Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 269: Slow Dancing on the Snow

Chapter 269: Slow Dancing on the Snow

"What is this?" Charles's fleet arrived at Saintess Celine Port. He was ready to desecrate the city without mercy only to take Aster back, but what he saw was Great King Tuskan sitting on a small ship near the port, looking at him ridiculously.

Emperor Charles frowned, "Does he really want to face me like this? He will die for sure," Charles said to Helene. Meanwhile, Helene had just got the news from the shadow guard in Golden Camellia that Golden Camellia was under attack.

Her face paled and she whispered to the Emperor, 'Your Majesty, we should return to Golden Camellia as soon as possible, my men said that Golden Camellia is under attack from inside and outside, a rebel under the name of Milord Aster Di Arlingdon, and there is also an attack from Sun Kingdom, under Crown Prince Rama. My men went to find us as soon as he saw the soldiers got poisoned by Grand Duke Harion, and victory under Irion Swordheart rebellion was certain. By the time the news got to me, Dionde City has been taken away, we've lost almost all southern region of Golden Camellia.'

Charles was surprised with the sudden news, he didn't expect that Aster's rebellion could actually beat that many soldiers and even be able to take over almost all the southern region of Golden Camellia in only five days.

He stared down at Tuskan who had a chuckle and looked at him as if he was seeing a joke. Charles gritted his teeth, he took a deep breath and jumped from his ship to the smaller ship where King Tuskan sat. The tip of many spears pointed near his neck immediately, but the Great King said, "Let him be, you don't need to be so guarded with Emperor Audric V."

The spears were put down, but the soldiers didn't relax their vigilance. To them, all Golden royal bloods were all evil and cruel. The story about Saintess Celine, and now, how their new queen, Great Queen Aster had to leave Great Arctyr because he didn't want Great Arctyr to get hurt, it only gave them even more determination to beat this evil emperor, Emperor Audric V.

Charles ignored all of them and walked straight to face Tuskan who stood from his chair, "What is this childish trickery? You want to say that Aster is not here?"

Tuskan smiled and nodded, "Our queen, Great Queen Aster, has been leaving the kingdom for almost ten days. He took another route so he wouldn't meet you. He is probably already heading to Roagelt right now."

Charles pulled Tuskan's collar, "You dare to trick me."

Tuskan scoffed, "Aster has outwitted you, he planned everything and you fell into the trap like a clueless mouse. What a shame for a Golden Emperor."

Charles gritted his teeth, he pushed Tuskan and turned his back, the Golden Camellia's soldiers immediately helped him to get back to their ship, and then the Emperor ordered, "Return back to Golden Camellia! We need to defend the country!"

Tuskan's smile turned into a wide grin, soon, the Golden Camellia's fleet were surrounded by many ships, Charles looked back at Tuskan and Tuskan said, "We will not let you return unscathed. Especially my sister, she is very protective to her cute little brother."

Charless gritted his teeth, he jumped back to his ship, he saw the bigger ship who led the siege from the Great Arctyr, Mariette was standing in front, with a thick coat that highlighted her beauty. She smiled coldly.

Mariette commanded her soldiers, "Attack with your fury, I will not let that mad Emperor touch my little brother without blood on his face."


Aster got the news that Dionde City had been taken over by Irion's soldiers. He finally showed a relieved expression, "At last, Dionde City is my most treasured city, if Irion failed then I will definitely have to detour and go to Dionde City myself."

Ramuja glanced at Aster and then asked, "Do you want us to return to Dionde City now?"

"No, Dionde City is now safe, we need to head to the north soon. Miriam Coast is right in the middle between Northern and Southern Golden Camellia, it is best for us to immediately attack Northern Camellia as soon as possible."

Ramuja pursed his lips, then he asked, "Aster, can I talk to you for a second?"

Ramuja put his hand on Aster's waist and disappeared in front of his soldiers, they reappeared near the forest and Ramuja said seriously, "Aster, you don't need to go. I will take care of it by myself."

Aster was slightly dizzy by how Ramuja carried him here, but he got his balance immediately once Ramuja said that, "What are you saying? You want us to retreat now?"

"No, I want you to return to Dionde City or to Sun Kingdom. I will take care of Roagelt and Charles by myself, trust me," Ramuja said, his eyes were serious. Usually, he would call him Milord or Master and acted like a puppy, but what Aster saw right now was Crown Prince Rama.

"Why so sudden? Did you hit your head or something?" Aster raised his brows, and jokingly said, "Did you find something to be insecure again? Ramuja, you don't need to be so insecure about every little thing."

Ramuja gritted his teeth and then pulled Aster in his embrace, Aster's ears were on Ramuja's chest and he could hear the palpitating heartbeat of Ramuja, "I am very nervous, but I'm not nervous because I'm afraid to lose. I'm nervous because I'm afraid something will happen to you during the war. Charles is not an easy enemy, he is strong, maybe stronger than me to some extent. I can't guarantee that I can protect you when we got to the real war."

Aster listened to Ramuja's heartbeat and he instinctively leaned his arms on Ramuja's shoulder. He replied, "This is the war between me and Charles, I will go no matter what. If you want to leave, then leave, Ramuja."

Ramuja tightened his embrace, lowered his head slightly, so he could whisper on Aster, 'And I will not let you go until you will accept my request.'

Nate who followed the trail of Prince Rama and Milord Aster stumbled upon this scene of Prince Rama and Milord Aster embracing each other, their feet stepped on the snow and created a rhythm, as if they were slow dancing and the snow started falling slowly. Nate was stunned with such a beautiful pair, he could only stare silently.

Little did he know that the pair of lovebirds who were dancing on the snow were secretly arguing with each other.

'This is my personal affair, if you are afraid, you should not mix yourself up.'

'No, Aster. Your personal affair is my personal affair. Your wound is double my wound, and your joy is double my joy. I will never leave you. But you should know that I will not let you put yourself in a dangerous situation.'

'Do you think I can't protect myself?' Aster started to feel that Ramuja was looking down on him, and Aster hated that the most, 'I am not your typical weak damsel in distress. I will not let you decide what should and what shouldn't.'

'I am your husband, I have the right to control you, at least preventing you from hurting yourself,' Ramuja said calmly, but there was so much pressure on his tone, he was demanding Aster's obedience.

 'If this is what you call marriage, with you controlling me, then I would rather get a divorce Mmph!'

Aster was kissed and pushed on the tree trunk behind him. Ramuja pushed his tongue and he tasted every inch of Aster's mouth, he was greedy and demanding, the gentle Ramuja mysteriously disappeared right now, it was only Crown Prince Rama.

"I will not let you say that again, I will I will" Ramuja's fingers gripped the tree trunk behind Aster and the tree trunk got crushed as Ramuja used more force on it, "You will never say it again, I will never let you divorce me and I will never let you leave me," Ramuja said, there was an obsession in his eyes, but he didn't dare to show it much in front of Aster.

Nate saw everything, including how Prince Rama suddenly pushed Milord Aster to the tree trunk behind Milord and then kissed him passionately, and then suddenly, Prince Rama gripped the tree trunk behind him and the tree actually got crushed.

'WWait, I thought they are having their intimate time together, why is everything suddenly turned upside down like this?!'

Aster glared at Ramuja, he slapped Ramuja's cheek, "I hate being controlled, I am the master of my own destiny. I love you, but I will not bow down on you, Ramuja. If you really want a subservient and obedient wife, go marry someone from your kingdom, you might as well have a child for yourself."

Ramuja was shocked by Aster's slap, and then Aster pushed him and left him alone. Ramuja caressed his cheek, and then he casted his gaze down. He had an accumulated anger in his heart, because he didn't want to hurt Aster at all, but sometimes, he was unsure whether Aster actually loved him or just needed the Sun Kingdom power. Because he felt that Aster didn't show enough love for him. He still acted like he was the master of everything and didn't put him in his eyes.

Lest, if Aster really only loved his power, Ramuja wanted to tie Aster with his good deed. Ramuja knew that Aster was someone who kept his word. If he could kill Charles, Aster would feel indebted, and he would stay beside him forever. Even if Aster didn't love him, at least Aster would never leave him.

But his tactic turned into an argument and he got slapped instead, it was just that, what Aster said really hurt him, and it made Ramuja get out of control for a moment. Aster said divorce as if it was a trivial thing, while for Ramuja, he never had a second thought about divorce. No, it didn't even enter his mind once. All he wanted to do was just live with his beloved Aster day and night, never being separated by anything anymore.

The dark crimson hue around Ramuja started showing, he said gritting his teeth, 'Maybe Aster doesn't really love me maybe it is just one-sided. But I love him and will always love him or maybe everything is just my insecurity again. Aster, do you really see me as your spouse, or your dog?'

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