Galaxy's First Ruler

Chapter 34: Mantis's Thoughts

Chapter 34: Mantis's Thoughts

I am Mantis, and I am not known by any other name.

I have spent the last 34 years of my life scamming people. I have scammed them of their healthcare, property, and often their entire livelihood. Sometimes I had come close to getting caught once, but I have made many friends throughout my life. The title of Crime Lord was an inch away from my reach when the Night descended.

Nothing seemed to change even after that. It felt like the world itself didn't want me to change. The Class 'Record' bestowed on me is also a scam, and it is a scam at a whole another level. At first, I used to scam people of material things, and now, I can scam any being of its life. The only question that's bugging me since entering the Dungeon is how to scam these Dreamers of their life. These Quests are not my priority, let them worry about these notifications.

The Fuck? They think that someone can remember all these details. Look at the number of "Potential Crawlers", and only 1 Health Potion and 1 Stamina Potion? Tch! What is this idiot blabbering about? Does he think he could treat us like his bitch now that he has become the Party Leader?

"Hmm, it looks like an underground setting. We have to figure out if we need to go up or down, but first let's introduce ourselves to each other's capabilities, Ok? I would start with myself. I am Sonu Rana, a Mage, and my general abilities lie in Buffing and Debuffing."

"Hisakawa Tomiko, a Warrior. I am well adapted to mid-range combat."

Well, at least now I am sure who would be the first one to get scammed here. I bet her life's essence would be as tasty as her looks. The only thing I need to worry about is that Item of hers whose potential danger I can even feel from here. What is it, a pole or a spear?

"Seong Choi, a Tanker. I can create shields out of nowhere."

This guy has the same eyes I used to have a long time ago. Scammers shouldn't scam each other, right? Well, his outcome would depend on his behavior then. The only one here that I am not sure about is this masked man. I hate when people try to present themselves as mysterious. And the way he has been looking at me creeps me out when I can't even see his eyes.

"Aldrich, a Scout."

"Oh! There aren't many scouts that I have heard about, even in India. I am so glad that we have chanced upon a Scout here. It's a blessing, they can be a lifesaver in Dungeon's unpredictable environment."

"Tun Bo Ag, a Warrior. I can fight."

Who would think otherwise you moron, you are half-naked, to begin with. This motherfucker looks like a UFCC fighter with glistening muscles and fiery expressions. It seems like he would eat out alive the next thing that comes across him. Guess it's my turn now, then hear this, suckers!

"I am Mantis. Haha! I am just a comedian who is Healer. Funny people die early in movies. I hope you would keep me safe for all the 'free' healing, right?"

"Don't worry, I have been to many Dungeons. Not once a Healer has ever made to go on the frontline unless the Party members had to. As the Party Leader, I assure you that your safety would be our prime aim. This tunnel-like area is dark and quite long. Aldrich, I want you to move in front of the group along with Seong and scout for potential Crawlers. Tomiko, you walk behind them with Mr. Mantis and look out for any surprise attacks. I and Tun Bo Ag would be at the tail of the group."

Wow! Look at him go. How many times he must have repeated this speech in front of the mirror? This kid has the potential to become an average scammer. If he were to become my student, then he has a good chance of surpassing even me.

"How long we have been walking for? There is nothing but rock, dirt, and dry and humid air here. I already miss the fish market, even if the smell is unbearable sometimes at least I know where it is coming from."

"Time can be different here from the real world. In my previous Random-Dungeon, we spent three days within it. So get used to it and enjoy the silence while you still can."

"Something is coming."

Oi, scary-mask! Shout out loud these warnings, you idiot. What is coming? Why can't I see it? Ah! where's my Tomiko-chan?

"Hehe! Tomiko-chan, I am in your care. Don't go too far from me, I need to be close to you for my healing magic to work on you."

Why does she keep glaring at me like that? Yeah, look cold as much as you can, bitch! Your father going to suck you dry, eventually. Hmm? What is this feeling, why I am having an urge to cry? Ah! Even Tomiko-chan's eyes becoming watery. Maybe she


My ears! God, my ears!

"Everyone we have encountered a Banshee and there might be more nearby. Cover your ears the moment you see one trying to open her mouth."

Yeah? Then how come you and that Scary-Mask seems unaffected, Mr. Party Leader. It's my turn to shine now. Can you see this blue sphere of light in my hand Tomiko-chan? It had taken me, three nice-ass women, to fill up these reserves.

"Quick thinking, Mr. Mantis. If you were to contribute more than others, then I would let you have priority over any reward. I would even give you one from the Leader's quota."

Only one? We would see about that, kiddo. Let me first watch Tomiko-chan moves for a bit. Oh! what a sharp blade? Can she even fling it or is this only to scare away lechers? Wow, she has taken it personally. I seem to catch an impulsive one this time. Come on, Mr. Leader, say something.

"Wait Tomiko, don't chase after that Crawler. Aldrich, stop her from going too far."

"No, kid, let me go. I can heal her in case of any injury and she can protect me."


I must run as fast as I can, otherwise, this holier-than-thou idiot would hold me back from having a delicious meal. Why is this masked guy still looking at me like that? Fuck off, I don't have time to fuck with you?

"Hah! Hah!..."

Damn! I lost her. Where has she run to? Oh! I am seeing stairs over there. Maybe we have to go up. I can even see a light, but the entrance seems too high for her to reach there without coming into my sight. Humph! She hid her Agility to fool us. Clever girl, but not clever enough.


"Huff! The last step"

This place seems more lively than the lower floor. Plants, water, and wet earth, it's like a fucking garden or something. Now, where are you Tomiko-chan? Oh! There she is. Tch, tch! She is bleeding too. Well, the bloodier the better. It would be best to suck away her essence a little and use her to bait other Crawlers.

"Where did that Crawler go or have you killed it already?"

"Don't worry about it and heal me already. Would you stop gawking at my breasts?"

Bitch! No gratitude or anything? I have come here so far for you and not for your attitude. What are you being so grumpy about? Look at this place, isn't it romantic? Let me show you how to savor the flavor of these moments.


"Wait! What are you doing? No! AAHHH!..."


What a taste? Ah! This feeling, nothing can last in front of this. Hmm? What is that? Oh! The dying Banshee. This bitch didn't tell me she had almost killed it. Wait, I would deal with you later. First, let me have some Experience Points.

Where is this singing coming from? It's coming from near too.

"Oi, can you hear it?"

Fuck, not even kicking is waking her up now. I need to check it out by myself. If these Banshees are nothing but 4 ft. tall ghostly girls, then I can handle them myself. Does everyone seem to forget why I am named Mantis? If I stalk the cicada, then who would dare to be the Oriole?

"Oh, Warrior! Are you lost

In the ocean, on a boat"

Why can't I hear it now? I could hear it clearly a moment ago now I can't make out the words anymore. Wait! I can see something. What is that?

"Ah... Oh! Oh, my God! No, No! Please don't, please."

No, I need to run. Yes, run Michael, get up. My legs, what's happening to them? My eyes, why I can't see anything.

"No! Please spare me. I did nothing... NOO!!!"



I am Mantis, and I am not known by any other name.

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