Forced to Sell Myself to the Female Lead After Killing the Male Lead

Chapter 44 - 44

Chapter 44: Chapter 44

A few minutes earlier,

On the Ice fang Mountains, located on the eastern outskirts of the Winter Forest,

Yumo wanted to have an icy drink, so, in order to make her mother happy, Limo excitedly headed to the Icefang Mountains! She used her powerful fists to punch several huge holes in the mountain and excavated about a ton of ice ore.

Limo proudly displayed a smile, her large tail swaying back and forth behind her, showcasing her joy.

As long as she brought this ice ore back,

Her mother could have a cold drink anytime!

Thinking of her mother stroking her head and praising her, Limo felt even happier and couldn't wait to carry the one-ton ice ore back to their small wooden house.

"Hehehe~~, Mother will be so happy~"

Imagining Yumo patting her head and praising her, the young wolf girl couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.


It must be said,

The somewhat naive Limo had overlooked a crucial issue - the Winter Forest was cold all year round, so what was missing were the tools to make drinks, not these 'ice cubes'!


With her head already filled with fantasies, Limo wouldn't notice these crucial issues for the time being.


Although she didn't notice these crucial issues, Limo inadvertently spotted the periphery of the Winter Forest as she prepared to jump off the cliff! With her Demon King senses, she could see the peripheral scenery clearly even from tens of thousands of miles away. Not to mention, the Icefang Mountains weren't far from the plains...

Upon seeing the scene on the periphery,

The young wolf girl's eyes suddenly narrowed, and a deep breath escaped her lips.

At that moment, Limo immediately abandoned the ice ore, tightly clenched her fists, and couldn't help but bite through her lips with her sharp teeth. Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, falling onto her new clothes.

'That... That is??...'

At that moment,

Within Limo's view, a frail pink-haired little girl was shivering as she sat on the snowy ground, and beside her stood a valiant silver-haired female knight – a knight of the Church.

Yumo's disguise as a little girl was seamless,

Indeed, it was hard for most people to see through it.


The Demon King-level Abyssal Demons who possessed Yumo's power and were connected to her lineage could instantly recognize Yumo's identity! Of course, Limo couldn't figure out why her mother had disguised herself as a little girl and appeared on the outskirts of the Winter Forest.


What she could see clearly was Yumo trembling as she sat on the ground, with an Asumos knight standing in front of her!

The people of the Asumos Church had always hated Abyssal Demons, wishing nothing more than to eradicate the Demon Palace! And now, such people had appeared in front of her mother?!

"These damned people!! What were they thinking?!"

'Could it be? They want to hurt Mother?!! Or take Mother away?!'



At this thought,

A terrifying murderous light burst forth from Li Mo's crimson eyes! Her eyes locked onto the knights in the distance,

"You, church dogs..."

The red Shadow Force uncontrollably spilled out from the young girl's body, her crimson eyes becoming more ferocious, sharp fangs growing from her mouth, overwhelming rage taking over Li Mo's rational mind, as bloodlust and cold killing intent constantly poured out from the young wolf girl, spreading like a virus to everything around her.

"You're asking for death!!"

With Li Mo's angry roar,

In an instant,

All the demons within the range of the Icefang Mountains, under the influence of Li Mo's emotions, became increasingly violent.

Countless terrifying crimson eyes suddenly looked towards the south, where the knights of the Asumos Church were.

As a demon king, Li Mo,

Also had the power to control demons,

Countless demons, at this moment, charged towards the south...


Time returned to the present,

The galloping of innumerable behemoths caused the earth to tremble incessantly! The deafening roar shook the earth, accompanied by the horrifying Shadow Force filled with murderous intent, sweeping out from within the forest like a cruel, devouring storm, howling towards the Asumos Church knights!

The black mist, carrying the breath of death,

Under the horrified gazes of the crowd, burst out from the deathly quiet Winter Forest! And behind the black mist were countless ferocious beasts! The huge demons, together with their terrifying numbers, turned into surging black waves, waves capable of bringing death to all living beings!

At the moment they burst out of the forest, the demons let out a deafening roar, countless crimson eyes immediately locked onto the Asumos Church knights, causing them to shudder, like helpless rabbits being targeted by hungry beasts, shivering in fear.

The black mist corroded the earth,

And in an instant,

Corroded away their will to fight and courage...

"How... how can this be?!"

The forest had been quiet before, hadn't it?!

Why?! Why did so many demons suddenly appear?!!

Faced with the imposing demon horde and the suffocating pressure, Galona stood dumbfounded in place, her face overtaken by sheer panic, just like the other knights around her.

For them, who had struggled against a single demon,

Faced with the charge of tens of thousands of demons, the unprecedented pressure activated their most primal fears, leaving only one thought in their minds - run! If they didn't escape now, they would undoubtedly be torn to pieces by the demons, becoming their food.

Disregarding the retrieval of the corpses of their dead comrades,

Galona let out a hysterical roar,

"Retreat! To Galros Fortress! Hurry!!"

"Leave the carriages and belongings behind! Don't bother retrieving the corpses! Run!!"

"Forget everything! Just f***ing retreat!!!"



Under Galona's incessant shouts, the knights who had fallen into a stupor quickly turned around, their faces full of terror as they mounted their warhorses and rushed towards the Galros Fortress! The once majestic 'Light of the Sun' squad had now been reduced to a disorganized mess, fleeing in disgrace.


Standing in the front,

Dreaming of facing the demon horde charge, Meng Xi was not as flustered as the others but was still terrified deep down.

Due to the influence of her 'holy Spirit Power,' the demons in front had already locked their murderous gazes onto her.

Unparalleled pressure suddenly weighed heavily on Meng Xi's heart.


After taking a deep breath, Meng Xi forcibly stabilized her uneasy heart.

She knew well that the more she faced a crisis, the more she needed to remain calm! Panic and terror would undoubtedly kill her!

Casting a glance at the pink-haired girl who had been 'scared' to a standstill, Meng Xi no longer hesitated, her light purple eyes filled with determination,

"I'm sorry."

After whispering these two words, Meng Xi immediately held the pink-haired girl in a princess carry, causing the latter to shiver, an inexplicable rosy glow appearing on her small face...

Then, the magnificent silver-white holy power exploded from Meng Xi's body, pouring directly into the ring on the girl's right index finger! With the infusion of power, the magic stored in the ring was suddenly activated,

A high-level acceleration array appeared beneath Meng Xi's feet,

Under the array's blessing,

Meng Xi, holding the pink-haired girl, instantly transformed into a silver-white beam of light, speeding towards the fortress! Suddenly widening the distance between her and the demons!


The demons under Li Mo's control, upon seeing the pink-haired girl escaping, became even more furious, unleashing earth-shattering, furious roars!

On the other hand,

Yumo, being held in Meng Xi's arms, glanced at the roaring demon horde and the towering Icefang Mountains in the distance,

Subsequently, Yumo clenched her teeth and fists,

A surge of anger began to spread within her heart...

'Li Mo!!! You, stinky girl, messing around again! Is your butt itching?!'

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