Forced to Sell Myself to the Female Lead After Killing the Male Lead

Chapter 68 - 68

Chapter 68: Chapter 68

After discarding some inexplicable thoughts from her mind,

Yumo once again focused on Mengxi's chest.

Of course,

This time it wasn't about looking at her assets but inspecting the wound.

Upon seeing the injury clearly, Yumo's crimson eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Reflected in her gaze,

A deep gash oozed with blood, stretching from the girl's right shoulder to her left waist.

The wound was extremely ghastly and shocking.

Obviously, this was caused by Elbino's skill. He had clearly intended to slice the protagonist's body in half with one stroke, but fortunately, Mengxi had adjusted her position just in time to avoid being split into two.

Actually, even if Mengxi hadn't dodged, Yumo would have intervened when it reached that point.


'That guy, the position of the cut was... acceptable...'

If it had deviated slightly downward, the protagonist's right breast might have been sliced in half as well. Although it was grazed somewhat, overall, the damage wasn't too severe.


It's time to start the treatment.

With this in mind, Yumo slowly raised her hand, and waves of crimson Shadow energy surged toward the spatial ring on the girl's index finger.

As the spatial ring was activated, a series of light blue spatial energy fluctuations rippled outward,

In The next moment,

An exquisite amethyst glass bottle emerged from the rippling spatial fluctuations and landed in Yumo's hand.

The jade-green liquid inside the glass bottle was the most miraculous healing elixir on the Ancita Continent, 'Tears of Nature,

An exclusive treasure of the Elf race never shared with outsiders.

As for why such an elixir appeared in Yumo's hands, even with dozens of bottles?

She had to thank Sebastian and the Black Rose Family behind him,

These 'Tears of Nature' were all gifts that Seba had brought to Yumo last time. It was said that Xiao (the head of the Black Rose Family) had received them from the Elf Chief when asking to 'borrow' shape-shifting magic from the Elves.

Whenever she thought of this,

Yumo couldn't help but sigh at the Elves' 'generosity' and the deep 'friendship' between the Black Rose Family and the Elves.

'Such kind-hearted long-eared creatures. I should pay them a visit sometime~'

After sighing briefly, Yumo poured the jade-green liquid from the bottle onto her left palm,

Feeling the intense life force and a rich sense of purification emanating from the jade-green liquid,

Yumo couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile.

With this "Tears of Nature," she should be able to successfully heal the protagonist's wound and dispel the curse's energy within it, right?


It was said that wounds treated with this elixir wouldn't leave scars, hopefully, that's true. After all, with the protagonist's flawless body, a scar like that would ruin the aesthetics.

Yumo couldn't help but pray in her heart.

"I'm sorry, Mengxi, pardon me for my rudeness."

Gazing at the sleeping beauty's stunning face, with her eyes tightly closed, Yumo spoke with a hint of apology.

After all, the protagonist, who was currently in a Sleeping Beauty state, emanated a sacred aura that should not be violated. Taking advantage of her unconsciousness and touching her delicate body, especially in such sensitive areas, naturally filled Yumo with a sense of guilt.

To a certain crown prince in the Snow Night Empire~

I'm not trying to cuckold you~

I just want to save your future wife~

Besides, I'm a girl now, so you don't have to worry too much. I won't steal your wife...


While grumbling in her heart, Yumo's hand, which carried the 'Tears of Nature,' slowly made contact with Mengxi's wound. At that instant, the sleeping Mengxi involuntarily shivered, and a trace of pain appeared on her exquisite face,

Making Yumo reveal a slightly distressed gaze,

"Relax, it won't hurt anymore in a little while."

With that,

Yumo's hand slowly moved down from the collarbone to the chest, and then to the waist, applying the jade-green healing elixir to the entire ghastly scar. Her heartbeat inevitably accelerated when touching some softness.

As the 'Tears of Nature' made contact with the wound,

A series of jade-green gentle lights began to ripple gently,

Under Yumo's slightly surprised gaze, as the healing power and purifying power spread, the blood on Mengxi's wound ceased to flow, and the curse's power crumbled. The entire wound began to heal slowly at a visible speed. The pain on Mengxi's face gradually faded,

And the silver-haired girl returned to her peaceful state.

Seeing this, Yumo couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile after being slightly astonished,


'As expected of the 'Tears of Nature,' the best healing elixir on the continent, truly living up to its reputation! It healed her so quickly?! Excellent~'

Looking at the almost pristine skin, Yumo couldn't help but marvel once again at the miraculous elven medicine, which also strengthened Yumo's determination to visit the Elves someday.

'Ummm, this wound has been healed, what about the others...'

With that thought,

Yumo's gaze slowly shifted to the protagonist's other wounds, looking at the ghastly bloodstains on her arms and thighs. Yumo slightly pursed her lips, and a playful glint emerged in her crimson eyes.

These wounds?

Should she heal them as well?

It's just a touch, after all.

After all, who wouldn't want to wipe - ahem! - who wouldn't want to avoid leaving scars on such perfect skin?

Besides, there's still a lot of this 'Tears of Nature' left~

Definitely enough! Even if it runs out, given the 'good' relationship between the Black Rose family and the Elves, it wouldn't be a problem to get more next time, Hehe~

Without a doubt, the little devil in Yumo's heart was wildly shouting into a megaphone beside her ear,


After another round of hesitation, Yumo ultimately decided to shake her head and abandon the idea,

'Never mind, it feels a bit creepy.'

She's a young lady, after all; better respect her body.


Healing the largest wound should be enough. Otherwise, when the protagonist wakes up and finds her body unharmed, she'll find it strange, wait? Won't she find it strange if the wound on her chest is gone? Should I make another cut??

Yes, a gentle cut is needed.

The experience of surviving a life-threatening battle is invaluable to the protagonist. To preserve that sense of authenticity, Yumo made a hand-knife gesture, and waves of crimson Shadow energy slowly spread around her, attaching to her hand-knife.

She must control her strength,

A gentle swipe would suffice,

Apologies, Miss Mengxi, I need to give you another...huh??


Just as Yumo was about to act, an earth-shattering energy clash erupted from the battlefield between Limu and the Apostle of Heaven outside the Galros Fortress! Subsequently, within Yumo's perception range, a white meteor suddenly streaked across the sky, rapidly approaching Yumo's location!


The next moment,

After quickly dressing Mengxi,

Yumo looked behind her,

Under her slightly astonished gaze, a white-haired woman with a strong smell of blood and hostility all over her body suddenly descended from the sky, landing heavily on the ruins ahead, raising a cloud of dust! As the dust cleared, the woman's azure eyes locked onto Yumo,

And upon seeing the crimson glow on Yumo's hand-knife, killing intent burst out like a volcanic eruption from the white-haired woman's eyes! The woman abruptly raised her black sword, the tip pointed directly at Yumo's forehead!

"What are you trying to do to the Saintess!!!"

Yumo:" ..."


another chapter after 10m

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