Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Chapter 188: Receive school tasks

Chapter 188: Receive school tasks

logistics department.

School logistics building.

On Saturday, Wang Teng came to the logistics building while he was free.

The first floor of the logistics building is mainly responsible for some trivial matters within the school, such as the last time to pick up the uniform, or check credits, ask questions, etc.

The second floor is the exchange office. The school adopts a credit exchange system. Credits can be used to exchange various resources, including elixir, weapons, and so on.

The third floor is where the task is received.

Wang Teng's purpose today is to receive tasks.

It has long been heard that the Budo Academy has a mission mechanism, and usually only has the opportunity to leave the campus after receiving the mission.

For Wang Teng, not being able to leave the campus is really troublesome.

So just after a week of class, he planned to come to this task receiving place.

And you can earn credits for doing tasks, and his strength has been able to support him to complete tasks within 3 stars.

He went straight to the third floor and walked out of the elevator. The front door was directly opposite the front desk, where school staff stood by.

Behind the front desk are rows of self-service machines that stand tall like bank tellers.

At this time, most of the machines are operated by students.

The staff at the front desk took a look at Wang Teng and stopped paying attention. Some students recognized Wang Teng, but were slightly surprised, and they were relieved.

Other freshmen may not be able to claim the mission, but Wang Teng's strength is definitely more than enough.

Wang Teng ignored the eyes of everyone. These days, various eyes have made him accustomed to killing anyone anyway.

He walked to an unmanned self-service machine.

These self-service machines are nothing more than fool-like operations at a glance.

Follow the instructions above to remove the student card and insert it into the card slot.

"Drop, student card!"

Several windows appear on the screen.

Military mission, police station mission, moat commission mission, alien mission, school mission ...


Wang Teng thought about it and clicked in one casually.

Moat Agency tasks:

Task description: Assist the staff of the moat department to detect abnormalities in Yanshui Village, suspected of the presence of advanced snakes, with strong attack power and toxicity.

Condition: 1 Star Warrior

Reward: 5 credits.


Most of the missions of the moat are about alien beasts and stars, monitoring the Quartet, and preventing any existence that threatens humanity.

Police station tasks:

Task description: Sneak down to a star-wood warrior-level warrior in the East China Sea. The criminal is good at swordsmanship, has five lives and is extremely cruel.

Condition: Minimum 1 star warrior peak.

Reward: 15 credits.

Task description: Assist the moat department to protect the daughter of the chairman of the Longhai Group. Commercial vicious competition is known. Three overseas warriors are known to sneak into the East China Sea.

Condition: 2 Star Warrior.

Reward: 20


School tasks:

Task description: Head to Chunhua Mountain to pick ten Phantasmal Fireweeds. This elixir has psychedelic effects and is often guarded by high-level beasts.

Condition: 1 Star Warrior

Credits: 10


Wang Teng looked at each window, and had a variety of tasks for students to choose from.

These tasks come from various official organizations. They also have a lot of warriors. Maybe they are not manpowered or they can't do it for other reasons. This is why they are entrusted to the student warriors of various schools in the form of tasks.

Of course, it is not without the intention of training college martial arts.

After all, if the warriors trained in the school do not experience actual combat, they will most likely not be able to adapt after they come out.

Just like in previous lives, many people liken the school to an ivory tower. Students who just leave school are like a blank piece of paper. They do nt understand anything. People with low experience are speechless.

Warriors are not the same as ordinary students.

No one will give them on-the-job training. Ordinary students have made mistakes and can correct them, but once the soldiers make mistakes, they may lose their lives.

The consequences are too serious.

In addition, the difficulty of the mission is also high or low, but the minimum requirements are all 1-star warrior-level warriors.

Wang Teng secretly froze and entered the university, and it turned out that the circle was different. Any military task could only be done by a warrior.

But even before entering the university, it was hard to see even a warrior.

It must be said that ordinary people are indeed far away from the warrior world, and what they know is only superficial.

The warrior world that ordinary people think is actually not the true warrior world.

From these tasks, it is not difficult to see that the reason why ordinary people can live in peace is precisely because a large number of warriors deal with various dangers in unknown places.


There are also some things to note on the machine.

For example, the task can be received by one person or in a team, but once the task is accepted, the task-related content cannot be disclosed to other unrelated people.

For another example, if you think you ca nt complete the task, you are halfway through, or the task fails due to various reasons, the corresponding credit will be deducted according to the punishment mechanism.


After spending half an hour researching, Wang Teng had decided in his heart.

He is ready to take a short-term task during the weekend, not only can he leave school, but also can adjust the task flow in advance.

Wang Teng chose a school mission and went to Chunhua Mountain to pick the magic grass.

Chunhua Mountain is only two hours away from the East China Sea. Once a day, one day is enough.

As for the psychedelic effect of the magic grass, or guarding the strange beast, Wang Teng didn't take it too seriously, with his strength enough to cope with it.

Wang Teng took the task, went out of the logistics building, watched the time, and then went to the Budo Club.

The Martial Arts Agency had informed him of past reports two days ago.

Today is the appointed time.

When he arrived at the Budosha building, he went straight up to the fifth floor, walked to a conference room, and pushed in.

It was full of people, and when they heard the door open, they looked around.

"Wang Teng, you are the last one!" Zhuang He sitting on the top smiled slightly.

"Sorry, I lost my way to the Budo Club for the first time."

"..." Everyone was silent.

Fool you!

"Well, Wang Teng, you take your seat first. Since everyone is here, I will briefly say a few words." Zhuang Hedao.

Wang Teng nodded and took his seat.

Zhuanghe said: "The president and several deputy presidents are out on a mission and will not be able to come back for a while. Face, be considered to know. "

After everyone knew each other, he introduced the responsibilities and benefits of the martial arts society, which is exactly the same as what Chen Su and Yang Lin said before.

"That's it for today, Yang Lin, you take a few students and students to visit our Budo Club building." Zhuang He said and looked at Wang Teng again.

"Brother Wang Teng, you stay, let's talk a few words."

The newcomers could not help but take a look at Wang Teng, and then they were taken by Yang Lin to visit the Budoshe building.

Wang Teng sat on the seat, surrounded by seniors and sisters. He looked at him with smiles, a dozen pairs of eyes, and saw him scalp.

"Seniors and sisters, although I joined the Budo Club, I do not sell myself."

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