Full-time Artist

Chapter 17: Are you still called a young man?

Chapter 17: Are you still called a young man?

In the next few days, Lin Yuan's class was full, so he didn't go to the piano room again.

Even in the occasional rest time, he spent time with Luo Jian Xia Fanyi.

Near the end of the month.

Lin Yuan returned to the company again.

He didn't stay in the composition department, but recorded the song in the studio for a day and a half, finally recording the song "Big Fish".

This time.

He still dominates the lyrics, composition, and arrangement.

Moreover, the piano elements in the arrangement were made by himself.

Although she was judged by a certain girl in school as "bad piano skills", because the level of the pianist arranged by the company was similar to that of Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan went directly to it in person, which seemed more involved.

Finished recording the song.

He sent the work to the internal mailbox of the company in charge of Lao Zhou, and added a special note:


The so-called impression songs are generally songs that reflect the worldview or emotions of the original work. The lyrics and style of "Big Fish" are works that are more compatible with the animation atmosphere, which is a typical impression song.

Send the song.

Seeing that the work in the morning was over, Lin Yuan went to the company cafeteria for dinner. Compared to school, the company cafeteria was cheap and delicious.

at the same time.

In the supervisor's office.

Lao Zhou was also planning to go to the cafeteria for dinner, but suddenly he received an email from Lin Yuan and his actions stopped.

"Lin Yuanjiao's impression song?"

Lin Yuan was the first to hand in the task on the tenth floor!

But as the head of the department, Lao Zhou was not happy about it, but frowned.

He became more irritable because of the possibility of failure in the list of "Fish and Dragon Dance".

He even had the urge to call Lin Yuan over and criticize him immediately.

But considering that Lin Yuan was a newcomer he brought into the composition department himself, and his ability to bear it was not as bad as the old man, he finally resisted it.

It's just that Lao Zhou was a little disappointed in his heart.

Because today is only two weeks away from my task of sending out "Fish and Dragon Dance" to the composition department on the 10th floor. It's only a dozen days of work!

For any composer...

What good song can you write in such a little time?

This is the disadvantage of being young and famous.

Young and vigorous!

It will suffer in the future.

Lin Yuan could not escape this problem either.

The success of the new ranking list gave this young man a feeling of pride and complacency.

It's just that Lao Zhou didn't expect that Lin Yuan would dare to pass up a piece of music he had made in only two weeks.

"I have to talk to him later."

With a light sigh, Lao Zhou was full of sorrow.

"Born as Summer Flowers" turned out to make Lao Zhou very optimistic about Lin Yuan. He couldn't just watch that in the future, he could become another ace composer of the company. The seedlings were so long and crooked.

Just today!

When working in the afternoon, I have to find a way that is not so excessive and give Lin Yuan a good education!

this moment.

Lao Zhou didn't even want to click on the song called "Big Fish" sent by Lin Yuan, even if it was his responsibility as a supervisor.

But only after listening to the music can I point out Lin Yuan's shortcomings.

So Lao Zhou entered the company's internal temporary password to open Lin Yuan's song in order to be meaningful in the afternoon conversation.

Although he is too lazy to wear headphones to listen.

In the loudspeaker, the unique triple sound of piano plays, bringing out a melody of prelude.

Then, the main song sounded.

After only listening to two lyrics, Lao Zhou's frowning brow disappeared a lot.

When the chorus came, Lao Zhou's eyes had changed.

He leaned forward slightly, as if to get closer to the speaker.

When it came to the final harmony part of the song, Lao Zhou's mouth opened slightly uncontrollably, and he could not successfully retract it until the entire song was finished.

Take a deep breath.

Lao Zhou took out a pair of custom headphones he loved most from the drawer, put it on solemnly, and then clicked the play button of "Big Fish" again.

The same melody.

But this time, the enhancement of the sound effect of the earphones allowed Lao Zhou to distinguish every detail of the song.

Here comes the harmony part of the song.

He got goose bumps all over!

Almost all the hairs are erected!

After swallowing and spitting, Lao Zhou clicked to play for the third time.

No matter how many times you listen to it, the song is the same melody, and it will not change with the increase in the number of plays.

What really changes is the people who listen to the song.


Lao Zhou was giggling, his body swaying slightly at the end of the third song.

The chair under him, swaying with his body, continued to make a crunching sound, which matched his laughter.

Halfway through his laughter, he suddenly patted his forehead.

Carefully downloaded the song, then encrypted and sealed the original, he stood up erratic, his old face turned red.


Lin Yuan loves braised pork knuckles from the company cafeteria.

Different from the braised elbows that were sung and eaten in the past, the elbows in the company canteen are not so sweet and greasy, but the meat is stewed very badly. Even the skin, it can be melted in the mouth, which makes him eat.


A few tables away, a few people from the composition department were whispering to each other.

"That is Xianyu."

"Looks so handsome and young."

"This jealous fish, hehe, young is young, and handsome is indeed handsome, but he is not good at being a man, and he disrespects sister Jing.

"Yes, this guy is a bit defiant."

"Tsk, you are young and famous, and you are proud of your talents. After many years of polishing in this industry, do we see few such newcomers."

"When I wrote a good song, I thought I was Qu Dad."

"I wrote a good song by inspiration. This industry will teach him how to be a man, and he will understand his position in the future."

Point to point.

Several people discussed it in full swing.

One of the men felt a bit cold behind him, turned his head, and suddenly saw a face as black as the bottom of a pot, and he was suddenly shocked.

"Lord... Supervisor..."

"You come to eat in person."

"I'll fight what you want to eat!"

Facing Lao Zhou, several composers shivered.

Lao Zhou exuded a deep chill, and his voice was very unkind: "Are you guys eating too much?"


Lao Zhou said coldly, "Oh, it seems that I really have a bit of support. Then do exercises. The aunt who just cleaned the twelfth floor asked for leave today. You can clean the twelfth floor, especially the bathroom."


Several people shrugged their heads, left dingy, and apologized before leaving: "I'm sorry, supervisor, we won't talk about colleagues behind the scenes."


Lao Zhou corrected: "You talk about others freely, and Lao Tzu often talks behind his back, but he can't!"


Several people looked blank and left unconsciously.

When he was about to walk out of the cafeteria, one of them suddenly turned his head and saw that Lao Zhou had changed his face and walked towards Lin Yuan with a smile.

"What the hell?"

Several composers looked at each other and showed the expressions of seeing ghosts.


Lin Yuan was eating his elbow when he suddenly saw someone picking vegetables for himself: "Young people can't be picky eaters, they should eat more."


Lin Yuan promised so much that he was eating elbows.

Lao Zhou is no stranger, he still looks amiable: "In the composition department these days, is it a habit of staying? Tell me if you are not used to it."

"pretty good."

Lin Yuan tells the truth, people on other floors don't get in touch very much, anyway, the colleagues on the tenth floor of the composition department are very kind to Lin Yuan.

"That's good."

Lao Zhou was not in a hurry to eat, and he smiled and said, "I can give you what Xiao Zhao could give you before, and I can give you Zhou Ruiming, even more than she gave! So if you have any needs, just ask!"

"Then can I not eat vegetables?"

Lin Yuan looked at the vegetables on the plate a little embarrassed.

Lao Zhou was almost choked, but he laughed out quickly: "Of course, young people need to eat more meat when they grow up!"


"How did you stay in school?"

"The school is also very ~ like this, in fact, I know that your college students are also very hard. You can tell me what difficulties you encounter in the school."

"Thank you."

Lin Yuan continued to eat.

Lao Zhou looked at Lin Yuan and nodded in satisfaction. He really liked this child more and more.


Sophomore child! Just want to be young and vigorous! Just don't fear power! It is to have this posture that does not put the supervisor in the eyes!

Not arrogant, still called a young man!

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