say that he wanted the most powerful of the Holy Region, the beast of the Monster race, the Nine-Tailed White Fox Monster Emperor Baizhi to die.

However, what shocked the rest was not the wildness of Fang Zhengzhi.

It was the phrase...

Old wretch!

“He called Monster Emperor Baizhi an old... old wretch?!” Everyone was stunned.

After all, nobody had dared to use the phrase “old wretch” to describe Monster Emperor Baizhi.

Was he courting death?

No, this could not be described as courting death.

“...” The air fell silent.

Meanwhile, Monster Emperor Baizhi’s hand stopped at a position about one inch above Yan Xiu’s head.

“Old wretch?” Monster Emperor Baizhi’s mouth twitched. As the Monster Emperor with the title of the Nine-Tailed White Fox, nobody had dared to call her an old wretch.

Not only was it impossible for her to be addressed as an old wretch, but whenever she appeared, every single person’s heart would flutter from her beauty, be it a friend or foe, be it a man or woman.

Yet, how could someone possibly use the phrase ‘old wretch’ on her? It was completely unthinkable!

However, at that moment...

Fang Zhengzhi used it. He used it in front of all the sects in the Holy Region, the Four Great Empires, and the monster race.

“This brat, trying to kill me? We shall see who will be the one getting killed!” Monster Emperor Baizhi was furious, but she had not lost her sanity.

As the Monster Emperor, the beast Nine-Tailed White Fox, she not only had a heart-fluttering outer appearance, but also an exceptionally high intelligence and a powerful state of mind that allowed her to control her emotions.

Therefore, after blanking out for a short moment, she was ready to move her hand.

She was very certain of the flow of event, and more certain about what should be prioritised at that moment. Therefore, despite feeling extremely angry, she did not let her emotions affect her plan.

Yet at that moment, the voice that infuriated her could be heard again.

“Evil creature, I can’t believe you are still harming people at such an old age! Die!” As compared to the previous sentence of calling her an old wretch, this statement was much wilder.

Besides that, it was extremely humiliating.

Most importantly, it came from a close distance, as though it was right beside her. More specifically, it came from her right.

“Hmm?!” This greatly confused the previously calm Monster Emperor Baizhi. After all, Fang Zhengzhi was trapped amonst the monster race just a moment ago.

However, she figured things out very quickly.

After all, being a Nine-Tailed White Fox, and with her exceptionally high intelligence and beauty, Monster Emperor Baizhi naturally was able to figure out the reason.

Was it because of the phrase “old wretch”?

The phrase old wretch stopped her from slapping Yan Xiu. At the same time, it shocked the Monster Kings surrounding Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Zhengzhi took this opportunity to escape successfully, using an insanely fast speed and got beside her.

“I have always heard from Qingwu that this brat is hard to deal with. Today... Indeed, knowing someone by their reputation cannot be compared to meeting him in real life!” A beam of light flashed past Monster Emperor Baizhi’s eyes.

She already figured out how Fang Zhengzhi escaped. It was precisely because she knew that made her even more shocked. This feeling of shock was much more vivid than witnessing the fight of Fang Zhengzhi and Nangong Hao from the side.

“Fang Zhengzhi, take care of your friend Yan Xiu.” Monster Emperor Baizhi smiled again, giving off an even more alluring charm.

Most importantly...

She did not choose to attack Fang Zhengzhi because of his second sentence. Instead, she continued to fly towards the sky with a high speed.

It was a strange scene.


“Monster Emperor Baizhi escaped?”

“How could this be?!”

This scene undoubtedly stunned the disciples. After all, they thought Fang Zhengzhi had gone to court death.

After calling Monster Emperor Baizhi an “old wretch”, then another “evil creature”, how could he have survived from Monster Emperor Baizhi?

The disciples could not understand.

But the truth was, Monster Emperor Baizhi “escaped” with a speed of the light, completing ignoring the insulting comments made by Fang Zhengzhi.

Leaving behind...

Fang Zhengzhi who stood quietly in the air.

His blue robe flew gently in the mountain breeze, seeming somewhat lonely, however with Fang Zhengzhi’s stunned expression, it affected the powerfulness of his aura.

“She escaped?” Fang Zhengzhi felt that the ultimate failure in life was none other than how he had prepared to face death, yet his enemy escaped right away without batting an eye.

Wait a minute!

She told him to take care of Yan Xiu!

That was obviously not the main point, the main point was why did Monster Emperor Baizhi escape? Could it be that he was so powerful that even Monster Emperor Baizhi was afraid of him?

Fang Zhengzhi was proud of himself, in fact, he was slightly arrogant.

However, he was still aware of the truth. If he had not seen how Monster Emperor Baizhi attacked, he would have said, “Monster Emperor? She is nothing!”

After all, he was a possible candidate to fight against Dao Hun.

And who was Dao Hun?

The hallmaster of Yin Yang Hall, one of the most powerful in the Holy Region!

Fang Zhengzhi was certainly confident that if he had encountered seniors like Mu Qingfeng and Mo Shanshi, he could have easily fought for at least a few hundred rounds.

However, after seeing the attack made by Monster Emperor Baizhi, he knew that there was indeed a monster who was more powerful than Mu Qingfeng and Mo Shanshi.

And this monster was none other than Monster Emperor Baizhi.

An old wretch who could make the sun, moon and stars lose their radiance.

However, now...

This old wretch fled because of him?


Of course, it was surprising. However, this kind of surprise was too sudden and he could not believe it.

“Should I have been harsher with my words?” Fang Zhengzhi thought for a moment and negated this thought. He definitely saw Monster Emperor Baizhi’s lips twitch after his scolding.

It could be imagined how angry Monster Emperor Baizhi must have been.


Yet, she did not kill him?

There was only one possible explanation for this scenario. Monster Emperor Baizhi has something more important to do, something hundred times more important than killing Fang Zhengzhi.

While deep in thought, Fang Zhengzhi also felt Yan Xiu’s body move. Evidently, the power that was restraining Yan Xiu had been removed.

“Yan Xiu, how are you feeling?” Fang Zhengzhi held Yan Xiu, he was not foolish enough to ask Yan Xiu whether he was alright, because it was obvious that he was severely injured.

Just a mere slap could make Yan Xiu, the person who had mastered and successfully merged The Good and Evil of the Dao of Asura, spit blood?

The power of Monster Emperor Baizhi was evident.

“Are we... really... friends?” Yan Xiu looked extremely pale, the black and red light in his eyes seemed to be flickering.

“Of course, we are friends. Once friends, always friends!” Fang Zhengzhi was slightly shocked but replied extremely seriously.

“Hmm... we are friends...” Yan Xiu nodded then slowly shut his eyes and never made anymore noise.

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes narrowed.

He did not let out a furious roar because he knew that Yan Xiu did not die. He could feel Yan Xiu’s heartbeat with his hand.

Yan Xiu had fainted out of lethargy after using up too much energy. After all, he was surrounded by hundreds of monsters, went through a forced breakthrough and the slap by Monster Emperor Baizhi.

Wait a minute!

Something was amiss!

At the final moment, when Yan Xiu was unable to fight back, by right, Monster Emperor Baizhi had ample time to kill Yan Xiu with another blow.

However, Monster Emperor Baizhi did not do so. Instead, he escaped immediately and deliberately told Fang Zhengzhi to take care of Yan Xiu.


Fang Zhengzhi was not naive till the point of believing that. If Monster Emperor Baizhi was merciful, she would not have attacked Yan Xiu in the first place.

Therefore, the only explanation was..

Monster Emperor Baizhi did it on purpose!

“Deliberately allowing Yan Xiu to live so as to stop me from chasing after her?” Fang Zhengzhi suddenly understood why Monster Emperor Baizhi fled.

It was because of time!

Monster Emperor Baizhi did not have time to spare on Yan Xiu and Fang Zhengzhi. Put it simply, her target was never Yan Xiu or Fang Zhengzhi.

If Yan Xiu had not appeared out of the blue and blocked her, Monster Emperor Baizhi had not thought of attacking him at all.

After all, if Monster Emperor Baizhi really wanted to kill Yan Xiu, she had more chances to do so when Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu were trapped by hundreds of monsters.

Therefore, whatever that happened was all coincidental!

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