Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Chapter 170: 5 graduate school

Chapter 170: 5 graduate school

Wang Teng returned to the dormitory, put things away, and then checked the school's official website to check the situation of the five branches.

Huang Haijun's official website can only be connected to the school's internal network.

The official website has detailed introductions to the branch and the mentors of each school.

Wang Teng browsed the past carefully, and gradually got a relatively intuitive understanding of the situation of the five branches.

The War College is mainly to cultivate students' fighting ability. The warriors coming out of the college have the strongest strength and are the main combat force on the battlefield.

So call it War College!

Students at the College of War face more dangers, and their mortality rate ranks first among the five colleges.

If you choose War College, you need to be prepared for death.

Not only Huang Haijun School, but also other schools.

This is the norm, and what the War Academy cultivates is the War Machine.

The command academy trains tactical commanding talents.

A battle cannot be without a commander. They are brains. Without a brain command, all soldiers would be like a piece of scattered sand, fighting on their own.

Forging college, as its name implies, is to train forging talents.

The forging technique on the earth side came from the outside world, and after its own fusion and development, it now has the current look.

Some of the unique features of blacksmithing are not even reachable by technology.

Even if it is a hot weapon such as a force gun, the lower level may be better, but the higher the level, the higher the material requirements, and only the forgemaker can build it.

In the warrior era, warriors could not do without a variety of weapons and possessed weapons suitable for themselves in order to give full play to their strength.

Because of the above reasons, forging is becoming more and more important, so a sub-vocational college such as the forging college was born.

Danding College trains Dandao talents, mainly teaching students alchemy.

For warriors, elixir is a very important resource. Whether it is healing or practicing, it needs to be used.

The efficacy of high-level healing sedatives can even kill human bones and bones, which is unmatched by modern medicine.

The importance of Danding College is naturally self-evident.

Finally there is a Rune Academy.

Rune literature is an extremely advanced science, covering a wide range of contents, covering a wide range, and has been applied in all aspects.

Forging, alchemy, formation, etc. all require the knowledge of runes.

Even students who are not Rune Academy are required to learn some rune knowledge in case they are needed.

Of course, in fact, the disciplines of each college have overlaps, which is the same as that of ordinary colleges. For example, majors in science and engineering, basically need to study high numbers, physics, because these foundations are used in various professional fields. Subject knowledge.

Rune literature is similar to this in the martial arts profession.

However, runes are very advanced. Without deep learning, it is difficult to achieve success, so it is necessary to set up a special college.

The above is the main information of the five branches.

I heard that there are some schools, as well as Lingshu College, Planting College, and so on.

However, these colleges are not big categories, and Huang Haijun School did not separate them into categories.

Of course, if students want to study, it is also possible. Huang Haijun School also has similar elective courses, students can study as interest.

In the final analysis, everything in the Warrior Academy is for the warrior. This era belongs to the warrior after all.

In addition, there are information about the mentors of various colleges, such as the realm of strength, the weapon field that they are good at, and so on.

After Wang Teng watched it, he had a certain amount of information in his heart. Of course, he still had to look at him tomorrow to make a final decision.

After all, everyone has a different temperament. In case the tutor and the student have difficulty getting along, even if the tutor is strong and teaches well, it is useless.

"But can all five colleges be chosen?"

Wang Teng seemed to think of something and couldn't help but whisper to his chin and whispered to himself.

Anyway, they are all picking attributes, where they are not!

It's a bit exciting to think about all five colleges in one go!

At this time, the doorbell rang.

"Who's here?"

Wang Teng got up and walked towards the door.

"Forget it, let's see what's happening tomorrow." He shook his mind behind him and opened the door.

Hou Pingliang and his roommates were standing outside the door.

"Wow, Tengge, your environment is too good, too." Hou Pingliang probed his head with a probe and yelled.

"I've heard that Room 1 is more upscale, and now it looks like it." Lu Shu nodded.

"Only the bully and cowardly characters like Tengge can live in such dormitories as soon as they enter school." Song Shuhang said cheaply.

"That's it, this kind of house is based on your family, but it's not like never lived." Wang Teng rolled his eyes and let them into the house.

"That's different. This is a school. Our new students all live in a quadruple room. You not only live alone, but you also live in such a small villa. You can't do without envy!"

"Then you continue to be envious." Wang Teng hehe said.

"..." Four of Hou Pingliang.

Trouble the old iron!

A few people chatted and went to the cafeteria for dinner.

At this time it was more than five o'clock. There were already many people in the cafeteria, and it was still increasing.

There are not only old students but also new students.

Some veterans went directly to the second floor, where the spiritual food prepared by the spiritual chef was paid and credits were required.

"Our student ID does not know when it will be issued? With a student ID, credits can be used in school, but I heard that freshmen have only a few basic credits. It is best to use them in some places where they are needed. They must not be used for food. Of course, I can't afford it, "Hou Pingliang explained to the students who went up to the second floor.

Several people had a meal and sat around a table, eating with relish.

Although it is not a spiritual food, it must be said that the food in the cafeteria is really delicious, and it is basically no different from the restaurant outside.

"Then those late students are still running on the playground."

Several students passed by their desks, one of them smiling and speaking to his companion.

"Deserve it, anyway ~ ~ It's better to arrive sooner, just have to show a sense of existence." Another disdain.

"Hehe, they probably haven't turned their minds yet, thinking that they are like the treasures of a teacher like high school. They can't fight or scold. Huang Hai is a top university. The students in it are better than one, so let's say These new students, just pick one, who wasn't a treasure yet? "

"Well, when I entered the Yellow Sea, I realized that there is someone outside the heavens, so I said that Wang Teng, the No. 1 champion in the East China Sea martial arts test, was very popular and was awarded a title as soon as the school started."

"But he is also in big trouble. I think many people are eyeing that rank. Not only are the new students, but the old students will also be able to take action."


They did not see Wang Teng, and said they were out of the cafeteria.

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