Full-time Artist

Chapter 10: Irikyo Composition Department

Chapter 10: Irikyo Composition Department

November 7th.

Taking advantage of the school weekends, Zhao Jue drove to Qinzhou Art College to pick up Lin Yuan, and went to Starman Entertainment to go through the formalities for his transfer to the composition department.

is carrying books for professional courses.

Lin Yuan got on the co-pilot this time.

On the way, Lin Yuan was listening to the song, and the song being played in the car was "Born as a Summer Flower", and it was in a single loop mode

The past week.

As long as people are in the car every day, Zhao Jue listens to this song, and unexpectedly does not get tired of listening, and occasionally hums to the melody of the song in a good mood.

Probably this song has quite special meaning for Zhao Jue in this life.


When he was about to arrive at the company, Zhao Jue suddenly said to Lin Yuan: "Although "Born as Summer Flower" was ranked second, the download growth rate in the past week was higher than the first. Therefore, after todays morning meeting, the company officially decided to follow Shahai is vying for the top spot on the cutting-edge list!"

"Second place?"

Lin Yuan was a little happy to hear that.

Zhao Jue was choked and speechless.

She wanted to hold Lin Yuans ear to emphasize: Could you please pay attention to the performance of your song?

In the end, Zhao Jue still held back.

She just gave Lin Yuan a vaccination and said: "However, the situation of this number one is a bit special, so I am not sure that I will succeed."

Lin Yuan nodded.

He didn't know. In fact, Starlight didn't intend to let "Born as Summer Flower" compete for the first place. After all, the first place has a strong sense of existence, and the cost of competing for the list is too great.


Lin Yuans song is really striving, and the download growth has always been higher than the number one song;

In addition, Zhao Jue found a company executive who could make a decision on this matter, made full use of language art, and said this very confusingly:

"We can add some blockage to Shahai!"

This is where Zhao Jue's veteran plan is.

She wants to directly say that she wants to increase the promotion of resources for "Life as a Summer Flower" and compete for the first place in the newcomer list. The senior leaders may not be willing.

After all, this is just a new song by a newcomer, and it is not worthwhile to spend too much money on publicity.

But if you do this, can you block the sand sea?

The executive nodded in agreement after hesitating a little.

Isnt it just a matter of spending more money, its also great to be nauseous to your opponent.

Who makes the three major entertainment companies in Qinzhou not harmonious, and Shahai and Xingmang have always been inconsistent with each other?

The specific reason cannot be traced back.

Anyway, my colleagues all over the world are enemies.

The most important thing is that after this decision was made, the entire network has completely rolled out the promotion of "Life as a Summer Flower" to create momentum for this song!

arrived at the door of the company and threw the car key to the security guard, Zhao Jue took Lin Yuan directly to the composition department.

"Hello Sister Zhao."

"Hello Sister Zhao."

Walking in the company, there were more staff members who greeted Zhao Jue along the way than Lin Yuan had met when he first came to the company, and everyone was more enthusiastic.

Someone also looked at Lin Yuan.

But Lin Yuan is very young. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, few people would think that this college student-like boy is the protagonist "Xianyu" who likes to talk about the company recently.

The elevator presses the "10" floor.

Soon, the composition department arrived.

Standing at the door, Lin Yuan glanced at the internal environment of the composition department.

This department is larger than Lin Yuan imagined. The spacious and exquisite internal environment is furnished with a somewhat humanistic atmosphere.

The desks in are far apart, and there are rows of bookshelves between each other to ensure personal privacy. The bookshelves are filled with various books related to music

Such a working environment reminds Lin Yuan of the school library, which is very comfortable.

"Sister Zhao."

Lao Zhou, the person in charge of 's composition department, had already waited for Zhao Jue at the door with a face full of spring breeze, but when he saw Zhao Jue and Lin Yuan appear, he smiled suddenly and asked:

"Where is the envy?"

The members of the composing department also stopped what they were doing and looked at the door curiously.

The department held a meeting in the morning. Xian Yu, the composer of "Living Like Summer Flowers", has been informed that Xian Yu is coming to the composition department to report today. At the moment, we are all wondering what Xian Yu looks like.

"Isn't it here?"

Zhao Jue introduced Lin Yuan with grace.

Old Zhou was taken aback for a moment. He just saw Lin Yuan who was following Zhao Jue. However, looking at Lin Yuans appearance, he thought this was a certain artist Zhao Jue had newly brought, and he did not expect this student at all. The appearance of the little boy is the legendary envy.

Zhao Jue smiled happily.

She understands Lao Zhou's accident.

After signing Lin Yuan, he was full of confidence, because Lin Yuan not only has an enchanting voice, but also has a face that people can't help but admire. Such aptitude is naturally red.

is also because of this.

So before, even Zhao Jue never thought that Lin Yuan could have a very good composing talent, and even wrote a song like "Born as a Summer Flower". If it hadn't been for his throat to be destroyed, this would be a child who was loved by heaven.

And this moment.

It is not only Lao Zhous accident, but the members of the composing department are also stunned, looking at each other

This boy with the appearance of an idol artist is actually an envy?


Lao Zhous smile suddenly renewed, walking towards Lin Yuan enthusiastically, and extending his hand: "Welcome, welcome!"

Envy fish young?

For Lao Zhou, this is not only a bad thing, but a great thing, because the younger, the more talented this envy is!

He only needs to give Lin Yuan room to grow!

After Lin Yuans experience becomes more mature, he may be able to write a better song than "Life as a Summer Flower", so Lao Zhous mood, after being surprised by Lin Yuans youth, has become better!

"Thank you."

Lin Yuan shook hands with it.

Zhao Jue reminded him: "Lao Zhou, this kid's real name is Lin Yuan, and he is still a sophomore in the composition department of Qinzhou Art College, so he can't come to the company when he has classes. I want to I will tell you in advance, and in terms of treatment, I hope that Lin Yuan and the others in the composition department are the same."

"no problem."

Lao Zhouyi promised: "Our composition department is not a precedent for not signing school students. Moreover, the whole company knows that the composition department is the most loose department. There are several big fathers in the department that the company does not exceed five times in a year. What can you do with them? Isn't it just coaxing every day?"

Zhao Jue frowned: "Don't be rough in front of your children."

Lao Zhou laughed dumbly, and then nodded again and again, but his heart moved secretly.

This is the first time he has seen Zhao Jue maintain such a person in the company. It seems that Lin Yuan should be a baby bump in Zhao Jue's heart.


entered the composing department, if this kid can write a song of the level of "Born as Summer Flower", it can naturally be a baby bump covered by someone in my Zhou.

Don't underestimate Lao Zhou.

As the boss of the Astral Composing Department, Lao Zhou is still very prestigious. After all, the company's strongest song fathers are all working in this department.

Its just that these high-ranking Qu dads dont come to work at the company.

Don't ask, ask is to go out to find inspiration.

Anyway, as long as these song fathers can write good songs for the company to generate enough revenue every year, they are the bosses of the company, and they will not have any opinion on the fact that the song fathers do not go to work.

"That's OK."

Zhao Jue patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder and exhorted: "You will be a member of the composing department in the future. You can find me when you come to the company. If you need a car at the company, call me. I will pick you up when I have time. I will send someone to pick you up if I dont have time..."

"Are you Tuogu?"

Old Zhou smiled and said: "Okay, Xiao Zhao, I'm here with my brother Zhou, so don't worry about it!"

Zhao Jue: ""

Even if you call yourself "Brother Zhou", after all, you are older.

But as soon as the talents were delivered to you, I changed from "Sister Zhao" to "Little Zhao"?

is too real.

She turned her head, waved, and walked to the elevator.

Lin Yuan also waved to Zhao Jue, although Zhao Jue turned around and didn't see it.

Then, Lao Zhou signed several contracts with Lin Yuan.

After signing the contract, Lin Yuan has officially become a member of the composing department of Astral Entertainment!

"This is your seat."

Lao Zhou chose a window seat for Lin Yuan.

This is one of the best seats in the company, and you can see the scenery outside when you turn your head.

Seeing Lin Yuan just sit down like this, the other members of the composition department were suddenly ~ That was the position of Daddy Yang. "

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the wayward song fathers in the department don't come to work at the company, and they are vacant if they are empty, but we won't be able to sit in that position for a few years."


Immediately afterwards, Lin Yuan opened the schoolbag he was carrying to the company, took out a few books from the schoolbag and read it.

After all, he is about to take an exam.

A group of graduate students who have graduated from the composition department for many years have been peeking at Lin Yuan. When they saw the books Lin Yuan took out, they thought they had read it wrong, and some even rubbed their eyes like they could not believe it.

Because of Lin Yuan's three books: "Consolidation of the foundation of composition", "Theory and practical knowledge of composition", "Simple chord explanation".

"That one"


"Sophomore class..."

Lin Yuan didn't know that the people behind were staring at him. He was carefully reviewing the content that might be tested on the exam, and gently recited:

"Which note of the chord is in the highest part, and what melody position is this chord."

"The three melody positions of major and minor chords, namely the melody position of the root note, the melody position of the three notes, and the melody position of the five notes."

"In practice, no matter whether the chords are arranged densely or openly, part crossover is not allowed. The so-called part crossover means that the tenor is higher than the midrange, and the bass is higher than the tenor or high. Below the midrange."


Is this the envy fish who wrote "Life as a Summer Flower"?

Facing this strange style of painting, the atmosphere of the composition department suddenly became strange.

Then everyone suddenly had two completely different ambivalences, "inferiority" and "prudence".

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