Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Chapter 210: Inexplicable hostility

Chapter 210: Inexplicable hostility

While waiting for the dwarven warriors to gather, Wang Teng released the little crow from his backpack and fed some meat sticks to it.

The dwarf Nia looked curiously for a while, and couldn't help asking, "This is your spiritual pet?"

"Yes." Wang Teng nodded.

"How do you want to raise a crow?" Nia frowned.

In the eyes of many people, crows are ominous, so few people generally raise crows as spiritual pets. This is especially true of some ancient tribes on the Xingwu continent, and Niya is incomprehensible.

"I don't have so many taboos, and it is a descendant of high-level star beasts, and has great training potential." Wang Tengsui explained.

"High-order Star Beast!" Nia was shocked at once, and the cub of Star Beast was rare, let alone a descendant of High-order Star Beast.

"You are so lucky."

At this moment she completely put aside her prejudices, leaving only envy in her heart.

When Lin Zhan and others saw Niya take the initiative to talk, they also joined the chat, and learned a lot of useful information from her mouth.

It is learned from Niya's mouth that she is a guardian of the Red Leaf Dwarf Tribe, with a 2-star warrior-level strength, and is usually responsible for guarding the tribal security.

There are not many warriors in the entire dwarf tribe, only seven or eight, and their strength is comparable to her, all are 2-star warriors.

Otherwise, they will not seek outside military help in the form of tasks.

In addition, she heard that the dwarf warrior accompanying her to hunt down the blast mantis this time, including herself, could only draw about four people.

The rest must remain in the tribe in case of accidents.


Before long, three dwarf warriors came over from a distance.

They are unusually stout, with tomahawks and warhammers as weapons, and with battle shields behind them, they look like a humanoid tank.

Looking at their image, Wang Teng couldn't help but think of the warriors of the Giant clan that he had seen before.

In addition to the huge differences in height, it seems that they are really similar in some ways.

However, there are other extremes of the dwarven people, that is, as petite as Niya, and the giant people seem to be extraordinarily strong.

Of course, all the giants are more than two meters, so you can't be petite if you want to be petite!

Just before approaching, one of the dwarves said with a loud voice, "Nia, are they the Terran Warriors who are here to help us clean up the Wind Mantis?"

"Wack!" Nia turned her head and nodded. "Yes, they are the warriors from the human race."

"Can they do it? The Wind Mantis is difficult to deal with, and everyone else is fine. This guy doesn't seem to be very strong except he looks better." Wake pointed at Wang Teng without hesitation.

"..." Wang Teng.

Suddenly I feel like I'm lying down!

Am I handsome and hinder you?

Nia frowned and gave him a stern glance. "You're too much. Is this your attitude towards the guests?"

Wack was glared at her, and her momentum suddenly weakened, but she still mumbled, "It was just looking weak!"

"Shut up!" Nia scolded.

Seeing her anger, Wack closed her mouth reluctantly.

"Sorry, this guy Wack doesn't know what's going crazy today, don't take it to heart." Nia said apologetically to Wang Teng.

Lin Zhan and others looked a little bad, and wanted to have an attack, but saw Wang Teng shook his head at them, then said calmly, "Forget it."

Lin Zhan didn't say much, but his attitude was cold. He said, "Don't talk nonsense. Since everyone is here, hurry up."

Seeing that the atmosphere was suddenly stiff, Nia glanced at Wack fiercely, and then led everyone toward the farmland where the wind-mantis flooded.

"In the past, there were only a few occasional Blast Mantises, and our tribe could solve it by ourselves, but this year I don't know why there are so many." Lu Nia still dutifully introduced to everyone.

"There is also a 3-star-level King of the Wind Mantis. One of our tribe warriors almost died, but fortunately was rescued by other people."

"The Wind Praying Mantis are wind-like star beasts. They are very fast. Their forelimbs are sickle-shaped, sharp and abnormal, with a row of hard sawtooths, and a hook at the end. Be careful to catch them when fighting ...

After Lin Zhan and others heard Niya's introduction, they looked a little dignified.

Wang Teng also secretly wrote down the characteristics of the Wind Mantis.

The farmland completely occupied by the Wind Mantis was still some distance from the dwarf's residential area. Several warriors ran at normal speed and walked for more than ten minutes.

At this moment, they were standing on the edge of a desolate farmland. There were overgrown weeds in the farmland, almost half of them were tall, and they were all green at a glance.

"The Wind Mantis is green all over, and it's hard to find hidden in the grass, everyone is careful." Niya reminded.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Wang Teng pointed to a certain place in the grass and said, "There is one there."

The crowd was startled and immediately looked in the direction of his fingers.

Sure enough, when I looked carefully, I saw a narrow and long wind mantis sticking between the blades of grass. It was about a foot long, and the whole body was emerald green, which was similar to the blades of grass next to it.

Everyone was very surprised by Wang Teng's eyesight.

The dwarf Wacker was a little surprised, but still hummed with a disdain, and muttered, "I have better eyesight."

Nia kicked him and asked Wang Teng, "Can you find any other Wind Mantis?"

"At six o'clock, there is another one at about eight meters, and the third one is at eight o'clock, ten meters away ..." Wang Teng opened the eyes of spirit vision, pointed out several nearby wind praying mantis one by one, and finally "I can only see these for the time being, too far to see."

In fact, with the eyes of spirit vision, he completely took a look at the surrounding wind mantis, but he didn't want to show too much, so he had some reservations.

And the King of the Wind Mantis didn't know where to hide, he didn't see it.

"Resolve these blast mantis first." Lin Zhandao.

"Liu Yan, you stay out of the cover, the others deal with each one, I choose the one at eight o'clock, you are free."

After speaking, Bento rushed into the grass first.

A few dwarves apparently did not expect Lin Zhan to be so popular, and gave a little stupefaction.

Liu Yan and Yan Jinming brothers and sisters have long been accustomed to his style of behavior. Although somewhat helpless, they immediately acted.

Liu Yanjia Crane Gun ~ ~ Aiming around Lin Zhan.

Yan Jinming siblings chose a Gale praying mantis nearby and culled them.

Apparently Niya's dwarves were not far behind, and they each chose one and slid into the grass.

The Blast Mantis didn't know what had happened, and various attacks followed.

However, the speed and response ability of the blast mantis are indeed very strong. When the wings spread, they flew at a height of three or four meters. They felt like a blast of wind in midair, and then they appeared in front of a few people in the forest battle. The forelimbs were severely cut off from their heads.

"Get off!" Lin Zhan was the first to face the sickle arm that was cut off above his head. He was really frightened.

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