Forced to Sell Myself to the Female Lead After Killing the Male Lead

Chapter 46 - 46

Chapter 46: Chapter 46

On the plains surrounding the Galros Fortress,

Dozens of Asumos Church knights, along with the slaves they had just rescued, desperately drove their horses toward the fortress! Fear was evident on the faces of every knight, shivering under the oppressive power of the vast shadow forces! Even the beautiful face beneath Mingxi's mask was tinged with a trace of emotion.

No one had anticipated the sudden emergence of such a massive horde of abyssal demons outside the seemingly calm forest.

Under normal circumstances,

The gradual gathering of abyssal demons by their instincts could be detected, allowing for early preparation.

However, the rapid accumulation of so many abyssal demons in such a short time raised suspicions that they were being commanded by some higher power.

"Could it be a Demon Lord?"

Of course,

Right now, the Asumos Church knights had no time to contemplate why such a large number of abyssal demons had emerged from the forest.

What they were pondering was how to escape the grasp of the demon horde and how to stop this many abyssal demons!

For that reason, Mingxi chose to head for Galros Fortress. Among the nearby fortresses, only the colossal Galros Fortress had sufficient troops and defensive capabilities to temporarily withstand the horde of abyssal demons.

Only then would they have time to call for reinforcements and exterminate these demons.


As the number of abyssal demons behind them continued to grow, even Mingxi herself began to doubt the feasibility of this plan, questioning whether Galros Fortress could withstand the onslaught of the demon horde! After all, among the demons pursuing them, there were already quite a few terrifying sixth-rank peak existences...

As her peripheral vision took in the black wave of demons behind her,

Mingxi couldn't help but gasp,

And at the same time,

Her light purple eyes were filled with gravity, and a hint of doubt sprouted in her heart,

'These abyssal demons, why...'

she wasn't sure if it was her own illusion,

But she had the feeling that these abyssal demons,

Seemed to??

Be deliberately keeping a distance from them?!

What the hell?!


However, not everyone being chased by the abyssal demons was so terrified. Sitting atop a warhorse, protected by Mingxi in front, a certain pink-haired girl felt no fear whatsoever.

No matter how horrifying the abyssal demons were chasing her,

In the eyes of the pink-haired girl, also known as Yumo, they were no different from children playing tag,

Compared to unfounded fears,

Yumo's heart now felt a mix of complexity and curiosity,

Thoughtfully patting the sturdy back of the black horse beneath her,

'So this is a Redfoot Warhorse? My first time riding one, the feeling is not bad...'

Yumo muttered to herself in her heart,

Spirit beasts were creatures that could be tamed by humans, while those that couldn't be tamed were called magical beasts or lower-ranked wild beasts.

Among human armies, the most common spirit beasts were the Black Gryphons and the Redfoot Warhorses,

The Redfoot Warhorse's combat prowess was not strong, and one could even say it was weak, but it had impressive stamina and running speed.

The fourth-rank warhorses, with their astonishing speed, could easily surpass most fifth-rank monsters.

especially when combined with acceleration magic. Even a peak fifth-rank abyssal demon would have a hard time catching up, making these steeds beloved by many knights.

'Hmmm, it does run quite fast. It's not easy to catch up with ordinary abyssal demons who aren't speed-oriented...'

Yumo glanced at the numerous dark figures following her from behind, and for once, she gave her warhorse a nod of approval.

Then, Yumo's gaze turned toward the distant horizon.

'As for that... It must be the Galros Fortress, right?'

At this moment, an imposing and massive military fortress stood proudly on the snowy plains at the edge of the seemingly endless border wall.

To prevent abyssal demon invasions, the Snowy Night Empire had built a magnificent wall along the border and established numerous military fortresses atop the wall, housing countless troops.

Abyssal demons had an innate proclivity for attacking densely populated areas.

By stationing so many people inside the fortresses, the defense capabilities were greatly enhanced, effectively attracting nearby abyssal demons to attack.

Even if some demons weren't attracted, the patrolling guards near the ordinary walls had enough power to eliminate them.

With this defense strategy, the city of Linfeng had defended the border of the Snowy Night Empire for centuries.

Of course, this method was suitable for dealing with mindless, ordinary abyssal demons.

If a demon king were to strike, it could easily let a horde of abyssal demons infiltrate from the weak points in the defense, bypassing the fortresses altogether.

It would be even more useless than a certain defensive line during World War II...

Strictly speaking, Yumo was somewhat disappointed with such a defense strategy.

But, today, she intended to let the abyssal demon horde naively attack the defensive line.

According to Sebastian, the city of Linfeng was currently on high alert.

Almost all the regular human forces had been deployed to various fortresses.

If they attacked now, they should be able to get a good grasp of humanity's current combat capabilities.

Having not faced the abyssal demon army for centuries, how much fighting strength was left in the human regular forces?

Yumo was quite curious about this.

She needed to understand the combat capabilities of the human regular forces to better plan the scale of future abyssal demon army attacks.

So, after some hesitation, Yumo silently approved of Li Mo's initiative.

Of course, she would still teach that bratty girl a lesson once she returned...

Just as Yumo was pondering all of this, another male knight carrying two slaves rode his warhorse right next to Mengxi. Although still wearing a shocked expression, a glimmer of hope had emerged in his eyes:

"Lady Mengxi! I have successfully sent the distress signal to Lord Bai Yanluo!"


Hearing this news, the silver-haired girl finally felt a sense of relief.

"At last..."

"What do we do now?"

"First, let's enter the Galros Fortress and use its defense system to hold off the abyssal demon horde. Once Bai Yanluo and the reinforcements from Linfeng City arrive, we should be able to resolve this crisis..."

Looking back at the vast abyssal demon horde chasing them from behind, Mengxi's words seemed to lack some of her usual confidence.

Within such a vast number of abyssal demons, nobody could be certain just how many high-level demons were hidden...

"Anyway, use all the acceleration support scrolls! Let's head to the Galros Fortress first!"

Meng Xi hastily ordered the surrounding knights.


Before the young girl's words could fade, an overwhelming sense of danger abruptly surged into her mind, causing Meng Xi's pupils to constrict! She stared in disbelief at what lay ahead!


What's that?! No good!

"Quick, dodge!"

"Huh? What?!"

The male knight looked at his squad leader, puzzled.


Before Meng Xi could explain, a scorching fireball fell from the sky, striking the dumbfounded male knight without deviation!


With a thunderous roar,

The flames exploded, and the searing magical energy spread violently!

In a split second,

The knights who had barely escaped from the abyssal demons' clutches, along with the two slaves they were carrying, were suddenly buried under the fireball. They were reduced to charred corpses and then trampled into fragments by the pursuing abyssal demons...


Several knights were affected by the explosion of the fireball and were thrown off their warhorses.

They were then torn to pieces by the charging abyssal demons amid their shrill screams...

Seeing this scene, Meng Xi clenched her teeth in anger and looked up at the sky,

'This fireball... is that....military magic?!'

At that moment,

Countless crimson fireballs and pink energy beams were pouring down from the sky like a torrential downpour, venting their furious energy toward the ground, the abyssal demons, and themselves!

In an instant, numerous brilliant red blossoms exploded within the dark tide of abyssal demons. The scorching heat dissipated the bitter coldness of the plains! While severely injuring many abyssal demons, it also added insult to injury for the Asumos knights!

They faced fireball bombardments in the front and abyssal demon pursuit from the back!

The source of these attacks, undoubtedly, came from the Galros Fortress ahead!

Looking at the Galros Fortress defenders, who had already initiated the magic array, Meng Xi's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Without question, the other party had abandoned their initial pact. They dared to bombard them along with the abyssal demon horde?!

"Krimde, you bastard..."

As soon as she finished speaking,

Another massive fireball hurtled toward Meng Xi.

Seeing the red flames expanding rapidly in her eyes, Meng Xi instantly held the pink-haired girl in her arms and whispered softly in her ear:

"Hold on tight..."

Pink-haired girl: Huh?

The next moment,

A dazzling silver-white light suddenly radiated around the young girl, transforming into an endless force focused on Meng Xi's legs! Just as the fireball was about to hit them, Meng Xi, holding the pink-haired girl, leaped to the side!

Narrowly avoiding the bombardment of the fireball,

Meng Xi's crimson warhorse and the fifth-tier abyssal demon behind them were instantly swallowed by the scorching flames...

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