Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Chapter 325: Mother Earth Star is taking time for us bitter children

Chapter 325: Mother Earth Star is taking time for us bitter children

Latest URL: There are too many attribute bubbles. Wang Teng is a bit dizzy, and more ... can't pick it up!

Nima can't pick it up!

Do you dare to think?

This is the first time he has encountered such a huge number of attribute bubbles. Even before in the Xingwu Museum, Huang Haijun School, and even Yangcheng College, he did not encounter so many attribute bubbles at one time.

One can imagine how many attribute bubbles are waiting for him at this moment.

It's desperate to think about it, because there are too many attribute bubbles in him ... accidentally disappeared!

This is too cruel!

Obviously in front of me, but sometimes it's just a second or two before it's gone, and it disappears as if it's never appeared in this world.

The empty place where there was air bubbles now seems like a face without any expression, laughing at him relentlessly ...

You ca nt find it, you ca nt find it, you just ca nt find it ~

Slightly (tuck my tongue out) ~

Wang Teng can only continue to speed up the picking speed, and try to pick up those attribute bubbles that are larger and darker.

According to the urinary nature of the system, the larger the head of the bubble, the greater the number of them, and the darker the color, the higher the level of the contents.

Wang Teng's dedication to picking up his mind and mental powers reached the extreme, and there was no blind spot scanning in the audience.

I picked everything up and talked about it, and then I took it back slowly.

The battle below soon ended, with the arrival of reinforcements and the addition of a battlefield meat grinder, the situation was almost one-sided, and the dark species soon died.

Looking around, Yangcheng is stricken with scars everywhere.

The victory of the war should have been celebrated, but there was no cheering, all in a heavy, sad atmosphere.

Too many people died, more than 60% of Yangcheng warriors died in this war!

Many warriors were exhausted and scarred, kneeling on the battlefield and crying ...

With the end of the war, the old and young women who were hiding in the sanctuary walked out at this moment, looking at the homeland that was almost ruined, with an incredible expression on their faces. Tears did not feel that they were soaking in the eyes and running down the cheeks.

The blood on the ground, the corpses everywhere, stabbed their eyes, and they went crazy to find their loved ones.

The lucky one is still alive.

The unfortunate can only cry while holding the bodies of relatives and friends!

Suddenly, the sound of wailing and wailing echoed.

Although the war was won, loved ones will never come back. How sad!

Wang Teng stood above the city wall.

He was surrounded by Yang Wang, Shen Tuxiong, and Yan Taixuan. They looked at this scene without any change in their looks, but if they looked closely, they could see the unremovable fluctuations in their eyes.

Obviously, even as a warrior-level strongman who has experienced more than one such fierce war, he is accustomed to life and death and cannot remain indifferent.

Life, be in awe!

Wang Teng is deeply touched. Is this war? The warriors are facing such things, always facing danger and death.

Not only for themselves, but also for the parents, wives and children behind them!

Zoom in, for this whole race!

Perhaps at this moment, Wang Teng only realized something contained in the two characters.

The warrior is not only a powerful existence, but also the hardest guardian shield and the sharpest spear of the entire race.

As long as this shield is not broken, as long as this spear has not been broken, then our entire race can live and work in peace!

Strong, warrior!

Looking at Wang Teng who was a little lost, Hu Taixuan asked gently:

"What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, what would happen if Earth Star also had such a large-scale invasion of darkness?" Wang Teng said.

He thought a lot. Since there was a dark invasion on the Xingwu continent, there is no reason that the earth star will not appear. It is associated with a large number of earth warriors stationed in the alien world all year round, and the Xingwu continent chose to live peacefully with the earth star. A large part of the reason is to resist the dark species together.

"Not yet," said Xu Taixuan.

"It's only temporary." Naturally, Wang Teng heard the meaning of Yan Taixuan and asked, "How much time do we have?"

Yan Taixuan couldn't help but look at Wang Teng in surprise. He didn't expect him to think of the idea so quickly, hesitated and said, "Between two and three years."

She paused and said:

"At that time, the situation of Earth Star may be worse than that of Xingwu Continent. After all, the time for us to make changes is too short. It is not as profound as Xingwu Continent!"

"Time is so tight!" Wang Teng took a deep breath, and suddenly felt wrapped in a chill, and clenched his fists: "Why is this?"

Hu Taixuan fell into hesitation again.

At this time, Xiao Nanfeng on the side actually said, "Tell him, since he has already seen such a scene, and his strength is not low, it will not be long before he will be exposed to these things. Tell him earlier to make him a little mentally prepared. It's good. "

Xu Taixuan's eyes flickered slightly, and Xiao Nanfeng glanced.

"Look at what I do. If it weren't for the family of Earth Star, you thought I would remind you of this." Xiao Nanfeng couldn't hang on his face, and turned his head with a cold hum.

Xu Taixuan poked his lips and organized his language, saying to Wang Teng: "Because of space cracks, according to our research, more and more space cracks have appeared on earth stars in recent years. But now these space cracks only connect the Xingwu continent side, and for some reason, the Xingwu continent side cannot reach the earth star through the space cracks. "

"That s why the dark race cannot indirectly invade our world through the Xingwu continent. However, once the number of space cracks on the earth star reaches a certain level, the space of our earth star will become extremely fragile, and the dark species will surely take advantage of it. In. "

Wang Teng's face was slightly condensed, his heart was heavy, and he asked, "Why can't the people of the Xingwu continent reach the earth star through the cracks in space? This problem has always troubled me."

"Some people say, that's ... exclusion from the will of the world!" Wu Taixuan hesitated again, slowly.

"Exclusion from the will of the world!" Wang Teng was a little surprised.

This idea came up in his heart once, but it was ridiculous to think about it. At this moment, I heard such an expression from the mouth of Yan Taixuan. Wang Teng really did not know what to do?

"Are you sure you are not kidding me?" He asked. UU Reading Book www.

"This is a point put forward by numerous experts and professors who study space theory. You ask me who I should ask?" Yan Taixuan rolled her eyes and could not breathe.

"Well, what the experts and professors said is not unreasonable." Wang Teng shrugged and said half-jokingly: "So, this is Mother Earth Star trying to get time for our bitter children!"

Yantai Xuan paused for a moment, and said with a complex look: "It's true to say so!"

Wang Teng asked, "In other words, have those experts and professors found the cause of the space cracks?"

"The world collided!" Yan Taixuan spit out four words, explaining: "More than thirty years ago, one side of the world collided with the earth star and wanted to merge with the earth star. This side of the world is the Xingwu continent. , Which has also created a change in our planet, and the martial arts era has come. "

"Collision, fusion!" Wang Teng finally knew the cause and effect today, and the few three views left finally broke down completely.

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