Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 229 Don’t call my wife

Chapter 229 Don't call my wife

The photo that the assistant brought was still on the floor. Wang Lu stared at it in a daze. He couldn't help his body trembling in fear, and he couldn't help his hands forming into tight fists.

He remembered that he had done what he could just for the man in the photo was dead. If the man in the photograph turned out to be him now, could that mean that all his efforts were in vain?

"G-get that photo away from me. Now!"

Wang Lu's voice started to stammer, but when he shouted his order at the assistant, his voice roared in the room, surprising him.

"Y-yes, Mr. Wang Lu."

The assistant quickly picked up the photo from the floor and had put it inside the folder. He then gave his boss another bow as he exited his office, closing the door so he could leave him alone.

Wang Lu stood up from his seat. He then walked to and fro in his office as he frustratingly bit his lip, feeling uneasy with what he had heard from his assistant.

'If he is now stalking Yan Mei, could that mean that his life is in danger again?'

Wang Lu stopped in his tracks. His hands at the sides turned into tight fists as he remembered how Yan Mei was years ago.



"Feng Mei."

Wang Lu finally found her, but it was as if she was a completely different person.

When they had removed the cable ties that tied both of her wrists and ankles, they proceeded to remove the blindfold.

The moment they did, Wang Lu saw her lifeless eyes. He scanned her body and noticed the bruises on her.

Wang Lu's eyebrows furrowed. When he was about to reach out to her, Feng Mei reacted by fear.

"Go away! Stay back! Go away!"

She quickly crawled to the edge of the wall, embracing both of her knees. Tears uncontrollably started falling from her eyes, immediately staining her cheeks as it continuously flowed.

Wang Lu's heart broke when he saw Feng Mei act this way. It was as if she was a kitten beaten to death, fearing everything that may touch her.

Wang Lu then knelt as he extended his hands to carry her. But the moment Feng Mei was in his arms, she fought with all her might as she kept hitting his back, flailing both of his arms and legs for her release.

"Don't touch me, don't touch me... Don't touch me!!!!"


Remembering that even from the past, made Wang Lu's eyes water. He put his hand on his mouth as if to stifle his cry. He knew that he is at work, and he knew that people might come to visit his office at any moment.

But with the psycho coming into vision once more, how could he feel at ease?

It was difficult for them to get Yan Mei back at her feet. She was even addicted to drugs back then and had been having episodal attacks of the abuse during her kidnap.

With him returning now, if what his assistant had said turned out to be correct, then it could mean that Yan Mei may have another set of triggers again!

Wang Lu gritted his teeth. He started feeling uneasy again as he walked in his office back and forth, contemplating whether he should talk to her or not.

He looked at the time and noticed that it was already 8 in the evening and that he was still in the office. Probably at this time, Yan Mei could still be working if she wanted to since the launch of her company would be coming soon.

With that in thought, Wang Lu heaved another sigh. He then walked towards his window that overlooked the other buildings and the night view. He got his phone from his pocket, then opened his contacts to see Yan Mei's number.

'I have to warn her. I have to tell her and warn her at least,' Wang Lu thought to herself, clicking on her number to make a call.

The ringing of the call made him grow anxious by the second. He started tapping his feet uncontrollably, and when the ring had finally stopped, it was an indication that his call connected.

"F-Feng Mei."

Wang Lu immediately said her name. His heart started racing because it had been a long time since he talked with Yan Mei. With her answering the call, he would have to tell her what he knows once and for all.

"He's back. I wanted to tell you that he's back. I want you to know that your life may be in danger and that he may be stalking you again! Feng Mei, you have to believe me. You have--"

"I know. You don't need to call my wife. And you don't have to watch over her."


With his statement being interrupted and without even having the chance to reply, the call immediately ended. Wang Lu was stunned when he heard another man's voice on the other end of the conversation.

Wang Lu blinked his eyes a few times in disbelief. Wang Lu looked at his call log to see if he made sure that he called Yan Mei, and he was right!

He knew that he could never have the wrong number, so could this mean that it was another person who answered him instead?

Is Yan Mei with another man?

Wang Lu's eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't need to call his wife, and I don't need to watch over her?"

Wang Lu mumbled to himself, the word "wife" running in his thoughts over and over again.

"Feng Mei... doesn't need to know?"

Wang Lu furrowed his brows. He now felt confused as ever. With the pieces of evidence of the psycho still lurking in their lives and with another man answering his call, now Wang Lu wasn't sure of how to feel.

Anger, worry, or jealousy?

Or maybe everything at the same time.

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