Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Chapter 335: Go north

Chapter 335: Go north

Latest website: Tunghai University.

In the girl's dormitory, Lin Chuhan hung up the phone, and someone's proud face emerged in her mind, and a little smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

At the same time, a glimmer of joy flashed in her eyes, and her sister's problem could finally be solved.

Originally, she still wanted to wait for her own strength before going to find a way. However, she did not expect that Wang Teng had already found it in one step.

Although she owed someone's favor again, it was a good thing in the end, she resolved it early, and she could resume normal life early in the early summer.

For a little girl, it is too cruel to live alone in the dark.

"Chu Han, call your little boyfriend, and smile so happily." Lin Chuhan's two roommates squeezed over, said Moo.

"What, don't make any noise." Lin Chuhan suddenly Xia Fei's cheeks, and quickly put away the phone, showing an expression that nothing happened.

"Oh, we didn't talk nonsense. Just look at the expression on your face, and you almost wrote the word" love "on your face." Xu Wantong quipped.

"It's so sad, people haven't even gotten Wang Teng's WeChat, and he has been wiped away by you." Tian Xiaotian, another roommate, said in a sorrowful manner, saying heartbreakingly.

"Go and go, what to eat and dry, Tian Xiaoxiao you rot girl." Lin Chuhan felt a bit numb.

"Hahaha, Chu Han, you finally admit that she is a rot girl." Xu Wantong laughed.

"Huh! They are not rotten women." Tian Xiaoxiao snorted softly.

"By the way, Chu Han, is Huang Teng Huang Wang to attend the martial arts competition?" Xu Wantong asked curiously.

"It's him." Lin Chuhan nodded.

"It's really him, it's really surprising." Xu Wantong said.

"Little brother Wang Teng is so good that he just went to the martial arts competition as a freshman." Tian Xiaoxiao said in surprise.

"That guy seems to have become a lot stronger." Lin Chuhan said with emotion.

"Let's go to Xiadu to watch the game." Xu Wantong's eyes flashed suddenly.

"I'm afraid most people can't get the tickets for the National No. 1 Budo Competition." Lin Chuhan said with a hesitation, but hesitated.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard that 50,000 yuan has been fired outside." Tian Xiao laughed.

"It's okay, I can do it." Xu Wantong patted his chest.

"Really, that's great." Tian Xiaoxiao jumped up and said happily.

"How is that? Tickets are so expensive." Lin Chuhan hesitated.

"What's wrong, good sisters are still concerned about this, not to mention that they are taken internally, in fact, they don't spend any money at all, and it is also a waste to put it on." Xu Wantong waved his hand indifferently, and then said: "It is just OK to go How many days will my family play? "

"Come on, Chu Han, don't you want to see Wang Teng's brother's game on the spot?" Tian Xiaoxiao vigorously encouraged.

Lin Chuhan was eventually moved. Besides, she also understood that since she was a friend, some things could not be so clear. The blind calculation of gains and losses would only alienate the relationship.

So the three women decided to go to Xiadu to watch the nation's first martial arts competition.


Wang Teng didn't know Lin Chuhan's decision. This situation actually happened to many people. Everyone wanted to go to the Xiadu site to watch the game. Even some well-informed ordinary people heard the wind.

After all, the martial arts competition is not much worse than the previous Olympic Games. It is a national grand occasion.

There is a saying well.

If you are strong, you are strong!

The National No. 1 Martial Arts Competition is a competition for younger generations of martial arts. The country is organizing this competition to stimulate young martial arts' enthusiasm and promote healthy competition.

Only competition can keep strong.

The younger generation of warriors is the future of humanity!

After Wang Teng hung up the phone and looked at the text message, it turned out that there was a remittance message. He shook his head with a smile and continued to cultivate.

The next morning, early in the morning.

Wang Teng and several other senior juniors and seniors met at the playground, waiting for the dean and others to arrive. This martial arts competition will be led by them.

Yesterday, Wang Teng also took the time to get to know the top ten senior sisters and sisters. He had previously seen their names because of challenges, but later he went to the other world and didn't remember.

Of the ten seniors and sisters, the top three are the ones that need the most attention. They are the strongest, namely the first Han Zhu, the second senior, Du Yu, and the third Wan Baiqiu.

The strengths of these three are among the top students in universities and colleges. They have rich practical experience and are not comparable to ordinary martial arts.

"Several seniors and sisters came very early." Wang Teng greeted him from a distance, walking closer.

Ten senior students present looked at Wang Teng coming, with different looks. Yesterday, Wang Teng showed the strength, and now they all feel a little unreal.

Too good people always make people feel out of place, and they have a hard time integrating them into their circles.

But for some people, they don't care.

"Early!" Han Zhu laughed.

Du Yu and Wan Baiqiu both nodded at him.

"Don't they come yet?" Wang Tengdong asked, looking westward.

"Should come soon." Wan Baiqiu said.

"I know, these big guys just like to be late." Wang Teng shook his head.


Listening to Wang Teng's unscrupulous spit, Han Zhu coughed suddenly. Rao was that they had been in school for four years. The awe of the dean was still deep-rooted, and they never dared to say that they were not.

Wan Baiqiu, the school sister, couldn't help but look at Wang Teng more, her face was strange.

The courage of this student is not so big!

"Your boy is brave, dare to arrange us behind." Suddenly, a rough voice came.

Before Wang Teng turned his head, he immediately changed into a smiley face, and then turned back and said, "Do nt you say it, a good student who respects me like a teacher, how can you arrange the dean? You must be listening. wrong."

"Hehe." Tong Hu looked at him with a smile.

Several other deans shook their heads and smiled, and did not intend to pursue the matter ~ ~ has everyone arrived? Peng Yuanshan asked at this moment.

"It's all here," Han Zhu said.

"Well, then get in the car and start." Peng Yuanshan nodded and stepped onto the bus parked next to him.

The crowd followed.

The bus left the school and headed straight for the airport. Then everyone boarded a special plane to Xiadu.

This treatment is also no one.

Now even on the side of Earth Star, there are some extremely dangerous birds in the sky. If an aircraft is attacked, the consequences will be disastrous.

As a result, these aircraft are now specially modified, not only equipped with defensive shields, but also guarded by warriors, and will not easily cause accidents.

But because of this, the cost of flying by ordinary people is getting higher and higher, and most people can only use land transportation.

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