Full-time Artist

Chapter 1: Grow like summer flowers

Chapter 1: Grow like summer flowers

Nine o'clock in the evening.

Madu Art Academy.

He held the back of his head with both hands, lying on the lawn next to the school playground and watching the stars

The starry sky above his head seemed to be the same as the earth, but even if he couldn't find the North Star, he knew that this was not the earth, but a parallel space-time called the Blue Star.

"Lin Yuan, Sophomore Composition Department, Modu Art Academy."

This is his new identity after crossing.

He inherited everything from the original owner, but he didn't remember what he was called in his previous life or the reason for his crossing.

Only remember that I was a painter in my previous life?

So he can take himself for granted:

"Lin Yuan".

scanned the memory of the original owner.

Lin Yuan unexpectedly discovered that the historical trajectory of this world is completely different from the previous life. History has taken a forked road from the Qin Dynasty. Fusu inherited the career of Yingzheng and led the Qin Iron Cavaliers to sweep the wasteland and Liuhe. Let the East dominate the world until it was replaced by the more powerful Xia Kingdom a hundred years ago.

Global unity.

disappeared from the war.

In this fertile land without war, art has become the common pursuit of Blue Stars. The cultural atmosphere here is extremely strong. Every field of art, such as film, music, painting, literature and calligraphy, has prospered like never before!

"Ideal country."

Lin Yuan described it this way.

Especially for literary and artistic practitioners.

No matter how a utopian ideal country, there will still be misfortunes, and such misfortunes happened to the original owner that Lin Yuan traveled through

He has a terminal illness.

Yes, it is a term that appears very frequently in TV dramas, and every time it appears, it is poured down with a pot of dog blood:

"terminally ill".

This is what Lin Yuan discovered in his memory after crossing the road. He actually inherited a short-lived body. The doctor sentenced the original owner to death long ago:

"This child will not live to be twenty-five years old."

This is a pain that the original owner cannot bear, so he chose to take sleeping pills to commit suicide. This is also the reason Lin Yuan can become the new owner of this body. The 19-year-old original owner gave up his few remaining lives-

Because of fear of death?

So choose to die?

Lin Yuanben also thought that this was the reason why the original owner chose to commit suicide. It was not until he read the original owners memory more deeply that he realized that things were more complicated than he thought:

The original owner is a single-parent family.

His father died of illness very early.

It was his mother alone who pulled him up.

The original owner has been frail and sick since he was a child. He often had a fever to a coma. In order to treat the illness, he was hospitalized for two days and the huge expenses were borne by his mother alone.

Some money is borrowed.

Some money is earned by my mother.

In order to raise him, his mother didnt know how much he suffered, let alone the original owner also had a sister, a younger sister

Sister and younger sister are very sensible.

Although because of the original owner, they have not had a good life.

In order to make money as soon as possible to subsidize the family, my sister gave up the opportunity to study graduate school.

In order to reduce the burden on the family, the younger sister also wears the old clothes worn by the older sister since she was young.

The last straw that crushed the camel was...

The original owner lost the qualification to chase his dream.

He was originally a student of the vocal music department, and he was born with a strong singing voice. His vocal qualifications are well-deserved first in his profession. His dream is to become a singer.

But when he was freshman, his illness had another attack. The direct consequence of this attack was:

The original owner can no longer sing.

His voice was burned out, and he could no longer carry continuous high-intensity vocal training, let alone his proud high pitch

Without any choice.

He switched to the composition department, which he was not so good at.

And in the sophomore year, he chose to commit suicide.

is not only hit by dreams, but also because he doesn't want to drag his family anymore. Once the countdown of life starts, every minute and every second is torment.

digested these memories.

Lin Yuan who came across can fully understand the decision of the original owner. He cannot stand on the moral high ground and accuse the original owner of being too weak.

can only say

Everyone has everyones misfortune, and some peoples misfortunes are more unbearable than ordinary people.

This is the same as the Buddha said, "All people are born with suffering".

But Lin Yuan would not choose to commit suicide.

Although the body he inherited is still a body that is difficult to live past twenty-five years old, there are at least a few years to toss... right?

Copy some songs.

Copy some books.

Carrying culture.

Make some money for the family.

Yes, it is already difficult for Lin Yuan to change his terminally ill fate, but in the little time left, he may be able to change the fate of his family.

This idea is very urgent.

Lin Yuan couldn't tell whether this was the will of the original owner or his own wish.

Perhaps what he inherited is not only the memory of the original owner, but also all the joys, sorrows, sorrows, and the mysterious blood.

Lin Yuan did not resist this feeling.

But when Lin Yuan tried to recall some of the literary works of his previous life, he was stunned to find that he could not remember anything, as if he had forgotten his previous life's name.

The past life is like a dream.

Wake up from the dream, there is nothing left.

What is the meaning of me coming through?

Lin Yuan asked inwardly.

Then a non-answered answer rang in his mind: [Blood testing...Genetic testing...Iris testing...The fit is 99.36%...Meet the standard...Database selection...Solar system earth The system is being bound


Lin Yuan understands.

Although the details of the memory are vague, he still has the impression of reading some systematically streamed web posts in his previous life, knowing that this is a golden finger, which is also the meaning of his journey.

Stop thinking about it.

He quietly waited for the installation of the system.

It didnt take long for the mechanical electric sound to sound in his mind again: [Loading successfully, the literary system binding is complete!

"Hello there."

Lin Yuan took the initiative to say hello.

[Hello, host, congratulations on your binding to the literary system. This system will do its best to help you become a Bluestar artist. You can communicate with the system through brain thinking. The host information will be displayed for you in text below.

The sound of the machine stopped.

Transparent subtitles appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

[Age: 19]

[Life: 22]

Painting: 45

[Literature: 105]

[Music: 1038]

[Comprehensive: 1188]

[Other: Waiting to open]

[Note: In addition to age and lifespan, the meaning of each classification value is prestige, that is, the external and industry recognition of the host himself in the field. In theory, there is no upper limit. The higher the prestige value, the higher the hosts gain The more benefits...]

Life is...... 22?

The system seems to know Lin Yuan's thoughts.

Another line of subtitles appeared: [Twenty-five years old is the theoretical maximum age that the host can live to. Considering the actual situation, the host can live up to 22 years old, and will be completely paralyzed at the age of 21.

"Can it be cured?"

Lin Yuan asked in his heart.

System: [When the host's reputation reaches the system's reputation standard, he will be treated by the system. After several rounds of treatment, he can reach the recovery level. Every time a certain reputation value is reached, the system will prompt the host...]

means that it can be cured.

Lin Yuan asked skillfully: "Where is the newbie gift pack?"

Maybe Lin Yuan is so proficient that the system can't keep up with Lin Yuan's rhythm. After a few seconds of silence, he responds: [The newbie gift package has been sent to the host backend warehouse.

"enter the warehouse."

As soon as Lin Yuans voice fell, he saw a virtual interface similar to a game backpack. In the first grid, there was a piece of audio with little memory

Song: "Born as Summer Flowers".

Newbie spree is just a song?

please delete the word "big", please?

Lin Yuan listened to the song once while complaining inwardly, but when the prelude sounded, he had already determined that this was the piece in his memory.


The moment he clicked on this song, the memory of this song in his previous life instantly rushed to his mind. Before that, he couldn't remember the tune and lyrics of this song.

Lin Yuan probably knows the number of the system.

The so-called prestige value mentioned above is probably something like releasing a song by yourself and getting enough recognition. When this recognition reaches a certain level, you can heal the disease by yourself without getting a box lunch early...

is really a perfunctory setting.

The system seems to be very dissatisfied with Lin Yuan's complaints, and added a setting in time: [The host can also get a lottery chance while gaining prestige, and the chance of winning is extremely high.


Lin Yuan's reaction was ~ He was thinking about the song.

His vocal cords have been broken. Although the vocal range of the song "Life as a Summer Flower" is not high, according to the doctor's advice, Lin Yuan should not sing.

But this is hard to beat Lin Yuan.

If you cant sing by yourself, you can sing to others.

As long as you can get prestige, although in principle, it is easier to be famous for singing people, but Lin Yuan does not like to be famous, and even hates being famous

He doesn't know why.

may be affected by a previous life?

Even though Lin Yuan couldn't remember the memory of his previous life, he could faintly feel that his previous life should have been quite powerful, and maybe he still had some achievements.

This song is also very interesting.

is at least suitable for the original owner.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan suddenly became a little curious: "System, I have traveled to this world, did my previous life disappear directly on the earth?"

System: [Life Exchange]

The system has figured out Lin Yuan's routines. This person has a very strong understanding ability and a very good receptive ability. He likes to be simple and straightforward. There is no need to explain too much, so he also started to speak concisely.

"Is life interchangeable?"

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed slightly, and then a soft smile appeared. The feeling of someone living on his behalf is actually not bad.

I'm single anyway.

Maybe many things are unclear, but Lin Yuan can roughly outline the vague outline of those memories in the past life.

is not good, not bad.

In fact, no matter how bad life is, its better than the countdown of life. I wish you a stranger can also have a system, instead of being born like summer flowers again

At least, we still exist.

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