Gate of God

Chapter 1007 - Turn of Events, Fusion, Death of Lin Yu

Chapter 1007: Turn of Events, Fusion, Death of Lin Yu

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Fang Zhengzhi knew how powerful the Blood Offering Illustration was. Not only did it have impressive attacking power, but it was able to swallow all other forms of power and turn it into its own power.

Was there such a legend in the mythology world?

Just as Fang Zhengzhi was deep in thought, the white branches coming out of Nangong Mu’s body finally merged with the gigantic Blood Offering Illustration in the sky.

Buzz! An airwave shook the entire world.

It was as though heaven and earth had combined. The entire world fell silent and only a gigantic tree was left.

The Blood Offering Illustration in the sky turned into beams of red light and stained the white branches red, leaving various diagrams on the branches.

“The Blood Offering Illustration disappeared?” Fang Zhengzhi froze. He had not figured out what exactly happened but the scene that took place in front of him stopped him from thinking further.

That was because when the Blood Offering Illustration disappeared, the white Tree of God had turned red as though blood was flowing in it.


Life was injected into it!

Yes, that must be it.

The Blood Offering Illustration was a “medium”, a “medium” that merged Nangong Mu and the Tree of God. Through the special powers of the Blood Offering Illustration, it was able to turn the power of the Tree of God into its own.

“Oh no, something bad is going to happen!” Fang Zhengzhi finally figured out the relationship between the Blood Offering Illustration and the Tree of God. They were not related by the legends.

However, they had to co-exist.

That was because, without the Blood Offering Illustration, the Tree of God would remain as an ordinary Tree of God. Even if it was able to produce fruits, its powers could not be controlled by others.

However, with the Blood Offering Illustration...

Everything would be completely different.

When the Blood Offering Illustration and the Tree of God appeared on someone at the same time, the person would be able to demonstrate the prowess of the Tree of God completely as though he was the Tree of God.


That was the first thought that struck Fang Zhengzhi!

That was because Nangong Mu was no longer the Nangong Mu he had known. Now, he was so powerful that he could match up to Fang Zhengzhi.

Once Nangong Mu completely gain control of the Tree of God...

How powerful would he become?

Boom! Blood red thunder struck on the Tree of God and its trunk was surrounded by bolts of lightning.

Nangong Mu has completely vanished and his entire body had fused with the Tree of God, turning into a red and gigantic Tree of God.



The branches began to sway and the leaves looked as though they were dripping with blood. The branches were extremely agile as though they were human arms.

“What should I do? Should I run?” Fang Zhengzhi was slightly hesitant. He wanted to run, but he could not leave the Human Alliance outside like that.

Swoosh! Just as Fang Zhengzhi was hesitating, one of the tree branches stabbed at him and the space was almost torn apart by the tree branch.

Black cracks were formed in the sky.

“I’ll try and see!” Fang Zhengzhi felt that he should at least experience how powerful Nangong Mu was after he had fused with the Tree of God before he made his final decision.

After all, even if he was unable to win, with his skill level, he should be able to escape after trying to fight with Nangong Mu?

Without hesitation, Fang Zhengzhi charged towards the two swords. Red radiance flowed on the two long swords in his hands and his swords turned bright-red.

“Combination of Asura!”

With a roar, the two swords struck the red branches at the same time.

Boom! A loud sound was heard.

Fang Zhengzhi felt that instead of tree branches, he had struck “diamond” that was harder than metal. However, his rank in the previous world was only platinum, so how could he possibly damage diamonds?

That was awkward.

Bump! With a sharp sound, Fang Zhengzhi’s swords broke into halves.

“...” Fang Zhengzhi stared at his broken swords.

“...” Yan Xiu stared at Fang Zhengzhi’s broken swords too.

Both of them exchanged glances speechlessly.

Of course, that was not the utmost concern. The greatest concern was that Nangong Mu was still nowhere to be found.

They could not find Nangong Mu and the branches were so hard. Fang Zhengzhi would definitely be as dumb as “Wu Gang” in the Moon Palace to strike the branches, right?

Moreover, Chang’er was not present too?

Nangong Mu...

Fang Zhengzhi was really not interested in him.

“Should we run?” asked Fang Zhengzhi as he looked at Yan Xiu.

“Can we run?” asked Yan Xiu as he looked at the red Tree of God, then at the broken swords in Fang Zhengzhi’s hand.

“Let me change my sentence, perhaps yes,” said Fang Zhengzhi as he gave Yan Xiu a look.

“I get it.” Yan Xiu seemed to have understood it very quickly.

Fang Zhengzhi was trying to lure Nangong Mu to reveal his true identity. That was because they could not continue with the battle if Nangong Mu did not appear.

“Nangong Mu, we will retreat for a little while, wait for us, we will be back!” Fang Zhengzhi said to the red Tree of God as he knew Yan Xiu figures out what he meant.

“...” The red Tree of God kept silent.

“...” Yan Xiu kept silent too.

“Since he did not say anything, that means he agreed. Yan Xiu, let’s go!” Fang Zhengzhi was ready to escape when he did not hear any reply.

“Fang Zhengzhi, I thought you had the determination to battle with me, I can’t believe that you still want to run away!” Nangong Mu’s voice finally could be heard.

At the same time, Fang Zhengzhi saw a small head appear amongst the gigantic red tree branches.

Nangong Mu extended his head from the red Tree of God.

However, he no longer had the complexion of a person nor any expressions. He was like a dead tree with extremely red eyes.

“He has indeed revealed himself, so he was all along hiding amongst the tree branches!” Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes lit up but he felt hopeless again when he saw the exuberant tree branches and leaves around the trunk.

Although Nangong Mu revealed himself as what Fang Zhengzhi had expected, with the attacking power after the Combination of Asura, how could Fang Zhengzhi...

Get across the red tree branches which he could not cut?

He could not get to Nangong Mu at all.

“Fang Zhengzhi, I know you want me to reveal myself, now I’m here, do you dare to come over?” Nangong Mu stared at Fang Zhengzhi.



After his sentence, two more branches reached out to Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu. Evidently, Nangong Mu wanted to hold back both of them.

The two branches struck at Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu respectively.

If he could not cut the tree branch apart?

He could still dodge.

After making this decision, a beam of azure light flashed and Fang Zhengzhi appeared at another position, successfully avoiding the attack of Nangong Mu.

However, Yan Xiu had met some difficulties.

The branches that were striking at Yan Xiu brushed past his clothes, tearing his sleeves and leaving a bloody cut on his arm.

“My sword is too inferior, without the Traceless Sword, I can’t possibly cut these branches!” Fang Zhengzhi threw his two swords away.

Ever since he had taken many swords from the Ling Yun Tower, he had broken more than 20 swords in the battles.

Although the quality of these swords was not too bad, they were not sharp enough to be used to fight against powerful opponents and were broken very easily.

Fang Zhengzhi missed his Traceless Sword.

However, he had placed his Traceless Sword in the Northern Mountain Village to confuse the demon race. It was too far away from the Holy Region.

Just as Fang Zhengzhi was thinking about this...

The red branches had reached. Instead of two, there were eight branches and six struck at Fang Zhengzhi while two struck at Yan Xiu.

“Oh no, Yan Xiu can’t last for long, we have to a strategic retreat!” Fang Zhengzhi could not afford to hesitate any further when he saw the eight branches.

That was because he knew that there was only one possible outcome if this continued — both of them would die.

He could only retreat.

At least retreat from the area surrounded by the breath of death.

“Hell Near-Life Chains!” A roar was heard.

A few gigantic chains flew from the ground and wound around the red Tree of God before striking at Nangong Mu’s head.

Nangong Mu did not duck.

That was because the surrounding branches had already moved for a counterattack.



Loud booms were heard.

Fang Zhengzhi took this opportunity to grab hold of Yan Xiu and run away from the breath of death without saying goodbye.

Say goodbye?

When he really needed to run, Fang Zhengzhi would not bother about saying goodbye.

“The Human Alliance is still here even if both of you leave!” The redness in Nangong Mu’s eyes became more intense.



The tree branches surged towards Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu like rain.

There were so many branches that they were uncountable. It was as though the entire red Tree of God was crashing towards Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu.

However, Fang Zhengzhi still managed to escape with Yan Xiu.

After all, nobody would dare to say they are the best at escaping if Fang Zhengzhi said he was the second best.

Boom! Fang Zhengzhi showed his ultimate capability of escaping and running through the boundary of the breath of death.

This was not a big move but it was sufficient for the Human Alliance and the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race to widen their eyes in shock.

“They are out?!”

“Fang Zhengzhi came out with Yan Xiu?”

“Both of them are holding hands!”

“Why are you f*cking looking at that? Is that the main point?”

“Er... no, why did they run out? Did they win? So ‘Chou Qi’ lost? But why didn’t the breath of death disperse?”

As the disciples of the Human Alliance were discussing amongst themselves, they saw blood-red gigantic tree branches emerge from the breath of death.

“What on earth is that?”


“Why is there a tree inside?!”

Not only were the disciples of the Human Alliance astonished, but the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race also acted like they saw a ghost when they saw the red tree branches.

“Fang Zhengzhi?!” Lin Yu was also shocked.

That was because the spot where Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu had charged out from was coincidentally behind him. Moreover, both of them were so fast that they looked like they were teleporting.

Was it a coincidence?

Lin Yu did not believe that it was a coincidence

Although it was really a coincidence, Lin Yu immediately made a defensive move. After all, he had witnessed Fang Zhengzhi’s powers and knew that Fang Zhengzhi was more powerful than himself.

“Hmm? What a coincidence?” Fang Zhengzhi was also shocked when he saw Lin Yu standing in front of him. However, the shock soon turned into a surprise

“Shifting Forms!”

“What?!” Before Lin Yu could even react, he felt a powerful force tugging on his body.

Then, he realized that he had swapped position with Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu.

Of course, that was not the main point...

The main point was that at the instant he had swapped positions with Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu, he saw the red tree branches covering down on his head like rain.

“Tree branches?” Lin Yu did not know what the red tree branches were for but he had already completed his defensive move and blue ice crystals soon rose around him.

Shifting forms?

Lin Yu could roughly figure out the intention behind Fang Zhengzhi’s ‘Shifting Forms’. However, he did not understand how the tree branches could scare Fang Zhengzhi to such an extent?

Just at this moment, the red branches zoomed down.




Lin Yu’s eyes widened continuously during the loud booms as the tree branches had passed through the icy blue shield around him and penetrated his body.

Moreover, when the tree branches penetrated his body, he felt his internal energy disappear rapidly like melting ice.

It was as though his energy was absorbed by the tree branches.

“No!!!” Lin Yu wanted to run but it was too late as his entire body and his muscles were shrinking and drying up.

It was as though his body had become the fertilizer for the tree branches.

Bam! Lin Yu’s body exploded into a powder-like version of dry wood and vanished in thin air.



The Human Alliance and the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race widened their eyes in disbelief as they witnessed how Lin Yu vanished.

He died?!

A Godly State expert of the demon race died?!

He died in front of them because of a bunch of strange red branches. What was happening?

The entire world fell silent.

Mu Qingfeng and Mo Shanshi froze on the spot.

Besides them, the usually calm Yun Qingwu and the three other Godly State experts of the Monster Race and Demon Race also froze in shock.

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