Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Chapter 196: This little thing looks so chic!

Chapter 196: This little thing looks so chic!

Sending off Taixuan, Wang Teng stood in the living room and looked around in a mess, shaking his head.

What a crazy woman!

Actually directly in the house.

Fortunately, it was only the living room. If the entire dormitory was destroyed, he would not even have a place to sleep tonight.

"Let the school fix it tomorrow."

Wang Teng didn't bother about these either, he turned to the several attribute bubbles floating on the ground.

These attribute bubbles are exactly when Xuan Taixuan dropped his hands.

Just now Xuan Taixuan didn't leave, Wang Teng didn't dare to act lightly. There are enough things to be exposed today. She can't know the golden finger that picks up attributes.

Yan Taixuan is a warrior in the ranks after all, and Wang Teng has no knowledge of the means of a warrior in the ranks.

Although she may not want to break her head or think of gold fingers, Wang Teng is still reluctant to let anyone see any clues.

At this point, Xu Taixuan had left, and Wang Teng had no scruples.

The mental energy is swept away.

Pick it up!

[Wind Force * 20]

[Gold Force * 18]

[Belly black * 10]



When he saw the content of the last attribute bubble, Wang Teng was aggressive.

Belly black properties?

How could there be such an attribute?

What kind of belly black is Xuan Taixuan, will the black belly attribute overflow, and ... system, aren't you really kidding?

Having said that, it was just a brief fight. She actually dropped so many Force Attributes. Is she really a warrior-level warrior?

A warrior-level warrior alone will definitely drop a lot of attributes.

Unfortunately, the strength is not enough, it will only be killed!

I missed "Fear of the Unknown" twice.

Wang Teng quickly threw this dangerous idea of death to Jiu Xiaoyun.

"By the way, my crow egg, I don't know if the fight just happened, it must be okay." Wang Teng suddenly remembered this, quickly picked up the backpack on the sofa, and took out the crow egg. Look carefully.

"It's so good, it's good. Fortunately, it didn't break."

Wang Teng looked at the crow eggs carefully, and exhaled fortunately.

Then he went into the bedroom, set up the crow eggs, opened the incubator, which was also brought back, and continued to hatch.

Take the clothes and wash them in the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, Wang Teng wiped her hair and walked out, drying her hair. When she was ready to rest, she took another look at the crow eggs on the incubator next to the bed.

A crack suddenly came into his eyes.

I rub!

Broken ... broken!

Wang Teng's eyes widened and he rushed to look up.

A crack really appeared!

It is also quite conspicuous, spreading from the left to the right, spanning almost a third of the length.

"Ka ... Ka ..."

Suddenly a slight crisp sound came.

Another crack emerged slowly under Wang Teng's eyelids.


The sound this time was much louder than before, and then dozens of smaller cracks burst sharply around the crack.

"Is this ... incubating ?!" Wang Teng was suddenly surprised, a little surprised.

It hadn't been moving before. Just moved it back to the dormitory today, and it was going to hatch.

Pure coincidence?

But it s always a good thing, after waiting so long, we are finally going to hatch!

Wang Teng's eyes stared at the crow's eggs without blinking. Over time, he saw more and more cracks on them.

But the little guy inside just couldn't come out.

He simply sat cross-legged on the ground and stared straight at his chin.

Time passed little by little, and after more than two hours, the crow egg suddenly shook, and an eggshell fell down.

As soon as Wang Teng's eyes lighted up, he immediately came to a spirit.

The little things inside are pushing upwards, and the shells of the crow eggs are falling one after another.


A ugly head came out suddenly.

Wang Teng: "..."

I drip mom! This little thing looks so chic!

The little crow in front of him only had his head exposed, but his body was still in the eggshell. Looking at Wang Teng, he made a tender call.

Wang Teng didn't help it, and let the little crow toss himself, but it took a long time to get out of the eggshell.

It must be said that the offspring of the Star Beast are indeed very different from ordinary animals, and the little crow in front of them is actually not small.

It's almost the size of an adult hen, and even grows feathers on its body.


The little crow lay on the ground, making a tweet, and limped toward Wang Teng.

"This little thing is black and fat, dumbfounded, it's really impossible to see the greatness of the giant crow at the beginning." Wang Teng held it up, one man and one crow, big eyes and small eyes.


"Don't call me, I don't understand your crow." Wang Teng said helplessly.



The little crow kept calling, and Wang Teng had a headache: "Is it hungry? But I don't know what you eat."

"By the way, ask Lu Yanqing, I don't know if she fell asleep so late?"

Wang Teng quickly picked up her mobile phone and contacted the lady in the pet shop.

"Are you there?"

The news passed, and Lu Minqing came back five minutes later.

"Yes, I just went to take a shower. Is there anything wrong?"

Wang Teng: "My crow egg hatched, but I don't know what it can eat? O ( ) o"

By the way, I took a photo of a little crow and posted it.

"It hatched, congratulations!"

"It's really big!"

"I have found relevant information before, you can try to feed it with the flesh of the strange animal."

Lu Yiqing was obviously also the first time to see a crow at the star beast level, and was very surprised, sending three text messages in a row.

Wang Teng thought for a while. It seemed that there was no strange animal meat on his body, but there was a large piece of snake meat of star beast level.

"Is Starbeast Flesh OK?"

"Yes, the Star Beast flesh is more effective than the other Beast Flesh. Your little crow is the offspring of the Star Beast and should be able to withstand the energy of the Star Beast."

"ok, I know, thank you!"

"You're welcome. Take the little crow to the store and show it to me when you have time."

"no problem."

Wang Teng ended his conversation with Lu Yiqing and took the flesh of the snake-like star-beast that was killed at noon from the space ring.


When he smelled the flesh and blood of the star beast, the little crow roared frantically and threw himself on the ground ~ ~ I want to pounce on the star beast's flesh.

"Surely hungry, don't worry! Don't worry! I'll give you something right away." Wang Teng cut a small piece of star-beast flesh with his sword and handed it to the mouth of the little crow.

The speed of the little crow was astonishing. His neck stretched forward, and the flesh and blood of the star beast in Wang Teng's hand went into his mouth. When he saw a stalk on his neck, he swallowed it.


After eating a piece of meat, the little crow's eyes were still staring at the flesh and blood of Wang Teng's right hand, and continued to call at him.

"Hey, still a foodie!"

"Forget it, I was going to bring back what I ate, now it's cheaper for you." Wang Teng shook his head and smiled, and continued to cut off the flesh and blood of the beast to feed it.

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