From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 438: Democracy?

Chapter 438: Democracy?

Mo Yuhan walked straight towards Tang Li before squatting in front of her. "Lili...'' He patted her cheek gently, his fingers trembled at the sight of her pale face. 

She slowly opened her eyes, ''A-Are you fine...? I-'' Her head nodded off to the side before she could finish her words. 

Mo Yuhan's gaze darkened. 

''Yuhan, we are just....''


The man shot his uncle's leg without looking back at him. 

''Deal with them...''

Mo Yuhan, who was about to carry Tang Li paused his movements as he tilted his head to look at Tang Yichen who was walking towards him followed by the core members of Elite team, ''I'll take her to hospital. Deal with them first.''

His expressions were frigid without a hint of his usual humor in his eyes as he picked Tang Li in his arms and Mo Yuhan let him. Just as Tang Yichen turned around, he paused and glanced at the couple from above his shoulder, ''If anything happens to her, I will kill everyone around you,'' He expressionlessly said before he walked into the backseat of his car, leaving the elites there, "To the hospital,'' He commanded the driver. 

Mo Yuhan turned around. 

Mo Liang's eyes filled with dread the moment their eyes met. A few things escaped his meticulous planning but there was nothing to be afraid of. He thought.

Mo Yuhan raised his hand wordlessly aiming the gun at him. 

Mo Liang took a step back as a chill crawled down his spine. 

''Mo Yuhan, how do you think will you answer your father? T-Think before acting rashly...We just had a misunderstanding...nothing else,'' Mo Yi came to her husband's rescue. 

''President Mo, you can't do this. We are living in a democratic country,'' a man stepped down from a black sedan that pulled up beside them.

Mo Liang's eyes lit up. The police commissioner. His old friend. Luckily, he had this backup plan. He smirked in victory-


A bullet pierced straight through his forehead without giving him the chance to realize that his nephew was much more ruthless than he thought. 

Mo Yi froze all over, seeing her husband's cold body that laid there lifelessly. 

''This is my democracy,'' Calm and unfazed, Mo Yuhan turned around and walked towards his car while his men captured Mo Yi. 

The police commissioner was left there looking at his friend's corpse, goosebumps rose on his body at the realization that death was just beside him. That the man could have ended his life at that moment.


At Mo Global Hospital.

Mo Jia sat on the bed, holding Tang Li's palm, ''How are you feeling now?"

"Much better...'' Tang Li's voice came out hoarse. 

''The test result will be out in some time.''

Tang Li blinked as Tang Yichen walked inside the room before walking to the other side of the bed as he sat there, stroking her head. 

''W-Where is Yuhan?" 

''Have some water,'' Tang Yichen passed her the glass of water as soon as he heard her hoarse voice. 

''Where is he?" She pushed the water to the side slowly as she leaned back on the headboard properly, her brows tugged together. 

''He is fine. Nothing has happened to him. Take the water first...''

''I am not drinking it. Why is he not here then?" 

''He will be here... He is dealing with his Uncle.''

''Uncle?" Mo Jia frowned as she glanced at him questioningly. 

''I'll tell you later,'' Tang Yichen shook his head pointing his chin at Tang Li. 

''Kara, drink some water first. You can't go on like this.''

Tang Li grabbed the glass of water from his hand before taking a few sips to soothe her parched throat. She handed it back to Tang Yichen who sighed in relief. 


''Yes, Princess?" 

''Is he really alright?" Her lips trembled while tears filled her eyes, ''I heard some sounds when w-we were talking and the call suddenly disconnected...''

''Shhh...'' Tang Yichen pulled her into his arms, "Calm down. There was an assassination attempt but don't you know your man? It is not a trifle to take him down. He is completely fine and was there to save you at right moment. You had fainted at that time so you don't remember.''

Tang Li leaned back on the bed, ''I do. I remember him coming there. But I thought it was dream.''

Tang Yichen chuckled as he wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, "When did you become such a crybaby?'' He paused, "But don't worry... He will be here as soon as he is done there...''

Tang Li smiled as she nodded, relieved that everything was fine. He was alright. 


She tilted her head to look at Mo Zihan who was standing at the door, panting hard. 

Mo Jia stood up as she walked towards her twin brother, ''Weren't you in S City? What are you doing here...?"

"I was here to meet you all before going on a business trip,'' The man loosened his tie, "But I could not find any of you and heard about this from your bodyguard...What happened?" He walked towards Tang Li. 

Tang Li sighed, ''Long story...but I am fine.''

Mo Zihan sat beside her scanning her properly. 

Mo Jia walked towards Tang Yichen as she grabbed his hand, "You come out with me....''

Tang Yichen stood up, his imaginary foxtail rotating faster than helicopter blades, "This is hospital, Jia. We can't just get started anywhere. But since you are calling me with so much love, I can not bring myself to say no,'' He whispered. 

Mo Jia frowned, "What are you talking about? I am confused about everything. I want the details. So, I am asking you to come to my office for a proper discussion.''

Mo Zihan who had his ear perked up at their conversation, sniggered. 

Tang Yichen shot him a glare. Why were these Mo Brothers so annoying? He walked out with his wife. To her office, huh? A proper discussion then a proper position on the desk. 

Unaware of a certain fox's metilculous planning and deep intentions, Mo Jia innocently dragged the man to her office room. 

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