Gate of God

Chapter 782 - Destroying Ling Yun Tower with One Punch

Chapter 782: Destroying Ling Yun Tower with One Punch

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Green Jade and company had all turned pale. Fang Zhengzhi had humiliated them completely by leaving them in a paralysed state and not bothering to deal with them at all. They even found death preferable to this treatment. The most pressing issue was that the Penta-coloured Wonder Flowers had been snatched away by Fang Zhengzhi.

It had happened right in front of them!

Of course, other than humiliation, they were experiencing fear of a visceral nature. They were very much aware of how much the five special flowers meant to Ling Yun Tower.

Also, Fang Zhengzhi was not finished...

Just as their hearts were filled with indignity and horror, Fang Zhengzhi had stomped a huge foot down into the first level of Ling Yun Tower and used it as leverage for him to leap up into the air.

“Whoa!” The sun had been blocked out by his huge body.

“What is he trying to do?!”

“Could it be that he wants to... no, no way!”


Green Jade and company shouted at Fang Zhengzhi to stop but to no avail. They were unable to move and could only use their voices to protest.

They were screaming at the top of their lungs and waiting for a miracle to happen. Even then, they could not believe that this was happening at all.

Still, the huge black figure struck out a fist.

A punch!

A punch that carried a blood-red glow and was fuelled by black flames!

The punch landed squarely on the space between the seventh and eighth levels of Ling Yun Tower. It was as if a meteorite had smashed into a mountain.

“Boom!” A ear-shattering sound split the air. The force of the blast had knocked over every single plant in the vicinity.

It was a shocking sight indeed.

Green Jade and company were devastated.

“He really dared to, and actually did it. Displaying such impunity before Ling Yun Tower by virtue of his strength alone. Is he not afraid of death?!” Green Jade had not expected that such a madman would exist in this world.

Or it might have already gone beyond madness. It was a death wish!

“This fellow has done it!” Lin Mubai had his eyes wide open. As the ruler of the Great Xia, he was usually able to maintain his coolness but at this point, even he was experiencing a surge of adrenaline through his veins.

Lin Mubai had fantasized countless times about being able to achieve such an amazing feat himself one day.

He had never been able to do it...

His abilities and status were both limiting factors and pulled him back into reality every time.

Right now, a fantastic event was occurring before his eyes. He could scarcely believe that it was happening.

“Knocking down a tower with one punch? This shameless fellow is as audacious as ever. But... why hasn’t the Tower fallen yet? Ping Yang exhaled deeply. She kept her eyes fixated on the horizon and pouted in bewilderment.

Of course, such a sense of bewilderment was making things awkward for Fang Zhengzhi.

What was this?

Things were not going according to plan!

Fang Zhengzhi had exerted much power in the execution of his punch and there was supposed to be no doubt that the Tower would collapse in a heap of dust.

It did not even budge an inch!

The most amazing thing was that the punch had not managed to inflict any damage on the Tower. Not a single brick was lost and there were not even any cracks.

For the first time, Fang Zhengzhi wondered if he had missed.

How could this have happened?

Even the huge rock on the Nine Pinnacles Mountain that had bathed in magma and was harder than metal had been smashed into pieces by his fists. How could Ling Yun Tower, apparently constructed out of gold and jade, have withstood his power?

Fang Zhengzhi blinked and tried to look for cracks on the walls, or anything that would reassure him.

Nevertheless, the truth hurt.

The only way that Ling Yun Tower might have changed was that all of the dust particles on the Tower had been blown away.

“What the heck?” Fang Zhengzhi felt his cheeks turn red. He had planned to destroy the Tower with one punch so as to vent his frustrations and to assert his dominance.

However, the end result was that the Tower continued to stand.

If only he had known that things would turn out this way...

He should not have ignored Green Jade and company from the beginning. What he should have done was to defeat all of them first. In that case, he would not look that much of a joke in front of them.

No way!

He had to try again!

Fang Zhengzhi could not be reconciled to his failure and clenched his fists. He threw out another punch at another part of the Tower.

A punch to the eighth level!

“Boom!” Another deafening roar that whipped up the surrounding winds. Ling Yun Tower remained unscathed.

A punch to the sixth level!

Fang Zhengzhi did not believe that Ling Yun Tower could withstand his repeated frenzied punches.

“Boom!” The world was shaking, proving that Fang Zhengzhi’s punches were indeed formidable. But why was the Tower still standing?

Not a single brick or tile had fallen down!

Fang Zhengzhi’s face turned red as he flew into a rage.

Green Jade and company observed the proceedings with their mouths agape. Just how crazy must a person become in order to act like that?

They were furious as well.

Ping Yang was getting quite worked up too and cheered Fang Zhengzhi on.

“Go on, do it, bring it down. I, the Princess, support you! You must destroy Ling Yun Tower. If one punch won’t do it, throw tens and hundreds of punches!” Ping Yang shouted at Fang Zhengzhi excitedly.

“Tens and hundreds of punches? So you think throwing punches is easy!” Fang Yuan smiled bitterly. He had prepared for the beginning and the process but he had failed to plan for the outcome.

All the world’s a stage but sometimes, acting skills are not enough. Luck could make all the difference in the least expected of times.

Could it be that Ling Yun Tower was hiding a secret?

Fang Zhengzhi did not want to overthink. He had no additional information that could help him draw a conclusion.

The most important thing to do right now was to turn the tables.

He was going to make use of a different method!

Fang Zhengzhi squinted slightly. Physics told him that the greater the surface area of contact, the greater the extent force would be spread out over the area. Thus, to inflict the greatest amount of damage, Fang Zhengzhi had to concentrate his power on a single point of contact.

Fang Zhengzhi quickly shrank his body to a normal size. The armour clung on to his body and the gold and red markings on it became more concentrated and looked more solid.

A height of over thirty metres was impressive.

Being at normal height, however, allowed Fang Zhengzhi to unleash the full extent of his power.

Fang Zhengzhi had always known this but he was inclined towards assuming his giant form for the sake of looking awe-inspiring.

Of course, in this situation, there was no point in looking awe-inspiring. He needed power. Fang Zhengzhi clenched his fists and let his aura expand once more.

Monstrous black flames rose into the air and looked as though as they were about to burn up half the skies. Blood red light swam around the black armour, giving off sepulchral vibes.

“Kill!” Fang Yuan shouted. At the same time, a strange purple light appeared in his hands. It was the Traceless Sword, which gave out a purple light.

He carried the sword with him just in case.

Fang Zhengzhi had no other choice. To overcome the Ling Yun Tower, not only did he have to find its weak spot, he also had to rely on the sharpness of the Traceless Sword.

This was his first time holding the Traceless Sword ever since he had left the Middle Stream Cauldron.

Fang Zhengzhi could feel the excitement of the Traceless Sword. It was as if he was handling a hungry child that was also inquisitive.

The soul of the sword?

Fang Zhengzhi felt his heart skip a beat. He had always known that the Traceless Sword was sentient and had tried to guess at its intentions on multiple occasions.

Except this time...

He no longer had to guess. He could actually read the thoughts and feelings of the Traceless Sword.

It had the intelligence of a newborn but this was a newborn with an inherent thirst for blood and war.

Fang Zhengzhi strengthened his grip on to the Traceless Sword.

He did not want to think too much about it. Despite the murderous potential of the Sword, it was still very much reliant on him.

The Traceless Sword trembled.

A devilish light shot up into the skies.

A red mark travelled along the blade of the Traceless Sword until it reached the tip.

“Fang Zhengzhi, Ling Yun Tower will be your burial ground!”

“Your attempt to damage Ling Yun Tower is a sin that you’ll never be able to atone for!”

“Stop! Stop right now!”

Green Jade and company began to holler at Fang Zhengzhi again. The Traceless Sword in his hand was making them feel uneasy.

The Traceless Sword was giving off a savage aura. It was a sentient entity with evil and barbarous tendencies.

Even though they were not dealing with the sword directly, they could feel the malevolent aura of the sword pervading the air.

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes glowed purple, a colour similar to the light given off by the Traceless Sword.

This was the first time Fang Zhengzhi had consciously achieved this state together with the Traceless Sword. He was not even sure what kind of state he was in.

At this point, a silvery-white light emitted from Ling Yun Tower like the explosion of a star.

“How dare you!” A cold voice rang out as a purple figure swooped out of Ling Yun Tower.

It was a woman in purple robes with waist-length hair. She had put on an expression that was cold and aloof. Even anger could not mask the conceit in her eyes.

Cang Yue!

This woman had appeared in the Flame Capital City of the Great Xia half a year ago. She was the one who had brought Ping Yang to Ling Yun Tower and was rushing out from the Tower at this moment.

She sped towards Green Jade and company with a light ray pinched between her thumb and forefinger.

“Cang Yue!” Lin Mubai was taken back slightly by Cang Yue’s appearance. Nevertheless, it was to be expected that someone would confront Fang Zhengzhi sooner or later after his brazen acts.

That’s right!

Fang Zhengzhi had enraged Cang Yue, which was proof that he had succeeded in inciting Ling Yun Tower’s anger.

This was going according to Fang Zhengzhi’s plan.

Ling Yun Tower had set down their rules but Fang Zhengzhi had deliberately disregarded them. Thus, he had resisted and made a scene so that they would come out to deal with him!

“Buzz!” Stars were unleashed from Cang Yue’s body and assembled to form a galaxy that enshrouded the entire Ling Yun Tower.

Green Jade and company, who were still immobilised, had bright light emanating from their bodies. Their eyes turned silver as the stars encircled them.

“Crack, crack...”

Grating sounds rang out. The silvery-white lights grew brighter as the stars pounded away at something.

“Lady Cang Yue!” Green Jade and company were finally freed from their restraints. They immediately fell to their knees in reverence and fear.

“A bunch of trash!” Cang Yuan screamed before looking away to focus on the black figure with glowing purple eyes in the air as well as the Traceless Sword he was carrying. She called out to him.

“Fang Zhengzhi. I did not think that you would still be alive. Seems Nine Pinnacles Mountain has become toothless after the death of Tian Xing!”

“Cang Yue, where is Yu Er? Tell me where Yu Er is! Is she still in Ling Yun Tower. Even if she doesn’t want to see me, she wouldn’t miss an opportunity to meet her daughter...” Lin Mubai was speaking again and he did not bother to conceal his distress.

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